
100% Free Backlink IMacro AutoSubmitter
The Fastest Free Way To Get All The High Page Rank Back Links In Free Automated Way
For getting High Page rank back links you have to purchase packs from various authors, then you would go to the web site, sign up for an account on the site, fill in your details, go to your email and login into your verify your email, go back to the original web site and manually login, go to your profile, manually type in the additional link back information and save.
But with my bot you just have to fill in the information in the csv files and just click on the IMacro and the rest will be taken care by the bot.Manually it takes more than 120-180 min to get 20 high PR back links but with my bot its just goanna take you 5-10 to get every thing done.
Some Of The Features Which Bot Offers:
1. All sites are of high page ranks.
2. Automatic Registration To All High Page rank Sites.
3. Automatic One-way back links and bookmarks to your sites along with your targeted keywords.
4. Very easy to use and maintain.
Requirements for this bot:
1. Firefox.
2. PDF reader (Instructions on how to use this bot is in a pdf file).
3. IMacros plug-in (free of cost)
4. Notepad ++ (to edit the csv files).
5. DeCaptcher.com account.
Download Links:
VERSION 2.0 Coming Soon