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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. edgecrusher

    If you were a toy,which one would you be?

    Should probably specify what kind of toy....
  2. edgecrusher

    Society is flawed

    Everything is flawed because man is flawed. The best way to move forward is to observe the universe and see what it shows us and try to advance the species using what we learn from it in a way that promotes a quality of life that all living things would want, while letting go of complacent...
  3. edgecrusher

    Have you ever fallen for someone you barely know?

    If I find someone I'm interested in, I tend to fall pretty hard pretty quick. I don't know that I would call it love, but it's definitely more than just a basic normal attraction. But then when/if I actually get to know them that may change. The initial attraction has to do with appearance since...
  4. edgecrusher

    What are you thinking right now?

    I want to be someone's missed connection.
  5. edgecrusher


    “Intelligent design is a philosophy of ignorance. You cannot build a program of discovery on the assumption that nobody is smart enough to figure out the answer to a problem... I don’t want students who could make the next major breakthrough in renewable energy sources or space travel to have...
  6. edgecrusher

    What are you listening to?

  7. edgecrusher

    Would you date/marry someone with ginger hair?

    Yes. Gingers are hot.
  8. edgecrusher

    Are you ready for the SNOW?

    I am. I love snow. Though we rarely get it where I am. As long as we get at least one good snow I'm happy.
  9. edgecrusher

    I don't like people

    You are not the only one. I often find it hard to not be one of humanity's biggest critics. I like certain individuals, but I don't like people in general. Most are insane and disappointing. There seems to be VERY few legitimately genuine people. Because of that I rarely connect with people and...
  10. edgecrusher

    What are you watching right now?

    Doctor Who Christmas special.
  11. edgecrusher

    What are you doing right now?

    Being sort of bored and thinking about something/someone that I should probably let go the idea of.
  12. edgecrusher

    Official "Lonely Life Recent Game Happenings Thread"

    Beat the raid in Destiny tonight. Took many tries on that boss but we finally did it. Stayed up too late but totally worth it.
  13. edgecrusher

    Relationship with God

    I do not believe. Any sort of rational/reasonable critical thinking applied to the concept of god says that even if there is one it is as flawed as we are and therefore not worthy of worship. The suspension of logic and reason required to believe in and especially worship god is too great as far...
  14. edgecrusher

    Official "Lonely Life Recent Game Happenings Thread"

    So I just tried the raid... and I know why they don't have matchmaking for it. It. Is. Ridiculous. We couldn't even get past the first part. We had two 26's, a 27, two 24's and a 23. Everyone except the 23 had at least half of their gear or more as legendary with a few exotics among us as well.
  15. edgecrusher

    youtube videos

    Someone took one of my favorite songs(Archetype) by one of my favorite bands(Fear Factory) and used it to make a video for one of my favorite movies(Equilibrium). V1reT2HESYw
  16. edgecrusher

    Making new friends that won't ditch you

    I find that there are VERY few legitimately genuine people. I don't care to have lots of friends or a regular social network so most people are more like acquaintances to me. Partly because of that and partly because I am naturally introverted anyway. There are only 3 people that I have known...
  17. edgecrusher

    Taking a '**** you' attitude towards others

    I don't care what anyone thinks of me so I am sort of this way all the time. I don't intentionally be mean to people or anything, but if you ask me something I will tell you how I feel and what's on my mind. It seems that the older I get the more of a **** you attitude I have towards... the...
  18. edgecrusher

    What are you thinking right now?

    This just happened to me as well. Except as far as I know she is not engaged. I'm pretty bummed about it.
  19. edgecrusher

    Official "Lonely Life Recent Game Happenings Thread"

    I'm 26 as well and the one person from work I've been playing with is 25. We probably won't attempt the raid this week, but maybe the next one. Neither of us really like to play with people we don't know and everyone else at work is playing on the One. It sucks that the raids and weekly strikes...
  20. edgecrusher

    "Life is too short."

    It is too short. I wish I could find something that truly inspires me. That gives me a sense of purpose. That gets me doing something with myself before it's too late.