Myths and Truths

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A Desolate Soul

Well-known member
Sep 12, 2010
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Sin City

Came across a pretty interesting website with some supposedly revealing myths and truths about women. Some of the content maybe be a bit harsh, however there seems to be a bit of truth behind the words. thoughts? concerns? agree? disagree?

I must admit, the one thing that stood out to me is when he said "The only way to have a happy life is to develop one for yourself, then leave an opening for someone else to come and share it with you."

P.S. it's a pretty long read so make sure you have some time to read it all.
I’ll speak to the first point.

I've been pondering the topic of men and women for about a day now; and even though I can come up with some wacky theories on why the things are they way they are, there's one thing that's a mystery to me.

On one hand, men never seemed to have lost conscious awareness of their primal selves. I’ve never heard a man say that how a woman looks doesn’t matter to him. He may admit that judging women by appearance is superficial and even mean, but they don’t deny that’s what in fact that they do. Woman, on the other hand, seemed to have lost conscious awareness of their primal selves. They do want an alpha male; but they don’t seem to know it, and this is what happens.

A woman tells a man that she wants someone nice, who’ll be gentle, and sensitive. So, a man who wants to court her will give her what she says she wants; however, what he turns into is a man that acts like a weak, gamma male. Then, that primal part of her looks at this weak male in front of her and reacts with hostility. I tend to think in terms of evolution, and I think we’re designed to react with hostility towards a weak male. I know many men have been very hurt by this. It’s tough enough to wear your heart on your sleeve for someone, and not only do they reject you but they treat you with contempt. That’s got to strip a soul bare.

She was only telling you part of the truth. She does want someone nice. She doesn’t need an alpha male to be happy. In fact, she’s come to learn that alpha males aren’t all they’re cracked up to be; but she does need a beta male. She needs someone who still has a lot of alpha male characteristics but who still comes to the table with something that alpha males don’t: generosity and selflessness. I think the knight in shining armor metaphor for what women want has endured centuries for a reason.

My question is how did we women get so out of touch with our primal selves that we don’t even know that it exists within us despite the fact that it almost completely rules how we get attracted to men?
That's a fair statement. I'm definately a gamma male the way I am now. God knows I need to improve myself, but some posters here suggest going full alpha, and I'm not sure if I'm willing to sell my soul for their power.
Code S.O.L. said:
I'm definately a gamma male the way I am now. God knows I need to improve myself, but some posters here suggest going full alpha, and I'm not sure if I'm willing to sell my soul for their power.

You're only a "gamma male" because you label yourself as such. Drop the labels, drop the rediciulous focus on "levels" of maleness, and you'll be fine.

Also, there IS no "power" in being an "alpha."
Hi Desolate Soul-
I only made it part way through the article before I threw up a little in my mouth :) The writer doesn't have a monopoly on the truth.
I love my life and I love being a female. I love men too.
How sad that there are people who feel it's ok to bad-mouth and generalize women. When you know better, you do better.

Code S.O.L said:
That's a fair statement. I'm definately a gamma male the way I am now. God knows I need to improve myself, but some posters here suggest going full alpha, and I'm not sure if I'm willing to sell my soul for their power.

I completely agree with you. As a matter of fact, most women don't want actual, full-blown alpha males. It's almost as if in our evolutionary past we started a transition from an alpha male mating system, where, of course, the alpha males are the key players to a monogamous mating system where gamma males are the key players. We got stuck in between. So a woman wants something in between: a beta male. In human terms, a beta male is an enlightened male with alpha male characteristics. As a matter of fact, we despise most players because they're alpha males who pretend to have the enlightened beta male characteristics. They rely on deception because they can't be honest with women about their true alpha male nature. That's why the rest of us, men and women, dislike them so much.

It's not hard to become a good beta male by adopting alpha male characteristics and behaviors. The most supreme alpha male characteristic is confidence, but others include having a lot of money, being very muscular, being handsome, being tall, wearing fashionable clothes (not that you have to go metrosexual--just don't wear bell bottoms and scally caps), having a job in a leadership position or being very good at what you do, being very sexual (but not in a creepy or boorish kind of way), and having high social status.

I know this list may dismay you just as women knowing how into looks men are dismay us; but just as you are willing to be somewhat even if not completely forgiving, we are willing to be forgiving, too. Perhaps you can't be everything on this list, but you can get into shape, you can learn to act with confidence, you can dress better, and you can learn how to be a better lover.

Just as I'm not going to get breast enhancement surgery to be able to present a guy with ample C-cups instead of my A-cups because I think that's totally stupid, but I can at least help the guy out by presenting him with a body that's in shape and won't tax his eyes or his primal brain by being covered by a layer of excess fat and cellulite. Think of it the same way, you don't need to be the total package to still have a fruitful and satisfying love life.

I should tell you that my advice is not my own. It's the advice of men. I just add some insight as a woman on why their advice probably works.
SofiasMami said:
Hi Desolate Soul-
I only made it part way through the article before I threw up a little in my mouth :) The writer doesn't have a monopoly on the truth.
I love my life and I love being a female. I love men too.
How sad that there are people who feel it's ok to bad-mouth and generalize women. When you know better, you do better.


