Yeah, it’s feels horrible and, in my opinion at least, being single it’s one of the worst things that can happen to any man, but it’s certainly not THE worst. The examples Triple Bogey said are the proof. Also, you CAN get used to it, but it does get you every once in a while. We’re not animals or gods completely, after all.
Unfortunately, for me at least, I feel like screaming nearly every day, because I’m the last one in my WHOLE family that has yet to find romance. All my brothers and cousins have their boyfriends and girlfriends and some are even married. Hell, I think even my youngest nephew (2-years-old) will have a girlfriend, or boyfriend, whatever the hell his orientation turns out to be, before I even get the chance to hold hands with someone.
Even worse, I get easily angered whenever I see a couple. Whether it’s real life, television, books, video games, porn, art, sculptures, drawings, etc., etc., etc. Even freaking fictional couples make me want to shout… “HEY EVERYBODY!!! I’M OVER HERE!!!” to people or “When is it going to be my turn?” to Mother Nature (Not that I believe she exists; think of it as an expression to how I feel).