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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2010
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Hi Peeps ~ I thought I'd start a thread where we can share knowledge and help each other improve ourselves. If you have a "lesson" or a "challenge" please post it here. LGH:)
CHALLENGE #1 ~ Learn the difference between YOUR & YOU'RE.
CHALLENGE #2 ~ Learn the difference between THEN & THAN.
Here's one that bothers me.


(notice there is no 'e' in the word)

that's ... not a typo :p
1. For the love of all that is holy, do not pluralize regular old words with an apostrophe.

"Look at those guy's" is absolutely WRONG.

2. It's = it is

Its = possessive pronoun

It's a major pain in the ass.

With its full-time AWD, Subaru is an excellent choice for snowy areas.

I thought of this one on my way in to work lol

There must have been a major prostitution sting last night because when I went to the police station to bauil out my younger brother, there was a long line of Johns in the hallway. (plural)

Sorry, John's not in now. May I take a message? (contraction of John + is)

I wouldn't touch that if I were you. That's John's Hattori Hanzo sword. (possessive with an apostrophe)


It is never, ever, ever-ever-ever "would of," "could of," or "should of."

It IS "would have," "could have," and "should have,"

which get contracted as:

"would've," "could've," "should've,"

and subsequently the pronunciation of the contracted "ve" sounds like "of," but never ever write it out like that.

Also, people use "would" improperly hypothetical conditional sentences, but that's for the advanced class. :p
Itz the internetz who care about proper punctuation. :p

What is more annoying is people who type like they are texting when they are not! That is more frustrating to read than improper punctuation or use of a word. There are a few people here who do that, and it has gotten to the point where I don't even read their posts anymore.

When it comes to typing something out that you want to look professional I'm all for this stuff, even though you can find all these errors by so called professionals. I don't think anyone proof reads anything they type anymore. They just rely on their computers to tell them if something is wrong. Until people start typing out their words properly they will never learn or use proper punctuation.

That's my "challenge" to people.
You're guy's is to mean to we who is having problems with grammar words. Theirs no reasin that you should be bad.
Okay I wasn't going to post in this thread but just thought that maybe I should. Fact is some people here are dyslexic they REALLY rely on their spell checker to help them. But since sometime a mobile phone is used spell checking is not available so yeah their spelling and grammar might suck. English is not the mother tongue of all those posting here, so that could also effect how well they post. Mix both of these and well you get a post that is really badly written. Not that it is intentional, but it happens. We do try our best but does it really kill if our writing is not perfect. Will try and remember the tips in grammar but hey, sometimes we just suck at writing.
The point of this thread is to LEARN. It was not set up to criticize anyone, nor was it intended to feature spelling or grammatical errors. All subjects are most appreciated. I love learning:)

CHALLENGE #3 ~ Learn the difference between EFFECT & AFFECT.

Joseph said:
Here's one that bothers me.


(notice there is no 'e' in the word)

that's ... not a typo :p

But " " says the following:

In Great Britain and many of its former colonies, “judgement” is still the correct spelling; but ever since Noah Webster decreed the first E superfluous, Americans have omitted it. Many of Webster’s crotchets have faded away (each year fewer people use the spelling “theater,” for instance); but even the producers of Terminator 2: Judgment Day chose the traditional American spelling. If you write “judgement” you should also write “colour.”

So I guess either way works, or?
We're,Where and Were are different words that mean different things. I'm latin and I know that,why shouldn't Americans in other boards know that?
then and than

Correct: I am going to the store and then I am going to school.

Incorrect: I am taller then you.

Correct: I am taller than you.

Incorrect: I am going to the store and than I am going to school.

then and than

Things You Didn't Know About the Human Circulatory System When It Isn't Working Properly

-If you're hooked up to an EKG machine and you have a flat line, no amount of electricity will bring you back from it, no matter how loud the TV doctor shouts 'Clear'.

-Layperson CPR is going to a Compressions Only method. The circulatory pressure from the compressions is cumulative. It takes 5-10 compressions just to make blood move to the brain, and when you stop to give a breath you not only increase the risk of the patient vomiting and aspirating the acid, but you lose all of that perfusion pressure and have to start all over with your next compressions, delivering vastly insignificant amounts of oxygen to the brain. The last few years have seen incredible leaps in CPR techniques and equipment.

-A pulse at the wrist means you have a systolic blood pressure of at least 80. If you can maintain this pulse with a patient suffering hypoperfusion (shock), you're doing fine.

