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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Nuzzy Nuz

    My Real Deal

    People judge too fast. Come to conclusions too early. *hugs* Sorry, I don't exactly know what is going on here because i have not been here for a long time. Guess i missed something. Anyway don't be too hurt. Nice to see you standing up for yourself. :) Keep being strong.
  2. Nuzzy Nuz


    I figured out everyone here at one time or another find themselves obsessed over something. so tell me what are you obsessed bou? Abou me, am obsessed bou people i love, let it be family or friends. And well, also my bf and umm, my android
  3. Nuzzy Nuz

    Desolate path in a dismal forest

    Wow... pm me sometime. Impressive start on. Welcome on board. :) :D
  4. Nuzzy Nuz

    Debates with the Mind

    Phew.. mind battles beat the heck out of me.. sometimes you need a third person to get in between me abd my mind to come out straight on some subject.
  5. Nuzzy Nuz

    Fantasy RPG Class Test

    The Silver Hand 13% Strength, 17% Bloodlust, 33% Intelligence, 60% Spirit, 37% Vitality and 20% Agility! The Silver Hand The Silver Hand is both a martial arts expert and a master of light and moon magic. Specifically Silver Hands either use their magic to launch blasts of powerful light based...
  6. Nuzzy Nuz

    In one word. Post your current mood.

  7. Nuzzy Nuz

    What made you smile today?

    That bastard 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  8. Nuzzy Nuz

    Hello there.

    Hey there.welcome on board. Hope you find friends on board.
  9. Nuzzy Nuz

    So I'm new....

    Hey shio.. welcome on board. Describe a lil bou urself. Would love to know.
  10. Nuzzy Nuz

    I'm new & looking for friends

    Hey there.. welcome on board
  11. Nuzzy Nuz

    New here...

    Welcome on board. I hope you will be able to make some friends over here
  12. Nuzzy Nuz

    Fictional Characters A-Z

  13. Nuzzy Nuz

    Learning something new

    1. Astronauts are not allowed to eat beans before they go into space because passing wind damages their spacesuits. (Hehe..:D :D :D) 2. Pieces of bread were used to erase pencil lead before rubber came into use. 3. The simple past tense version of the word “dare” is “durst.” (Didn't know bou...
  14. Nuzzy Nuz

    Yes or No

    Yes Can you climb a 7 staired building using the steps instead of the elevator/escalator?
  15. Nuzzy Nuz


    hey am a girl. Hope you do not hate all the girls in the planet. It happens whn the one you love most cheats on you coz in my life there was a depression period where i trust no guy coz all i saw was the lustful eyes and not the love. I honestly do understand where you stand and i know the...
  16. Nuzzy Nuz

    Newbie here

    Heyyo. Welcome on board. Mix in with the crew. 😝;)
  17. Nuzzy Nuz

    Hey everyone, new here

    Hey.. hope get the hand of life again and probably find some friends you can open up to. Welcome on board to the lonely crew who would wanna make u feel less lonely
  18. Nuzzy Nuz

    How Important is Music in Your Life?

    I lovee music tooo. Soothes me and makes me feel great whn i feel down. Simply i get caught up in the moment of mrlodies and my heart beat accelerates. 😝😉
  19. Nuzzy Nuz

    Hi :)

    Hey girl. Welcome on board
  20. Nuzzy Nuz

    Count to 20 before a Mod resets.