Hi Teresa -- I feel the same way! LG:)
Oh, one more thing. I swear I'm not making this up; but I was talking to a very good guy pal tonight, and he was telling me about the last woman that he had dated. Being a nice guy, he has story after story after story of just plain bad female behavior; and there's more to this story, but I'll spare you most of it except this part. I guess she had been singing the praises of the raw food diet and going on and on about it. Their first date was even at a raw food restaurant (which was expensive and, of course, he paid). However, he told me about their last date where was she's going on and on about this raw food diet again but she did so while she was eating a double bacon cheese burger. Being the nice guy that he was, he said nothing about the irony.

She ended up dumping him despite her mother just totally loving him. Do you know her reason? She said he wasn't "rough and tumble enough". I couldn't stop laughing.

I swear I'm not making this up.
Mary Mary said:
being very sexual (but not in a creepy or boorish kind of way),

Could you elaborate? This is probably my biggest problem area is knowing what is acceptable and when to use it.
I am just going to say...I really hate this article and dis-agree with it....that is all.
Code S.O.L said:
That's a fair statement. I'm definately a gamma male the way I am now. God knows I need to improve myself, but some posters here suggest going full alpha, and I'm not sure if I'm willing to sell my soul for their power.

You are what you believe you are,not what your body or society makes you to be. If you have the confidence of an alpha,you'll do just as well or even better than one
lol that article. its 8 years old. Classics aye?
Well i guess then hes still gathering info for updates.......not? lol
Oh wait for the next sensation. The would be viral article which would change every man's life. A new pile of cow poop (damn i stepped on it)....... not? xD heh!
Brian said:
Mary Mary said:
being very sexual (but not in a creepy or boorish kind of way),

Could you elaborate? This is probably my biggest problem area is knowing what is acceptable and when to use it.

I feel comfortable speaking about generalities, but I can't speak to specifics about dating women since I don't date them. (And it's not a good idea to take advice from women about dating women.)

I can mention the generality that there is no clear line between acceptable and boorish. It depends on your personality (gregarious people can get away with being a little more edgy), your looks (good-looking people can get away with being a little more edgy), her personality and disposition, and how attracted she is to you (if she's attracted to you, you can get away with more).

Converse with other men, and see what they say. There are websites and message boards specifically about dating women. You'll get as many opinions as there will be other men; but think about all they say, and decide what sounds comfortable and right for you. Then, try it, and make adjustments along the way as necessary.

Remember, even the smoothest player gets shot down more often than he gets lucky.

Mary Mary said:
[ (And it's not a good idea to take advice from women about dating women.)

I'm curious why it wouldn't be a good idea for me as a man to take a woman's advice on dating? wouldn't that leave you in the lurch whilst trying to dispense advice on dating? :p

but jesting aside, I really am wondering about why it would be a bad idea. I figure I could use all the help I can get!
suckaG said:
Mary Mary said:
[ (And it's not a good idea to take advice from women about dating women.)

I'm curious why it wouldn't be a good idea for me as a man to take a woman's advice on dating? wouldn't that leave you in the lurch whilst trying to dispense advice on dating? :p

but jesting aside, I really am wondering about why it would be a bad idea. I figure I could use all the help I can get!

Men who have a lot of experience with women will tell you that women are notoriously out of touch with their inner selves and can't clearly articulate what sexually attracts them to men.

I wrote the first response in this thread. Read it. The best people to ask advice on how to date women are the people who date them--men.

Poueff said:
Code S.O.L said:
That's a fair statement. I'm definately a gamma male the way I am now. God knows I need to improve myself, but some posters here suggest going full alpha, and I'm not sure if I'm willing to sell my soul for their power.

You are what you believe you are,not what your body or society makes you to be. If you have the confidence of an alpha,you'll do just as well or even better than one

Don't underestimate the other alpha male characteristics. All other things being equal, women will take a doctor over a construction foremen or a guy will six-pack abs over a beer belly.

That being said, you are right in that confidence is the supreme alpha male characteristic. That's why women love guys in band or even comedians. It takes a lot of self esteem to stand up and perform in front of an audience. These guys just exude confidence.

I stopped dating two attorneys because one acting neutered (I only got a kiss on the cheek in three months of dating), and other just acted so wimpy. The fact that they were attorneys got my attention, but they couldn't keep it because they seemed to have so little confidence.

I did, however, date a guy for over a year that lived with his dad and made only half of what I did. He was also sprouting a beer belly where the two attorneys were actually in pretty good shape. The guy that lived with his dad had been a player when he was younger and just knew how to get and keep my attention.
Mary Mary said:
suckaG said:
Mary Mary said:
[ (And it's not a good idea to take advice from women about dating women.)

I'm curious why it wouldn't be a good idea for me as a man to take a woman's advice on dating? wouldn't that leave you in the lurch whilst trying to dispense advice on dating? :p

but jesting aside, I really am wondering about why it would be a bad idea. I figure I could use all the help I can get!

Men who have a lot of experience with women will tell you that women are notoriously out of touch with their inner selves and can't clearly articulate what sexually attracts them to men.


Then you haven't met enough women. Jesus ******* Christ. If that isn't the biggest bit of twaddle I've heard on this website, I'm not a woman. And you're not a woman either, so stop trying to pretend you're one.



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