In Other News

The spell check in Firefox is dumber than a third grader. It thinks 'hypoperfusion' is spelled improperly. Hah.
Thank you, Brian! Very interesting. I had to look up hypoperfusion:
A decreased blood flow through an organ, as in hypovolemic shock; if prolonged, it may result in permanent cellular dysfunction and death. (Source: Dorland's Medical Dictionary for Health Consumers.)
We should all take a CPR class!
Zulu Time is the world time. It is also known as UT or UTC (Universal Time [Co-ordinated]). All over the planet it is the same time. There are no timezones for UTC. UTC also has no Daylight Saving Time or Summer Time. Also the date is UTC dependent. That means if you live in New York and it is 10pm Saturday night (standard) and you would convert the time to UTC you would get 3am Sunday morning as time and date.
UTC is used in plane and ship navigation. UTC is also used by international shortwave broadcasters in their broadcast and program schedules. Ham radio operators, shortwave listeners, the military, and utility radio services are also big users of UTC.
UTC is based on GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Greenwich mean time was based upon the time at the zero degree meridian that crossed through Greenwich, England. GMT was first used by the Royal Navy in the 19th century.
UTC uses a 24-hour system of time notation. "1:00 a.m." in UTC is expressed as 0100, pronounced "zero one hundred." Fifteen minutes after 0100 is expressed as 0115; thirty-eight minutes after 0100 is 0138 (usually pronounced "zero one thirty-eight"). The time one minute after 0159 is 0200. The time one minute after 1259 is 1300 (pronounced "thirteen hundred"). This continues until 2359. One minute later is 0000 ("zero hundred"), and the start of a new UTC day.

Voltage, otherwise known as electromotive force or EMF, is not actually "power flow" as thought to be by most people. Voltage is potential for "power flow" (actually electrical flow) which is known as current.

Think of voltage as a tightly wound rubber band, or potential energy, that once released becomes current.

It's not the voltage that kills you, it's the current.

E = I x R (where E=volts, I=amperage, and R=resistance). This is Ohm's Law which governs the way in which electricity behaves.

E x I = VA (volt-amps), otherwise known as Watts. A measurement of power.

There are two types of electrical flow, or current. AC and DC. AC is alternating current, this is the type of power in your wall receptacles at home that you plug appliances into. DC is direct current and is used in control circuitry internal to circuit boards, cell phone chargers, and batteries.

The power in your wall, in America at least, is 120 VAC (Volts, Alternative Current) @ 60 hZ (hertz, or cycles per second). That voltage appears as a sine wave. That waves goes up and down (one cycle) sixty times every second. That "up" and "down" is caused by the reversing of the polarity and of the electron flow through the conductor. The electricity literally flows back and forth through the load (appliance, or thing plugged in).

This is all for now.

There are three basic types of circuits.

Series circuit, Parallel circuit, and Series-Parallel circuit.

A series circuit is one in which the current only has one path from L1 (hot) to L2 (common or neutral) potentially through multiple loads.

A parallel circuit one in which there are branches where multiple paths of current flow are allowed simultaneously through multiple loads

A series-parallel circuit is just a combination of these two types of circuits.

The current flow through each load in a series circuit is the same and constant, however, the current flow through each load in a parallel circuit is dependent on the particular resistance (or impedance if a DC circuit) of each individual load, and the current for the "entire" circuit is the sum of each branch added together.

off the top of my head.
Joseph said:
Voltage, otherwise known as electromotive force or EMF, is not actually "power flow" as thought to be by most people. Voltage is potential for "power flow" (actually electrical flow) which is known as current.

Think of voltage as a tightly wound rubber band, or potential energy, that once released becomes current.

It's not the voltage that kills you, it's the current.

E = I x R (where E=volts, I=amperage, and R=resistance). This is Ohm's Law which governs the way in which electricity behaves.

E x I = VA (volt-amps), otherwise known as Watts. A measurement of power.

There are two types of electrical flow, or current. AC and DC. AC is alternating current, this is the type of power in your wall receptacles at home that you plug appliances into. DC is direct current and is used in control circuitry internal to circuit boards, cell phone chargers, and batteries.

The power in your wall, in America at least, is 120 VAC (Volts, Alternative Current) @ 60 hZ (hertz, or cycles per second). That voltage appears as a sine wave. That waves goes up and down (one cycle) sixty times every second. That "up" and "down" is caused by the reversing of the polarity and of the electron flow through the conductor. The electricity literally flows back and forth through the load (appliance, or thing plugged in).

This is all for now.

There are three basic types of circuits.

Series circuit, Parallel circuit, and Series-Parallel circuit.

A series circuit is one in which the current only has one path from L1 (hot) to L2 (common or neutral) potentially through multiple loads.

A parallel circuit one in which there are branches where multiple paths of current flow are allowed simultaneously through multiple loads

A series-parallel circuit is just a combination of these two types of circuits.

The current flow through each load in a series circuit is the same and constant, however, the current flow through each load in a parallel circuit is dependent on the particular resistance (or impedance if a DC circuit) of each individual load, and the current for the "entire" circuit is the sum of each branch added together.

off the top of my head.

Holy Voltage, Batman! That was a total mind **** for me. Yeah baby, whisper sweet circuits in my ear:)
Best EMI/RFI shield? Beryllium copper! Beryllium (Be): a steel-gray, divalent, hard, light, metallic element, the salts of which are sweet. Used in copper alloys for better fatigue endurance, in springs, and in electrical contacts.


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