Okay Lets Rewind. I mean before me getting into that big pile of Women like Robin said
First I will find me suspicious brother Palli n starts the "D" Smiley suspicious stare. I call it my penance stare
Then I will Slap that Lonesomecrow of poopoo for fooling me.
Then I will hit bluey and that would be the beginning of our slap game.
When Nevermore is all done with his headbangs, I will play 4 in a row with him and as usual I will give him a dagger to stab himself if he looses.
Then I will give Robin a high five. But wait I cant reach his hands.. He is so tall
OMG 6'4? "Misses the highfive and accidently hits on his balls"
Wheres Drake? lol man. Lets Rap *Sings a rap and cuss everybody" *ima staring at him angrily with my jealous eyes coz of his Decaprio looks*
There comes itti. *shake hand* Youre the man itti. Youre the man.
Wabbit is standing there with his tear filled eyes. *Goes to him. Gives a beer n grabs him to the party. He slaps me coz he does not drink
To be continued....