I've had a ton of problems. Early this year I couldn't login for four months because they forced me to use a secondary verification other then the email I've been using for a long time. So, the verification was being sent to my old phone number for some reason. I called customer service and they said they couldn't verify it is me and I would need to send them a copy of my driver's license. I would never and will never do that. People that are willing to do that are insane. Amazon can't be trusted with that information besides they'll sell it off to a bunch of third party vendors as "necessary for doing business."
Anyway, I could answer all of the past purchase history questions because I've kept track of every purchase I've ever made through them. I verified my email address, home address, shipping address, and credit card information. But, that wasn't good enough. They kept asking non-security code odd ball questions that I couldn't answer. Or that I didn't answer exactly correctly as I later discovered.
Apparently their computer system picks random questions from their database. I happen to get the correct combination of questions for the foreign customer service person to ask me. It took no less then ten calls to them and lots of time to finally be able to update my cell phone number. Then I still couldn't login. Their system sent me a link to click on with my cell phone. I don't click on links on my cell phone. I want the stupid verification code messaged to me as stated in their own policy. But, there's some setting that none of the customer service reps can find to correct that problem.
So, every time I want to log in a verification link gets sent to my cell phone. Then I have to type that into the web browser and click, "Someone else is logging into your account" in order to finally get into my account.
That's just 1 of about 20 problems I've had and still having with Amazon.
But, yes, the third part sellers are really F..king things up too. So what happens is a third party will sell stuff on Amazon via Walmart or some other online retailer. You have no idea that is happening. You believe that you are buying directly from the third party vendor especially when it's an actual business. When you receive something messed up Amazon says tough ****, the third party vendor says tough ****, and you can't deal directly with the actual seller because you didn't buy anything from them. Your name is on the shipping label but that's it. If you fight the charges with your credit card company Amazon says here's proof of tracking, "Received."
So, if have to contact Amazon and go through all their BS in hopes to find a foreign customer service rep that understands what the problem is and be will to help. Well, as long as they have enough power to make it happen. Amazon severely restricts what the foreign customer service agents can and can not do. It's for your protection. But, it also makes things way more difficult and sometimes impossible. If you read comments on various products you'll see buyers saying stuff like it arrive broke and can't get a refund. That's one reason why.
You think how is that possible? Well, each third party vendor gets to have their own return policies. Amazon only wants to take a piece of the sell. Then don't want to protect the buyer even though they state they do with a "Gold Standard Return Policy." Or, whatever they hell they are calling it now.
It's not a issue of simply clicking unsatisfied or whatnot.