Baby, get me some tampons

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Joseph said:
tangerinedream said:
It's also got the best pay-off ever. :D

The best pay-off? I don't know, Tang. This morning my *pay-off* is mocking me in an Ozzy Ozbourne voice! The little vermin. Wait, actually that is pretty cool! :D

See? That is priceless!
My husband never had an issue with getting me tampons. He used to get them for his mother too. But when I'm home with 2 kids and it's snowing like a bitch or it's hot as ****, and he's going by the store anyway, yeah, why wouldn't he stop to grab me some instead of making me take the kids out. He never cared, it's not like they were for him....
Callie said:
My husband never had an issue with getting me tampons. He used to get them for his mother too. But when I'm home with 2 kids and it's snowing like a bitch or it's hot as ****, and he's going by the store anyway, yeah, why wouldn't he stop to grab me some instead of making me take the kids out. He never cared, it's not like they were for him....

Get tampons for his mom? o.o
Oh this thread is full of LOL's and TMI's :D

WTF @ the dude getting tampons for his mom... o_O My mom is pretty open with my brother and I but that is one thing she never and would have ever asked us to pick up for her.

@Jales...washable tampons...? Just the image of seeing them swinging in the breeze on the clothes the Hanes underwear commercials. (lol jk but wouldn't that be funny and gross). How do you set those out to dry, do you put them in the dryer? Do you wash them by hand? Oh I have to stop, I really don't want to know all that but those questions spring to mind.
Ladysphinx said:
I think to a man buying tampons is like admitting they are whipped.

It means they are going to the store to buy something. If men, or women, can't be mature about buying tampons, then we might as well all be back in high school. It's not that big of a deal, and it doesn't mean he's whipped.'s need tampons too :p
lol, If I remember correctly, his mom told his dad to get them and his dad told him to get them.

They are a box... no different than anything else. They are not used, they are clean, they are nothing but material goods that women need. I seriously don't see the big deal about it. And by no means does that mean that a man is whipped. It means that they are okay with their manhood enough to know that buying tampons does not mean they are going TO USE THEM!!!! Seriously wtf
Callie, think of it this way, it would be like getting toilet paper for your man and him later telling you what he did with the toilet paper. You really don't want to know, it's just a normal body function but some things are Same thing with tampons, we know why you need them, we know what they are used for and where they go and what else we do with that area. We just don't like to be reminded of that, it's kind of a boner killer, and a reminder that you won't be getting any, unless you're into that whole "crimson tide" thing. Just like the toilet thing, you know what is going on in there, and you know you do not want to go in there for at least a couple of hours or more after you man.
Okay, toilet paper... it goes in the toilet to wipe your ass after you take a ****, so how is it okay to go to the store to buy toilet paper knowing full well everyone will know you have to wipe your ass but not okay to buy your woman tampons?

Really, that's a double standard. LMAO

As for where they go, you have no problems putting your penis in there, so what's the difference. Might as well have SOMETHING up there (d)

I'm sorry, but after Sci-Fi's post I had to think of the following (dutch) expression:

A real knight has blood on his sword...

Now there's food for thought :D
Sci-Fi said:
Callie, think of it this way, it would be like getting toilet paper for your man and him later telling you what he did with the toilet paper. You really don't want to know, it's just a normal body function but some things are Same thing with tampons, we know why you need them, we know what they are used for and where they go and what else we do with that area. We just don't like to be reminded of that, it's kind of a boner killer, and a reminder that you won't be getting any, unless you're into that whole "crimson tide" thing. Just like the toilet thing, you know what is going on in there, and you know you do not want to go in there for at least a couple of hours or more after you man.

Just who do you think buys the tp, the tp fairy? I buy the tp for the whole household knowing full well what it's used for. I even manage to get through the checkout line without falling into convulsions of "OMG teh ICK!"

Maybe women are just made of sterner stuff. we aren't icked out by a package of paper products, scented or not. :p

Callie said:
As for where they go, you have no problems putting your penis in there, so what's the difference. Might as well have SOMETHING up there (d)


zomg my EYES! lol
@ tangerinedream, I wish there was a toilet paper fairy. I don't like buying it, it's cheaper to buy in the large packs but then I always wonder what goes through the cashiers mind. I'm not a big guy, I shouldn't need that much toilet paper, and if I do I really need to go see a doctor about that.

Peter Lorre said:
I'm sorry, but after Sci-Fi's post I had to think of the following (dutch) expression:

A real knight has blood on his sword...

Now there's food for thought :D

That made me laugh.

Honestly, in some ways women are made of tougher stuff. Traditionally they were the ones who cleaned up after the men, they would have to be made pretty tough to clean up what we leave behind. :D We're the reasons why bathrooms have fans after all.
Lonesome Crow said:
Wtf?? Josheps...You know god damn will if you come home with the wrong tampons to a woman on the rag...ur ******.. Not all tampon r created equal.
Scented...non scented...wings..less wings.. Size??? Maybe the next time we have sex..I"ll stick a measuring tape in her for foreplay :p
Thin..thick...and FFS...dont het the dame linings confuses as tmpons.hhahaaha
Its Love when you actually stick the tampon insidie of her ..for her..dudes

Plus everybody knows...after the third tampons run...she starts farting in bed. :p

Wings? Less wings? Dude you're talking about pads, not tampons. Measuring tape? Uhhh buy tampons based on how heavy your flow is, not how big it is up in there -_-. What woman is making you put in a tampon for her o_O....and farting? what? o_O
tangerinedream said:
I even manage to get through the checkout line without falling into convulsions of "OMG teh ICK!"


Brian said:
"Never trust anything that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die."

Wise words from wise men!

Our uterine lining dies every month. So yes, something does die. :p

Thank you Human Biology for teaching me this. :rolleyes2:

Periods, they're a part of the miracle of LIFE! O.O

This reminds me of when I was little and didnt know what a tampon was. I found one and didn't know what it was, so i opened the wrapper and then...thought there was something inside the tampon itself, and didn't get why it had a string attached to it. :p

Oh the wonderful pre-teen years. :D
I know a tattoo artist and of course he does piercing too. Well, one chick went in and wanted her clit pierced. Yeah, he said there was a white string present (hehe)
Callie said:
Well, one chick went in and wanted her clit pierced. (hehe)

Her Clit??!!


I thought they only did Female Genital Mutilation in 3rd world countries. o_O

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