A second chat room

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Bluey said:
lol, Its the likes of me, you and the rest of the UK that's going to take over the world again *evil laughter* HE HE HE lol

Robin said:
Drake said:
B) Oh really? Then I guess the same can be said for ignoring me, you guys sure had a lot to say about all the horrible things I've doen, why didn't you just ignore me? but when it comes down to me talking about others acting rudely, it's as simple as "ignore" that's rich.

True. Hypocrisy. Proves my point perfectly. They didn't do anything about it.

True? You don't know. You don't know what people have done for him or not; (unless you have been hiding out behind their computer screens or reading thier emails) which proves my point perfectly, you talking out your ass.
Naleena said:
Really? YOU don't have a clue what I have done for Drake behind the scenes so don't even go there.

Um, no i don't. But Naleena, uh.. You're not a moderator. I can't even remember seeing You in the chat-room. Pretty much nothing i've mentioned in this thread even applies to You, because i don't know what You did in terms of moderator work, like You say.

As far as mods being in fear, I don't know about that. I would hope they would feel free to ban any a popular and otherwise well-behaving member if they misbehaved.

Well, i don't want to name them here, but i could get You in touch with the people who were too afraid to ban any time Naleena.

APPARENTLY no one knows what the definition of misbehave is. For some "good behavior" it is the repression of the freedom of speech. For people like me, it's say what you want in a PLACE where you can say what you want. If you harm another, you deserve to be banned. AND if you don't luike what you hear, go somewhere else. Make chat #2 the place for people who don't like #1.

Freedom of speech = not allowing people to use words to be actively rude towards others, according to me. We want the same thing, but i simply use another term for it.

Freedom of speech, to Creme on the other hand, mean being able to say whatever the hell You want, whenever, to whomever. You can't seriously believe that's how it should be in a place on the internet where it's so easy to mess around?

Define here. What we had is enough. It's so easy just to go to a different room if you don't like the first. Let the mods monitor the second one with an iron fist. Don't PUNISH the rest of the forum members because they kid around about sex or whatever. Like I said they have just as much right as the others. Let the others go to the other chat room and stop trying to enslave the rest of the members into what they find appropriate.

Yes, it is very easy to leave the room, but when You practically live in the chat-room and pretty much consider the people in it Your family because You've got really good friends in it, it's not so fun to have to leave just because some jerks wanna **** around.

Hey, if i can create my own chat-room, so could the people who didn't want to behave do. And they did. They were never the victims.

There's nobody using the other chat-rooms because chatting is about chatting, not being alone in an empty room. Simply creating another room won't solve anything because the ones who misbehave can be in both ones at the same time all they want.

Which is it? You talk nicely one minute and then call them corrupt. A fountain can't run sweet and bitter water. You are contra-dicting yourself.

Being a good person and being a good moderator isn't the same thing.

PS FOR ALL MEMEBERS: If anyone ESPECIALLY myself get banned, I ask you not to hold it against anyone who bans me simply because I am a big girl and if I deserve it, I don't have a problem with it. I hope you would respect their decision.

Naleena said:
You go girl! Freedom of speech!

Hurray! I can say whatever i want without getting banned for it! Hurray! **** *** all! I'm SO glad now that i can be a bastard! Freeeedooooom! =D

Naleena said:
True? You don't know. You don't know what people have done for him or not; (unless you have been hiding out behind their computer screens or reading thier emails) which proves my point perfectly, you talking out your ass.

Ehum, i was in the chat-room the first times Drake was myself Naleena. I received lots of reports about his behaviour when i wasn't in there too. I know exactly what wasn't done about him.

Why do You first of all think this has anything to do with You, a person You know that i never saw do anything against anyone. And secondly, talk as if just because i didn't see YOU not do anything about Drake, it doesn't mean that i haven't seen ANYTHING. Even You can be silly, apparently.
Naleena said:
That is not what Vanilla Cream was saying, Robin. She made it clear in her other posts that she was not talking about being rude. I think bastard would fall under the rude catagory.

Well, that's what it looked like to me.

The quote you took was from what he wrote to me. He was addressing me. You quoted his address to me and commented on it. How could I not think your comment included me?

Oh, i didn't even realize that. I didn't even think of that because when i was quoting what he said i never had You in mind for what i was writing back. I have no info whatsoever what have done as a moderator, so i can't put You into any of what i've said here.
Robin said:
Why do You first of all think this has anything to do with You, a person You know that i never saw do anything against anyone. And secondly, talk as if just because i didn't see YOU not do anything about Drake, it doesn't mean that i haven't seen ANYTHING. Even You can be silly, apparently.

