Even though I live in a city of over 8 million people, I can't make a real friend. People either reject me or they use me. Last year I decided to answer some ads for pen pals, bad idea. The web is full of scammers and sickos! One woman told me(a woman) to send her $20 a month for her to keep writing me! I'm not desperate. Finally I found a woman that seemed genuine and seemed to share some of my interests, so I wrote to her about a year. Suddenly she stopped writing, this surprised me because I was led to believe that our relationship could turn into a real friendship. At first I thought she was too busy to write, so I gave it some time and sent an email asking if she was OK. No reply. After some more time I sent a last email stating, "I thought we were friends, but if you don"t want that I won't bother you again. Nothing from her and that was that. It took me by surprise because we didn't have a disagreement or anything and her last email was friendly.
In hindsight I thought about the red flags that I should have paid attention to: she had 3 failed marriages and didn't get along with her own family and she was an atheist. If I had know she was the latter I wouldn't have written her because I believe that atheists have a cold heart and only answer to themselves. She probably only answered my reply because I live in NYC which was the epic center of the COVID-19 virus and she was curious. Later after things leveled off she got bored. I never send anybody my street address and I have stopped giving out my phone number. In this high tech age, who knows what someone can do with info. There are a lot of really bad things happening to people that go on the web and don't know what they're doing.
In hindsight I thought about the red flags that I should have paid attention to: she had 3 failed marriages and didn't get along with her own family and she was an atheist. If I had know she was the latter I wouldn't have written her because I believe that atheists have a cold heart and only answer to themselves. She probably only answered my reply because I live in NYC which was the epic center of the COVID-19 virus and she was curious. Later after things leveled off she got bored. I never send anybody my street address and I have stopped giving out my phone number. In this high tech age, who knows what someone can do with info. There are a lot of really bad things happening to people that go on the web and don't know what they're doing.