All the guys over 20 who have never kissed a girl, post here!!!!

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That would require a woman who doesn't regard the idea as utterly repulsive, and they seem in short supply. 34, I'm pretty sure that will never happen, but I'll keep some mentos around in case I'm wrong.
Two of my friends haven't and they are both 22. One of them really isn't bothered by it though. The other.. He thinks about it sometimes it seems.
I'm 34. Never kissed a girl.

I'm REALLY hoping to change that in the coming year, though.
I'm a girl well over 20 and I've never kissed a guy (or a girl, lol), can I still post?
27 here and I've never kissed a girl.

It doesn't bother me for the most part. Well it does, of course it does, but usually I can either ignore it or forget about it and focus on other things.

But sometimes it really gets to me. I'm not sure if loneliness is a factor or whether I struggle sometimes with society's ways or expectations (perhaps both?), or whether it's something else entirely. But I do know that when it hits, it hits hard, and when combined with loneliness and depression, it makes for a potent mix of emotion; days like this are the hardest.

Guess it bothers me after all...
Back in the fall of 2013... I was 19 (20 now), and I made out wit and sexed one girl (No more than that because I'm simply not trying to date. I'm working on myself and making great strides.) that I loved as a friend and loved me. I didn't really seek it out that much. We met online on a forum and were just good friends for a couple years and ****. She was in town one day for work and **** and we met up at a bar and had drinks got a hotel but her friend was with us so nothing really happened. We just hugged and ****. Then I went out to her place and it fell into place... It was wonderful, but like... Not all it's cracked up to be yo. If you really worried about it and want it that bad, then put yourself out there yo. Just befriend some girls IRL or go on dating sites and ****. Work on yourself and women WILL come to you if you just make opportunities in which you can put yourself out on the scene. Don't even try to put on a show. Don't put the **** on a pedestal and all that yo. That **** is wack af, my ninjas.
I never kissed any girl, and I don't feel bothered really. I'm 28 now.

Why is it such a big deal?
ordinaryDude said:
I never kissed any girl, and I don't feel bothered really. I'm 28 now.

Why is it such a big deal?

In my case, as I suggested in my post, most of the time it isn't. But when it is I guess it's because of two reasons, one general and the other personal.

As much as no one likes to admit it, and as much as people tell you to ignore it when it is spoken about, society has a way of making you feel guilty -- for lack of a better word -- through inference; in other words it makes you feel like there are certain expectations that you should meet, and when you don't (it doesn't matter how realistic or genuine they are or aren't, they still hold power) it isn't long before judgment, disappointment, disdain or whatever else comes knocking. It is assumed in most cases, even though it shouldn't be, that you have your first kiss or lose your virginity during high school or college/university. It obviously doesn't matter whether you have or not, but there is that implied sense that if you haven't you are 'doing it wrong', so to speak. That's the general one.

The more personal reason it can be a big deal, when it is at least, is that it's significant because it feels like it will never happen. Silly? Probably, but a lot of us think unrealistically whilst feeling lonely, down and so on. Until that first kiss happens (assuming for a second here that it will), I can't truly know for sure whether it will or not. That uncertainty has a tendency to get to me, sometimes.

Plus, even though I've never done it, I kind of value kissing a lot more than the other intimate things people do. It just seems like the most simplest and purest way to show a significant other how you feel. But I might be wrong, too. How would I know, right now? ;)
FauxReaL said:
Uhm. Women aren't a body part…

It's just a saying yo... and this thread IS about sex/physical love. Don't be so stuck up.

I don't feel she's being stuck up at all. A lot of women don't want to be or appreciate being referred to as "****."
I don't feel she's being stuck up at all. A lot of women don't want to be or appreciate being referred to as "****."

I admit that I was in the wrong... but I was just being tongue in cheek. I'm from the hood so we talk that often. I've even heard girls say it. : p
FauxReaL said:
I don't feel she's being stuck up at all. A lot of women don't want to be or appreciate being referred to as "****."

I admit that I was in the wrong... but I was just being tongue in cheek. I'm from the hood so we talk that often. I've even heard girls say it. : p

That doesn't make it okay, but I appreciate you admiting you were wrong.

I'm a human bean and I expect to be treated as such, rather than as a function for a guy.

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