Theres an article that came across years ago about Cool Breathing Tech.
Basically you just focus on the tip of ur nose then pretend theres cool air. Breathe in the cool air to cool off your brain. I followed the simple instructions and it actaully worked...Sometimes I still practice it when
I remember to.
In the process of applying that simple excersize..I started to notice my
breathing when I get stress....I stop breathing or my breathing becomes
irregular. It makes all the sense in the world. If my brain dosnt receive
proper intake of oxegen it donst function at its best.
At first I just practice deep breathing for 5 mins on the hour every hour
to chill the **** out. As time went on...when I catch myself stressing it..I just take in deep breath N chill out when I need to N want to.
Over time it just become habits of me taking deep breath.
One of the greatest living tools Ive learn in recovery was to allow myself
to start my day over anytime I want. I use to get up feeling like **** and my mind racing about all kinds of ******** then it would **** up my whole day. So I just took the simple suggestion and start my day over again anytime I need to. I would do it at lunch break..then do it between 2 hours work breaks. Its still applying the principle of breaking things into small portions becuase when I first got clean N sober... I couldnt do it
oneday at a time. I however could do it an hour at a time or 5 mins at a time..So its simply just building on that...I choose to be happy 5 mins at a time. You dont need to be a spirirtual guru to achive peace N happiness or practice meditations...
So in so many ways its just about me getting over, letting go, giving up **** and moving forward.
I have a lot of spitritual books and stuff like that.
A definitions of a spiritaul person is " A WELL ADJUSTED PERSON"..
Like fucken WOW man thats like a brain fart moment and an awakening
One of my hobbies is Remote Control Air planes...
It takes a lot of focus becuz my giantic models actually looks like a little spect in the sky.lmao
At first I could only fly for 5 mins becuase I would get a headache from focusing on the model fly back N forth.
The more I practice I was able to fly for 15 mins intervals. Then I started doing aerobics or evasive manuvers.
Yeap..sometimes when I'm in the middle of doing crazy stunts I notice my brain drifting and wondering what the **** is for dinner.
The samething happens when I'm playing my guitar or having sex.lmao
In other mind drifted and I wasnt living N experincing life in the moment.