Debates with the Mind

  • Thread starter AmytheTemperamental
  • Start date
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"should I reach out first, or should I let them come to me"

"Am I being too pushy, or am I not pushing enough"

"Am I helping, or am I just making them more miserable"

"Am I getting enough done, or am I taking too long"

I am, I'm not. I am, I'm not. Just shut the hell up mind :club:

My conclusion. My brain is stupid, and I am worrying about something that other people probably don't even give a second thought to. :rolleyes: I love how this works.
Oh you're not the only one. I worry about all kind of things XD yes, I'm paranoid too, at times.
Luckily for me, I can easily stop worrying if I go and do something else XD
I have become accustomed to thinking about most of my issues, while I am busy doing something (joys of motherhood). There just does not seem to be a shut off at any waking hour.
AmytheTemperamental said:
I have become accustomed to thinking about most of my issues, while I am busy doing something (joys of motherhood). There just does not seem to be a shut off at any waking hour.
Me too. I don't think I could possibly relate to that more.
Having kids just makes me think about the stuff more sometimes. I worry about if I'm doing the right things for them. Like questioning that if I don't try to be more social around them, will they end up like me?

Doing 'hobbies' and such doesn't do much more than delay thoughts about something. Watching a movie, playing a game, or surfing the internet just lead me to thinking more about things after I'm done. Real hobbies which might make me feel 'accomplished' with something take too much time or too much money, neither are things I have for myself.
AmytheTemperamental said:
Just shut the hell up mind :club:

My conclusion. My brain is stupid, and I am worrying about something that other people probably don't even give a second thought to. :rolleyes: I love how this works.

Oh man. I know the feeling all too well. For me, it's anxiety.

Some things that can help to silence and calm the mind are, for one, just that - remembering that it's only anxiety. Also going for a walk or bike ride works pretty well, as does petting any pets you might have, or just sitting for a while and meditating. Drinking a cup of decaf tea can also help the soothing process.
I hear you, Amy. I have these mind battles in my head all the damn time, it's drives me insane sometimes. If I listen too much and indulge in these battles, I tend to get very insecure. So usually I try to tune them out... if possible. :\
I have these mind battles as well all the time. You are definitely not alone.
Yup, I do this too! I tried to meditate a couple of times but that just made it worse :O They say meditation is great for this sort of thing.. if only we can learn to shut the hell up in our minds...

Insecurity/anxiety, I hate you :(
Phew.. mind battles beat the heck out of me.. sometimes you need a third person to get in between me abd my mind to come out straight on some subject.
AmytheTemperamental said:
My conclusion. My brain is stupid, and I am worrying about something that other people probably don't even give a second thought to. :rolleyes: I love how this works.

My conclusion is that you're just thinking too much. Just be yourself and do what you'd normally do, people are more accepting that way. If you wanna speak to someone let them know, that way if the feeling's mutual then it's obvious.
AmytheTemperamental said:
My conclusion. My brain is stupid, and I am worrying about something that other people probably don't even give a second thought to. :rolleyes: I love how this works.

So, it sounds like what everyone is saying is one of two things....

1. You're totally fine and we all do it.
2. We all stupid.

I call my battle with my mind, my "Stinkin' thinkin'. That in other words, you cant' always trust your feelings or thoughts. That you need to proceed in life in spite of that sometimes.
TropicalStarfish said:
You should punch your mind right in the FACE! Right in the ol' kisser! Tell it to shut right the **** up, or else cranberries!

I wish I could give you rep for this post LOL :)
I do it too, a lot. My mind seems to be made up beforehand....I did something wrong, said something wrong....then I start replaying events in my head looking for evidence to support the conclusion that I've already come to, that I did something wrong.

It's like being on a circular treadmill, I just keep going around and around.
constant stranger said:
I do it too, a lot. My mind seems to be made up beforehand....I did something wrong, said something wrong....then I start replaying events in my head looking for evidence to support the conclusion that I've already come to, that I did something wrong.

It's like being on a circular treadmill, I just keep going around and around.

Ah this is true of me also CS.. Although I call my affliction Monkey brain as it never turns off. I can make a catastrophe from a minor event. So like you I am a hamster, on a wheel never going anywhere just round and round.
Despicable Me said:
If those kinds of things are stupid to think about then I'm the dumbest person on the planet...

Count me in too, DM.
I'm the second dumbest with all those thoughts, my only relief is, there severity is quite variant otherwise I would have been classified insane by now.
PenDragon said:
Despicable Me said:
If those kinds of things are stupid to think about then I'm the dumbest person on the planet...
Count me in too, DM.
I'm the second dumbest with all those thoughts, my only relief is, there severity is quite variant otherwise I would have been classified insane by now.
Sometimes I wonder if I saw a therapist, would they consider me "insane"?
I think they would.

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