Let me take a shot at this...
1. You need to grow up, seriously, you're so handicapped in life, and it's not because you can't take care of yourself; It's because you don't want to and you feel like you don't have to. You're not entitled to anything in life, and I think it's sad that there are people like you with the mentality that you live by. You'll learn soon enough it's not as easy as I make it. I had to grow up faster than I would have liked to, and you should have too.
2. You also need to grow up. You're not right about everything, and you don't know about everything. I'm not the little girl you had 20+ years ago, and you don't know me. You refuse to listen to anything anyone says, and that's the very reason I don't even like being around you. Once you realize how you are, and I hope it's not too late when you do, we'll be better off.
3. I wish we hadn't fallen out in school. You were like a sister to me, and even though we know now that we've gotten over the situation, we could have done without it completely. I'll admit, I was angry that you even believed that I'd ever hurt you. Anything I'd say behind your back, I'd say in front of you, and it would never be anything bad. I hope we can visit each other soon.
4. Simply put, I'm amazed at what you've done. Growing up together, I would have never imagined it.
5. You need a reality check. As beautiful as you look, you're nasty inside. I think you need to, at the very least, apologize to everyone you've crossed paths with. I will say something to you now, and your degenerate boyfriend, next time you have something nasty to say about us. I'm not 12 anymore, I don't have to bite my tongue. And I promise you, it will be the last time you ever say anything rude to us. But just wait, because you have a surprise coming to you later in life, when your daughter realizes what a nut you are. Because she's JUST like you, and you're going to get a taste of your own medicine.