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Wave Shock

UPDATE: Check last post for my latest update.

*vent open*Right now, I just feel like taking a bat and swinging at anything in my sights...It's basically one of my bad nights.

It seems my old, good, and distant friend has finally faded away from me. I knew this would be coming, for it has happened before. Basically, when a friendship becomes is bound to fade away. She was my last thread line for my close social life...

Been talking to someone who I met on okcupid...though I think that is fading fast. Once everything has been said, there isn't much else to discuss, thus; discussions and myself become boring. I'm growing old of this cherade...UPDATE: Turns out we told each other how we feel, and now we're in a long distance relationship.

Pretty much what probably activated these feelings is the fact I don't want to go to work tomorrow. This anger/sad combo is really hitting me, and I just don't know what to do...*vent over*
Wave Shock said:
Been talking to someone who I met on okcupid...though I think that is fading fast. Once everything has been said, there isn't much else to discuss, thus; discussions and myself become boring. I'm growing old of this cherade...

That's exactly what happens to me 95% of the time and pretty much the main reason I can never make new friends... it pisses me off too...
I feel bad what I said before about the girl I met on okcupid. Well, I told her that I liked her, and it turned out she did too. So now we're in a long distance relationship. Not sure what we can do to hold it together. It's not like we can hold hands, hug, or kiss...
hey wave shock,

why don't you go on a trip once you feel comfortable to see her. it might be fun or if it sucks you can always leave... somthing to look forward to at least. beats nothing to look forward to.
I would say its easier said than done going to meet someone you totally don't know. But ya...the feeling also sucks. The problem about making new friends these days is that...first you make friends with them, then because you are new and not in their group gradually, you become further apart from them, then you become sort of like "hi and bye" friends, then soon, one of you starts not greeting the other.....then over time...back to the beginning, you all are strangers....that always happens to me....i make like 5 new friends per day, loose like 20 of them.
SadRabbit said:
I would say its easier said than done going to meet someone you totally don't know. But ya...the feeling also sucks. The problem about making new friends these days is that...first you make friends with them, then because you are new and not in their group gradually, you become further apart from them, then you become sort of like "hi and bye" friends, then soon, one of you starts not greeting the other.....then over time...back to the beginning, you all are strangers....that always happens to me....i make like 5 new friends per day, loose like 20 of them.

Well... if you talk over the internet for a good amount of time, exchange a few pictures, and eventually talk on the phone you technically do know them, As much as you might know someone you meet in person.

Soo... if over the course of doing thoes three things you arn't really feeling her then don't take it a step further by meeting.

If you still like her after say a month of talking then go for it. Thats why you goined the site, right?

When I was eighteen or nineteen I met two guys off of yahoo personals and they were great people that I would never found otherwise.

I didn't end up in a relationship with either. But we would hang out, go places and have a great time.They pretty much are some of the only people who didn't do really ****** up **** to me, come to think of it. So don't rule it out.

I will try it again IF I ever get over hateing myself
Unfortunately, I don't have a cell, so I'm tied to this laptop...I need a celly to text and call with...I was thinking of getting a webcam and she might too. Right now we're in the "what now" stage, both of us have never been in a relationship before, so it's a little tough. Like I said, once all is said, what more is there to know besides the next day of events.

Flying out is one thing, but I think it's a liitle soon for that. Especially with school/classes starting...There's always the future I guess...
LoL, first of all, I don't think any of you would like to go out with a boring asian chinese guy like me....furthermore a pretty ugly one and I live like half way across the globe from most of the people in here. LoL, as for friends, at least for me, all had their agendas. If they wanted me, they will call me out, make friends with me. Well, I got smart and over the years, I made sure i had something that they need me for, so I had their company. But new friends got less and less, cause lets just say, over time, I too became like them, I made friends cause I need to make use of them, but not because I liked their company. Well, as for girls, they are even harder to make friends with. Sure, I mean they are kinda of friendly when you talk to them as a stranger, but if you want to bring the relationship to the next level as friends, they all start looking at your looks. Which brings me to a point, no matter which sex or which person you mix with, all of us (though we hate to admit it) make friends base of the other's looks. If the person looks friendly and suave and popular, you would want him to be your friend. I for one, am far from good looking, and I have the stupid clumsy dude look. Sure alot of people know me in the bad sense, say hi to me, but none would want to get to know me better.
That's why I hate everyone...

That's why you should hate eveyone....

Until THEY give YOU a reason to like them.
MarynaGural said:
That's why I hate everyone...

That's why you should hate eveyone....

Until THEY give YOU a reason to like them.

You shouldn't hate everyone.

Just be careful who you let close to you.
I agree. Don't hate everyone. Hate is like a disease. It slowly consumes you. Trust me on that, when it consumes you, you really wish you could die cause you really have nothing to look forward too. =(...Just like me.
Well my online girlfriend and I broke up...I guess what I really want is someone near me. It seems I was just desperate to have someone close and caring that I would have settled for anything...I didn't want to waste her time with me. I did like her, but not as much as I would have figured...

Looking back on it, I realize that I was the stupid jerk who seemed to only wanted this relationship until I found someone near me to be with. Really, I wanted her to be happy and in a real relationship, but I guess I was just trying to make myself better...I don't know.

Couldn't take why I was crying last night. Relationships are too hard to figure out. Mixed feelings all over the place...I didn't want to be lonely anymore, so I use okcupid. I find an online girlfriend, and I realize I wanted someone close. Now, I'm back to where I'm started, and I'm not sure if I'm ready, if not, worthy to be someone's boyfriend...

A lot of bull if you ask me...Perhaps people (in relationships) aren't really joking when they say I should stay single...
SadRabbit, I like you and I want to be your friend. I don't care if you look like Quasimodo, it's what's INSIDE that counts! And I really do mean that!

Wave Shock, I"m sorry about the online relationship going bust. I had one person I met here who also was flirting with me and it seemed so much fun, when suddenly he freaked out and didn't want to be friends anymore! But I felt it was an innocent flirtation, perhaps he thought I was asking for more. Crossed wires, KWIM? You can meet a LOT of nice people in your area, even if you live in a rural area you can drive one hour or two to find a relationship. It's worth it! Man was not meant to be alone! Hugs and keep the courage!

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