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Hello, I’ve been married for 30 years. I’m 55. When we started dating it was fantastic! Like all relationships. After we got married, she started to suffer from PTSD from being abused as a child. This led to Depression, suicidal attempts, Bi -polar personality disorder and a host of other things to numerous to type. I am no saint and not the easiest to live with. BUT, I have stayed true and faithful to her. But there is no closeness or affection. No physical intimacy for over 4 years. Yet, I’m still faithful. No easy. She is always complaining of something. Nothing I ever do is right and everything I say is taken wrong. Like I said I am not perfect. I have a temper, not violent but loud. I also joke when I shouldn’t. I never worry about tomorrow and Honest to God, more times than not, I wake up singing. Then she’ll tell me, not ask, tell me to stop because she doesn’t want to hear it. I am just so fed up and miserable. I just want to know I’m not a Disney villain. You know? I don’t care about her. All I do is yell. I’m always wrong ect. ect. Anyone else deal with this?