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  1. Brian

    Baby, get me some tampons

    "Never trust anything that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die." Wise words from wise men!
  2. Brian

    my fellow crazy weightlifters

    I took a physical agility test for this fire department once and they had rigged their own prop for the 'Ceiling Breech and Pull' station. They had sandbags rigged to a pulley system to where you achieved resistance when you were both pushing and pulling with the pike pole. Not sure how they did...
  3. Brian

    Could not resist to share ...

    Seconded! The soundtracks are also one of my favorite musical genres. Yes, I have an entire genre category in my head for Cowboy Bebop music. I've seen every episode probably ten times or more, but every time I watch they still have the same impact and emotional pull that they did ten years...
  4. Brian


    Your English is poor, your posts are disjointed, and I have only a vague grasp on what ideas or events you are trying to communicate. Please tell me you are dyslexic or speaking English as a second language so that you have an excuse. What I did gather is that you asked a guy out, who you met...
  5. Brian

    Baby, get me some tampons

    For the same reason I don't like discussing your period. It's just... No. Please no. Just drop subtle hints that it's "there" when it is, and we can leave it at that. I don't need the details. Please, oh god, please.
  6. Brian

    Baby can you get me some coke?

    Is it entirely one sided? I ask my girlfriend to get me things now and then, or quite frequently ask her to stop and get me a coffee if she's coming to visit. I also tend to decide on almost all our dates, and if we're having dinner and I want something specific that she makes, I ask her for...
  7. Brian

    How do you feel on a rainy day?

    If I have to work in it: Thoroughly moistened. Like the glue on a freshly-licked envelope. If I don't have to work in it: Cozy and introspective.
  8. Brian

    odd dreams/nightmares?

    It's very unusual for me to remember my dreams for more than a few minutes. It almost never happens unless they are unbearably sad, and I haven't had one of those in a while. I had one though the other night that was interesting. In the dream, I was here at work when we were called to a house...
  9. Brian

    Why am I holding back?

    You would do better to simply change those things than to try and talk to her about it, I think. It would be a huge surprise. I had this problem too. You have to it. Unless you're dating royalty or a militant feminist, she usually doesn't want to be treated like an antique vase. You...
  10. Brian

    Why Be Nice?

    It's important to distinguish between being courteous, kind, or well-mannered and being a wishy-washy doormat. People generally associate 'nice' with being the latter. My partner and I at work (actually, my entire shift at work) conduct ourselves in a very kind, courteous, honest manner, and...
  11. Brian

    What do you Gain by Smoking?

    Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema, Congestive Heart Failure, cancer... Sorry but cigarettes are a public health epidemic. Even through private insurance plans, everybody else ends up footing the bill for smokers as they age and get sick. Not to mention it's a hazard to me when so many people around...
  12. Brian

    A life without the want for success

    Cattle will die Kinsmen will die I myself must die too someday All are mortal men, but fair fame will never fade For the man who wins it... -Tyr, Land I don't think you can so easily break down the problems of the world to the progressive left or conservative right...because they're both part...
  13. Brian


    That just blew my mind.
  14. Brian


    Things You Didn't Know About the Human Circulatory System When It Isn't Working Properly -If you're hooked up to an EKG machine and you have a flat line, no amount of electricity will bring you back from it, no matter how loud the TV doctor shouts 'Clear'. -Layperson CPR is going to a...
  15. Brian


    Drunks are total piles and a detriment to everybody around them. They deserve only scorn. 'nuff said.
  16. Brian

    Religion vs Love

    Hey, don't appologize and don't feel bad. You feel bad because you haven't felt this before and you're a little embarassed. It happened to me too the first couple of times I was rejected. but there's no real reason to. It's not like news of the event is going to spread and ruin your...
  17. Brian

    a place you call home

    ...Or a home, without a house? *Dramatic musical cue*
  18. Brian

    I tried

    Well, of course you keep trying. Keep pushing your friends. Don't ask if they want to 'do something'...instead, decide on something to do and see if they want to come along. Then you can practice your leadership. Even if they don't want to, you've tried to make the assertion. Then, go do it...
  19. Brian

    I tried

    I worked 30 hours of overtime a couple weeks ago. thirty hours. Then I slept for an entire day. It's amazing how few problems you have when you don't have time to worry about them.
  20. Brian

    How to talk to a girl / Icebreaking

    My Captain put it best, discussing a different topic, but... there's a hundred ways to get to Wal Mart. I'm by no means any kind of Don Juan, but I've broken the ice by chatting up service employees (sandwhich chefs, taco bell employees) a couple of time. Just making some sort of comment and...