Seeker_2.0 said:
Every year I "have to be with the family on Christmas". That's what's getting on my nerves. Never mind that they always invite distant relatives they don't even like, just because they feel they "have to". I live in a traditional country, where social obligations are seen just as that: obligations, which must be kept. So every year I have to sit there and talk with people I don't care about and who demand that I explain to them why i'm still single etc etc. Ugh
I don't think there's anything wrong with not wanting to spend Christmas with people or family. Sometimes they're not really good company, or you just don't get along with them and it's difficult to force yourself and pretend, it's pretty exhausting. I've had to do this for a lot of occasions, not Christmas though, and it always frustrates me at the end of the day and leave me feeling so ... wound up and stressed.
It's just not for everyone and that's perfectly fine.
And I totally get that too, the question being why am I still not getting married like all my other cousins and relatives have. *sigh*