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  1. Brian

    Socialization: Nothing else matters.

    Hmmm...have you thought of this, Cath? There HAVE to be other people in your same predicament in a bigger city like Jackson. Our generation is devoid of quality leaders, and I'm sure that extends in to disability communities. Humans are social creatures, we survived by knowing each other and...
  2. Brian

    Never get enough opportunities to meet others

    How close is 'close by'? Even living in a rural area, the closest trailheads are probably 8 to 10 miles. But it's worth the trip. Sometimes you gotta go out of your way a bit to really experience life. Have you actually looked for trails in your area though or are you just assuming? Have you...
  3. Brian

    Myths and Truths

    It's not the getting shot down that scares me. I don't really care. It's getting shot down with sexual harassment charges that scares me. Scares isn't really the word, even. More like, 'Cripplingly terrifies'. Which is two words, but whatever. I guess I just always envision myself being the...
  4. Brian

    so um a little advice would help

    Are you the love of her life yet, sir? (Why not?)
  5. Brian

    Myths and Truths

    Could you elaborate? This is probably my biggest problem area is knowing what is acceptable and when to use it.
  6. Brian

    so um a little advice would help

    Don't leave the choice entirely up to her, dude. What you need to do, I think, is take some initiative and sweep her off her feet. Show her that on top of being great companionship and easy to talk to, you're adventurous and bold. Show her that you really want her. To hell with whatever happens...
  7. Brian


    There's something about it. We've all seen the pictures of far off galaxies, panoramas of the milky way, things like that that make you say "Wow, thats big." But when I look at this, it's -just- us, and it's from something we launched off in to the void, Voyager. Can you imagine that solitude...
  8. Brian


    So every now and then my posts contain references to oblivion, life being temporary, the scale of nature and the significance of our experience and all that jazz. Anyway, so I found this picture on another message board and I was like "THAT! That that that." and jabbed a finger at the screen...
  9. Brian

    do u ever get over a broken heart?

    I wasn't as close to my distance girlfriend as you were to yours, and it took me 3 years to stop being miserable. I still occasionally have dreams about her, and feel regrets. I think these things never really fade away. We just integrate them as part of our make-up...they become a part of our...
  10. Brian

    any ideas for a birthday?

    LASER TAG LASER TAG LASER TAG LASER TAG Alternatively, if you have some money to spend, buy some cheap airsoft guns for everybody and a bucket of those plastic BBs. Shoot each other all day. Make sure you also have safety glasses for everybody and a box of bandaids. It sounds like something...
  11. Brian

    So it seems I have to become a jerk, but........

    See I disagree with that, at least to the point that there are exceptions. I've seen some fair looking girls with some pretty bottom-of-the-barrel guys and they aren't exactly specimens of brawn and muscle, nor do they even necessarily have jobs at all. Hell, my sister -who was beautiful-...
  12. Brian

    What's the point?

    Hey, highschool sucks. It's literally the shittiest time you will ever have. But, it's there to give you a baseline set of knowledge (as flawed as the delivery method is) so that you can survive as an adult and know what you're doing. Most importantly, you're there for a piece of paper that...
  13. Brian

    So it seems I have to become a jerk, but........

    I've seen a few people rock the scally cap, but it is not a topping for all ice creams. On another note... >Mouse over the links in Socrates' post >Read the URL >Know what each one looks like without clicking >Giggle a little >Facepalm
  14. Brian

    hear me out & help me?

    Here's hoping. :) Remember to emphasize the positive aspects of yourself. Go over in your head, or even recite verbally, your general answers to certain questions. The big one to have a basic answer template ready for is 'Tell us about yourself'. It's actually one of the least-prepared-for...
  15. Brian

    Sophie Lancaster: A girl from England who was kicked to death for being a goth.

    Three more words. Greatest. Movie. Ever. If I ever incur a terminal illness, I'm going to be that guy.
  16. Brian

    read me pls

    Argh, don't encourage him :(
  17. Brian

    So it seems I have to become a jerk, but........

    The real frustration comes when you actually start dating a girl, and then realize you kind of miss being alone all the time, and it's not as great a proposition as you thought it would be. And she's all over you, but sometimes all you can think about is nice ways to break it off with her even...
  18. Brian

    need someone to pour my heart to

    Hi, munia. What do you need to talk about? Let it flow. You've got a great support network, here. PM me, if you like, I'm always open.
  19. Brian

    have i wasted my life for 8 yrs

    Ok So I just re-read my post and I sound like kind of an ass. Forgive me. I get kind of fired up about stuff and I just came back from the most gruelingly slow work shift ever, two days of total isolation so I was a little crusty. Balance what I said with what Bunny said in her first post...
  20. Brian

    hear me out & help me?

    Argh, double post. Someone can delete this one if they are so inclined.