mgill said:
a man's height & looks level have a tremendous amount to do with finding love. without a minimum of physical attraction a women is never going to want to get to know a him well enough to be romantically interested in him. since studies have shown that women consider 80% of men to be below average looking it is mainly only the top 20% of men who are even considered as potential partners by the vast majority of women.
i think your car analogy is a good one but most women who can afford it will take a flashy, expensive corvette which has horrible gas mileage and breaks down all the time over an inexpensive, extremely reliable but plain looking compact car which gets great gas mileage.
i think if our society did function the way you suggest there would be FAR fewer single, lonely men in the world. for example, just consider how love is portried in movies & the media. the male love interest is ALWAYS tall & very good looking-even to the point of having the man stand on boxes so he appears to be taller than his female co-star (Tom Cruise & Robert Downy Jr are just two of many examples of this).
So many statistics... And movies and social media isn't the best place to find successful love stories. Have you seen how many couples from the movie industry, for example, break up? Attractive looks without a beautiful personality is a disaster. Plain looking people, short people, bald people, disfigured people but with a beautiful personality are gold. If you want fairytale examples, take The Beauty and The Beast, take Beastly, take The Professor (by Charlotte Bronte), for example. What can be more attractive than a beautiful soul? There's absolutely nothing more attractive than that. Some women spend their whole lives alone because they cannot find a beautiful soul, because they're tired of men wearing a mask of beauty on the outside and being eaten alive by worms on the inside. Some women are feeling doomed and they are not able to trust anyone anymore and it's all because of the bad choices they've made in the past.
I'm telling you... There are many women out there broken and unable to smile anymore because they never met a man with a good soul. No statistic knows about those women. Because those women remain hidden, they will never admit out loud the tragedy in their hearts.
So... atleast for one second, forget about those statistics. They're not the ultimate truth.