Baby, get me some tampons

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It's a true sign of love. Sometimes in a relationship, you do things for your significant other. Sometimes, even, the man will actually do something (a favor, a request) for the woman!

"Baby, get me some tampons"

Guys, have you ever been on your way home from work, and make the mistake of mentioning to your girlfriend or wifey that you are stopping at the convenience store to grab a Coke, and then she says "Oh hey, you know"

* I know guys, I know what is going through your head right then. It's a sort of panic mixed with paralysis. You suddenly realize the monumental nature of your ****-up in calling her in the first place, but there is no turning back now. *

"Baby, get me some tampons"

But you know what, you do it because you love her!

After all, who is keeping score?

On a related note, I think that fetching a box of t-pons earns us at least fifty trips to the refrigerator to fetch beverages and snacks.
Joseph said:
On a related note, I think that fetching a box of t-pons earns us at least fifty trips to the refrigerator to fetch beverages and snacks.

How about 25? :)

If buying tampons for a woman isn't love then I don't know what is.
Why are men so embarrassed to buy tampons though? Obviously they're not for you -_-
Sterling said:
Why are men so embarrassed to buy tampons though? Obviously they're not for you -_-

I second. unless you're hiding a hole somewhere
Sterling said:
Why are men so embarrassed to buy tampons though? Obviously they're not for you -_-

For the same reason I don't like discussing your period.

It's just...


Please no. Just drop subtle hints that it's "there" when it is, and we can leave it at that. I don't need the details. Please, oh god, please.
Oh come on Brian. It's a natural process. If guys are willing to stick their peepee up there, then why be so embarrassed over what comes out for a week each month... It must not be THAT bad.
So...its true that some women Loves jerks and like to be treated bad...
Come On dudes...get with the program :p
Nice guys comes in last...there living proof of it and some women will defend it

Dont worry...It takes a bitch like her to love a bastard like me..
ahaha ah josphep

nice post, it was as heartwarming as it was disturbing

dude I'm a chick and I'm willing to admit that it is some pretty ****** up **** as to what our bodies do

(try kill us every goddamned month of the year)
VanillaCreme said:
Oh come on Brian. It's a natural process. If guys are willing to stick their peepee up there, then why be so embarrassed over what comes out for a week each month... It must not be THAT bad.

"Never trust anything that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die."

Wise words from wise men!
Wtf?? Josheps...You know god damn will if you come home with the wrong tampons to a woman on the rag...ur ******.. Not all tampon r created equal.
Scented...non scented...wings..less wings.. Size??? Maybe the next time we have sex..I"ll stick a measuring tape in her for foreplay :p
Thin..thick...and FFS...dont het the dame linings confuses as tmpons.hhahaaha
Its Love when you actually stick the tampon insidie of her ..for her..dudes

Plus everybody knows...after the third tampons run...she starts farting in bed. :p
Joseph said:
On a related note, I think that fetching a box of t-pons earns us at least fifty trips to the refrigerator to fetch beverages and snacks.

Jesus Christ already, it's just a box of tampons. They won't change your balls to ovaries. It's not like your GF asked you to change her tampon.

****'s sake. Some of you guys can be such drama queens about this ****.

A word of warning for the future: If any of you ever plan to be daddies and take part in the birth of your child, trust me, you will see grosser things tied up with the birth process than a stupid box of tampons or even a *gasp* period. So really, sack up.

tangerinedream said:
A word of warning for the future: If any of you ever plan to be daddies and take part in the birth of your child, trust me, you will see grosser things tied up with the birth process than a stupid box of tampons or even a *gasp* period. So really, sack up.

I witnessed a birth, once. I am eternally grateful that I had the forethought to leave my glasses off. Thankfully I hope to never have offspring.

Jesus on a stick, I can still see it if I close my eyes.

Sorry, but it's icky.
Brian said:
tangerinedream said:
A word of warning for the future: If any of you ever plan to be daddies and take part in the birth of your child, trust me, you will see grosser things tied up with the birth process than a stupid box of tampons or even a *gasp* period. So really, sack up.

I witnessed a birth, once. I am eternally grateful that I had the forethought to leave my glasses off. Thankfully I hope to never have offspring.

Jesus on a stick, I can still see it if I close my eyes.

Sorry, but it's icky.

Oh you're right. It is about the ickiest thing you can imagine, endure, whatever. lol

It's also got the best pay-off ever. :D
Well hubby was with me with each birth and even was the one to help them into the world and cut the cord. And he was once was unfortunate enough to have to go and by supplies cause I really couldn't. I felt sorry for him, lol.

I just learned to except what is and isn't. I think to a man buying tampons is like admitting they are whipped.

ohh ladysphnix explains it well because i really could not see why a guy would not want to buy tampons. I mean I felt funny about buying it the first few times because I thought... gosh now the cashier and everyone will know that I am bleeding.

But that goes away quickly enough.

I guess luckily for my husband I use the reusable/washable pads... does anyone else use these? (sorry guys I know its a gross topic)/
But yea for the females you all should try them, cotton reusable/washable.. they are great!!!
jales said:
I guess luckily for my husband I use the reusable/washable pads... does anyone else use these? (sorry guys I know its a gross topic)/
But yea for the females you all should try them, cotton reusable/washable.. they are great!!!

Hell no. I don't love the environment that much. :p
lol I dont love the environment that much either. But they are comfortable and you dont have to buy new ones so I can be lazy and not go to the store lol. You should try them and you will get hooked. :p
tangerinedream said:
It's also got the best pay-off ever. :D

The best pay-off? I don't know, Tang. This morning my *pay-off* is mocking me in an Ozzy Ozbourne voice! The little vermin. Wait, actually that is pretty cool! :D

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