I find this subject interesting. Most of us are baffled why we don't have any luck. I think it is how we present ourselves. In fact we have no idea how we come across to other people. The way we speak, how we sound, the expressions on our faces, our body language. A few years back I was a member of this other forum. I got a bit sick of people on there saying I was normal and all I had to do was 'get out there' - I did this little video using a camcorder of me talking. It was only a minute long and I spoke about this golf round I had played. I then posted a message saying if anybody wanted to view the video, they could but I asked for completely honest comments. About a dozen asked for the video. Comments were interesting. My very best friends on there, the ones who liked me and wanted to say 'good things' said I was 'normal looking' or 'average', they said I should 'smile more', 'practise smiling', I looked miserable, down beat, cheesed off, whatever you want to call it. My body language screamed 'not bothered' as well !
The other comments were different. I looked like a 'serial killer' just before going out and killing someone. Those words got mentioned more than once ! I looked 'mean', 'intense', 'scary', 'someone to avoid' - and the fact is this is when I was in a normal mood, speaking normally to a camera. I wasn't fed up or anything. I can't see how I look, I have no idea what my face looks like. I try and smile but I can't do it every minute of every day. I have a funny speaking voice, it's not pretty.
And it's not like I am a miserable person. Far from it ! I am probably more happy than most. The times people say 'what's up ?' and I have no idea what they are on about. The insults I take when I speak. The 'cheer up's !' - it hasn't been easy being 'me' but in the last 20 years working in retail I have developed this strong personality and I can get by, live a normal life. Of course that doesn't mean there is a queue of women wanting to date me, far from it !
I would think 'how we present ourselves' is more important than the usual 'looks', 'money' etc