I do think it has something to do with all of us, Robin. Censorship is a slippery slope. If there needs to be another chat, fine. Put as many rules as as possible ...from not being a "bastard" to not starting sentences using the letter "A." Let people who WANT to be in an enviorment like that do so.

But also respect the WANTs of those who would put up with the consequences of being in the original chat. The answer is freedom; not enslavement. There should be a place for people to go and express themselves freely. Many of us knowingly choose this freedom and ACCEPT that someone might say something we don't like. That freedom is precious and yes, it comes with a price that I am willing to pay and so are others. It's our choice as it is the choice of people to go to another room or click away. I haven't been in chat, that's true. I have to borrow a computer for a while because mine is down. But I hope when I do get another one, I can go back to the same chat I left.
Both sides can win if the needs of both sides are met. It's not in dominating one side for the sake of the other that peace will come about. This issue started a while back because of at least one person complaining and believing her needs to be more valid than the needs of others. Freedom of speech is not something I am willing to give up because of a few people who misuse it or because someone else believes I should bow to their self serving principles. We are free spirits. “If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”- George Washington
Once more, Naleena sheds some light on the situation. Robin, whoever is complaining about chat, please feel free to send them my way. I'll try my best to make sure they feel comfortable. Or, send them to any of the Mods in chat. That's our job. If we can't resolve their issues, then to the Admins we go.
Naleena said:
Yes, it did. When you started YOUR hate of mods because people don't kiss your ass and pay attention to you. You could have simply asked for another room...but you went on to spew your hate and critize them. I stand up for what I believe. BTW, I don't give a **** what ANYONE on this forum thinks of me. I am who I am and I don't need anyone's approval.

Yep, it's you because no one wants to talk to someone who they can't trust or who might do some jekyll and hyde on them.

Oh please. Grow up.

There was a time when I helped you. Yes, I know what is going on behind the scenes and Drake, I will never ever give a back stabber who maliciously betrays his friends any RESPECT. You lost all my respect for you when I learned of your little games. You may have the rest of the forum fooled but I know better. If you want respect stop blaming people for "ignoring you" ofcourse they do. When someone beats a faithful dog (say like your friends who were faithful and would stick up for you and help you) after while the dog doesn't go within kicking distance. Or you could compare it to a wife beater who beats the **** out of his wife and then blames here for it. This isn't about respectfor you, it's about control and manipulation. You want to treat people like **** and then have them pay you attention and pretend it didn't happen. Robin talks about people getting what they deserve and here is what you deserve- to be ignored until you can change and stop EXPECTING people to be nice to you after you have treated them like crap.

Are you a mod? I didn't think so, and there's no hate what so ever. You're being way too dramatic about this, it's simply criticizing...like holy hell Nal. Yeah I did it because no one kisses my ass or pays attention to me, great logic, I'm not going to even say anything else about that. You obviously give a ****, considering you took the time to write me a 500 word essay, twice now.

Naw its cause no one wants to talk to someone who's honest, insult me again and I'll tell everyone a little something you dont want them to know, that will make them look at you completely different ;)

Oh please, grow up? You're what? at least 35 years old argueing with someone who you apparently dont care about, treats others like **** and who you obviously dislike, why dont you take your own advice. BTW I know why you said that, because I had a great point that you simply had nothing to say back.

Well since you want to call me a back stabber, Eve you can thank your sister for getting you aired out. I asked Eve an opinion on a certain girl from ALL. Eve had never talked to this girl, period. Had never spoken a word to her. The only thing she had to make judgements on where the great things I told Eve about this young lady and the 13 posts she had on the forum (none of which justified what eve said). What did Eve say? Well she called this person full of herself, full of **** and fake...wow a little harsh I know. So I said to her "what makes you say that?" Eve proceeded to get angry with me because I wouldn't trust her, even though her statement was solely based on what she called "Womans Intuition" that's how this all started, and that's why I apparently back stabbed her. Nal, if you want to try to make me look bad in front of the whole forum you will regret it, I guarantee, I dont portray myself as some sweet little angel like you do then turn into something else behind closed doors. So shut the **** up before you get embarassed. I hope your happy you pissed me off now, I was trying to play nice, but calling me a back stabber is where you went wrong. Nobody's fooled, they can see me for the piece of **** that I am. Comparing me to a wife beater now? That's a good one Nal, how about I compare you to a closet ****...uh oh. It is about respect to me, I dont control anyone or manipulate them. Nor do I treat people like **** who treat me well, in fact I'm often nice to people and try to help them even when they treat me like ****. I do deserve to be alone, but I dont deserve to ignored by people for treating them like crap, did you ever think they deserved to be treated like crap? BTW getting mad at someone because they dont believe something that's completely absurd isn't treating them like crap. Have a wonderful ******* day.
Drake said:
Naw its cause no one wants to talk to someone who's honest, insult me again and I'll tell everyone a little something you dont want them to know, that will make them look at you completely different ;)

Go for it!!!! I dare you! I have nothing to hide. I am not scared of you. BTW, what makes you think I give a **** about what people think about me? I think I have proved I don't. I have never backed down from anything I believe.

We are starting to see what this is about, huh? My sister.
Leave my sister out of this. She hasn't said ANYTHING to you. SHe told you to leave her alone too but you won't.
Okay I think I will, but I'll wait for the end of this post. You turned it into this Nal by talking down on me and you brought your sister into this by calling me a back stabber, so stop embarassing yourself. So now on to the good stuff, miss angel Naleena who likes to talk down on me like I'm the devil sent me a picture of her ass. Yeah bare naked, no we weren't in a relationship, just cause I felt bad one day...how promiscuous of her, sorry to break your heart Steel. But your e-crush isn't all she portrays herself to be. So yeah, I guess its time for Drake to leave again, this time for good I promise. You guys will never have to endure another one of my whiney posts, deal with my brutal honesty or put up with hearing when you've done something wrong. I think it's fair to say my reputation for potenntial friends who I haven't met on here has been ruined by one very bitter person who I thought was much better than that, so that is why I'm leaving.
Here is a bigger shocker for anyone reading...I put my bare naked ass up on my MSN chat too!!! Got a lot of good compliments incase your wondering :)
really? I guess you're even sluttier than I thought, have some respect for yourself, damn :\
Drake said:
So now on to the good stuff, miss angel Naleena who likes to talk down on me like I'm the devil sent me a picture of her ass. Yeah bare naked, no we weren't in a relationship, just cause I felt bad one day...how promiscuous of her, sorry to break your heart Steel. But your e-crush isn't all she portrays herself to be.

Oh wow, damn, do people really do such things? I mean, I'm like horrified. Ass you say? Oh damn. How degenerate.

Actually, Nal has a picture of my ass. But then, I've never pretended to be an angel. Neither has Nal, btw, but she is a genuine, caring person. With a great ass.
steel I want you to do something for me.

after I leave (this post) I want you to go lay down
kick off your shoes
lay there for about 20 or 30 minutes
and go **** yourself.
Drake said:
steel I want you to do something for me.

after I leave (this post) I want you to go lay down
kick off your shoes
lay there for about 20 or 30 minutes
and go **** yourself.

Oh wow, this is the person SO offended by the moral degeneration and fighting everywhere.

You show your true colours Drake. They are ugly.
I'm feeling pretty bad. Can I has a picture of Nal's ass?
WTF ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Now, to raost a back stabbing, Duck. Shall we?

Drake said:
Okay I think I will, but I'll wait for the end of this post. You turned it into this Nal by talking down on me
You want all this respect and yet you don't give it to people. Here is something for ya, Drakeypoo. I don't think I have ever met a more decietful human being than you. You are not worthy of friends because of the way you treat them.

and you brought your sister into this by calling me a back stabber, so stop embarassing yourself.

I am not embarrassed. And ya better leave my sister out of this.

So now on to the good stuff, miss angel Naleena who likes to talk down on me like I'm the devil sent me a picture of her ass. Yeah bare naked, no we weren't in a relationship, just cause I felt bad one day...how promiscuous of her, sorry to break your heart Steel.

I did not send you a pic of my ass because you felt bad one day.
Do you actually think Steel cares? Pleease!!! You make it sound like there is something between us and there isn't anything except freindship. Could it be your sore because I refused your advances?

But your e-crush isn't all she portrays herself to be. So yeah, I guess its time for Drake to leave again

Don't be a coward Drake...you finally got it out in the air...let's dance.

You guys will never have to endure another one of my whiney posts, deal with my brutal honesty or put up with hearing when you've done something wrong.

I don't know what is more disturbing. The fact that you can't see what you have done to others is wrong or the fact that you think your right. Both are scary.

I think it's fair to say my reputation for potenntial friends who I haven't met on here has been ruined by one very bitter person who I thought was much better than that, so that is why I'm leaving.

HAAA hAAAA haaaa!!!! I'm not bitter, Im pissed. You are such a liar and yes, the arrogance you show does get under my skin.
Please don't leave until I get this all out!!!!!!!!
Steel, I JUST said the same to Zak, and hopefully, he'll vouch for me... I JUST said people are showing their true colors in this thread. People are venting and showing their true colors.

BTW, who's ass do I get to see? :(
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