Abandon your fear. Look forward.
Hello, all your fellow gamers, this is a thread I made that goes over interests I have in games from PC to Console here I will post games information on interesting characters in said games that of interest to me up and coming games for console and for pc (since I have an interest in both.) This thread is dedicated for the sole purpose of recommendations on games or sharing discussion on characters you enjoyed on said games, why you liked them, why you dislike them (please don't be toxic) if there is a game that you disliked here in this list that is fine as well, but this is more of an interest in these games (my interest) and is really more of an information sharing thread. If you do not like video games, I respect that this is not a place for you, and should not try to criticize or harass others for liking video games (respect me as I respect you right to be you) I hope that this will bring more gamers to share their interests since I do not hear too much from gamers on this site hope you enjoy thanks for reading hope you all enjoy. 
To start off this thread I would like to take a look at some of the up-and-coming games for 2023 on console
00:00 - Avowed 01:00 - Black Myth: Wukong 04:30 - Project Relic 05:23 - The Lost Wild 06:27 - Diablo 4 09:47 - The Outer Worlds 2 11:12 - Wronged Us 12:20 - Ad Infinitum 12:53 - Everspace 2 13:37 - Grave
Avowed looks like looks like its going to be an interesting game so far I am a fan of Skyrim type games mostly into mmorpg style gaming the graphics look really good it definitely has similarities to the Elder Scrolls franchise theme but it didn't show third person gameplay not too much into first person gameplay myself, but I have many friends that enjoy playing first person mainly in Skyrim or shooter games though. Hopefully it has a 3rd person view as well or I may pass this game up however like I said judging from the couple of minutes looking at the graphics and mechanics of this game I may consider playing it who knows maybe if it's a good open world game with decent amount of content since I tend to be able to complete games reach fast that could make me loose interest.
Black Myth Wukong I don't think I would be very much into this game though it looks like a mmorpg I don't like the setup or the overall theme of it he looks to be a humanoid monkey? fighting other monkeys? well at least from the few moments that it showed him fighting that's what he was fighting why do I want monkeys as villains (I like monkeys) well I guess it wouldn't be the first time I had to fight a monkey in a game but I hope this isn't the majority of the villain types in this game but yea it's probably not my kind of game.
Project Relic this one looks more like a pc game mmorpg it has diversity in monsters but the screen time it had was too short to tell if it's for pc or not hmm I might look into this game a bit more to see if it is in fact a pc game and if its open world or non-open I'm not too big on dungeon crawler games but there are some that are pretty good that I have played idk I will investigate further into this game at a later time.
The lost World eh, it didn't bother to show me gameplay footage so I won't know some dinosaur games are interesting Ark is one can remember off the top of my head Monster hunter is another one, but this is more like Jurassic Park, right? I think I'll pass I didn't even watch the latest movie of it yet.
Diablo 4 no, sorry I don't like their company anymore since they made world of warcraft level upgrade to max cash shop available. I am not knocking Diablo It may be a great game for the fanbase it has my friend is a Diablo fan, but I won't play with him anytime soon on this game to many bad memories.
The Outer Worlds 2 hey a game I actually remember playing it was pretty good game at the time outer worlds 1 that is but the speed runners killed it burned it into the ground... It was really short game content but the graphics at the time were really good it had factions and decisions you could make to have people hate or like you and you could charm and other stuff with npcs but it was short content... hopefully they make this one longer than the previous one I would like to be able to interact more with the npcs I like dialog and back stories in characters.
Wronged Us pass... I'm not a big fan of horror games or horror anything I have a mental illness I see horror stuff a lot I don't need more of it but if it's something others might be interested in more power to you (power to the gamers.)
Ad Infinitum pass... great another horror game I already kind of explained this
Everspace 2 I may try this one I never played too much sci fi games, but I am willing to give this one a try after I play (Starfield) another game that's up and coming not mentioned on this list I will post that game here as well it looks really good, and I like Bethesda games for the most part
Grave interesting survival theme of the wild west but eh, looks like another horror game, I love survival games it makes me think in different ways and tests my gaming skill sometimes, but I don't like the horror look to this game, so I don't think I'll try it.
To start off this thread I would like to take a look at some of the up-and-coming games for 2023 on console
00:00 - Avowed 01:00 - Black Myth: Wukong 04:30 - Project Relic 05:23 - The Lost Wild 06:27 - Diablo 4 09:47 - The Outer Worlds 2 11:12 - Wronged Us 12:20 - Ad Infinitum 12:53 - Everspace 2 13:37 - Grave
Avowed looks like looks like its going to be an interesting game so far I am a fan of Skyrim type games mostly into mmorpg style gaming the graphics look really good it definitely has similarities to the Elder Scrolls franchise theme but it didn't show third person gameplay not too much into first person gameplay myself, but I have many friends that enjoy playing first person mainly in Skyrim or shooter games though. Hopefully it has a 3rd person view as well or I may pass this game up however like I said judging from the couple of minutes looking at the graphics and mechanics of this game I may consider playing it who knows maybe if it's a good open world game with decent amount of content since I tend to be able to complete games reach fast that could make me loose interest.
Black Myth Wukong I don't think I would be very much into this game though it looks like a mmorpg I don't like the setup or the overall theme of it he looks to be a humanoid monkey? fighting other monkeys? well at least from the few moments that it showed him fighting that's what he was fighting why do I want monkeys as villains (I like monkeys) well I guess it wouldn't be the first time I had to fight a monkey in a game but I hope this isn't the majority of the villain types in this game but yea it's probably not my kind of game.
Project Relic this one looks more like a pc game mmorpg it has diversity in monsters but the screen time it had was too short to tell if it's for pc or not hmm I might look into this game a bit more to see if it is in fact a pc game and if its open world or non-open I'm not too big on dungeon crawler games but there are some that are pretty good that I have played idk I will investigate further into this game at a later time.
The lost World eh, it didn't bother to show me gameplay footage so I won't know some dinosaur games are interesting Ark is one can remember off the top of my head Monster hunter is another one, but this is more like Jurassic Park, right? I think I'll pass I didn't even watch the latest movie of it yet.
Diablo 4 no, sorry I don't like their company anymore since they made world of warcraft level upgrade to max cash shop available. I am not knocking Diablo It may be a great game for the fanbase it has my friend is a Diablo fan, but I won't play with him anytime soon on this game to many bad memories.
The Outer Worlds 2 hey a game I actually remember playing it was pretty good game at the time outer worlds 1 that is but the speed runners killed it burned it into the ground... It was really short game content but the graphics at the time were really good it had factions and decisions you could make to have people hate or like you and you could charm and other stuff with npcs but it was short content... hopefully they make this one longer than the previous one I would like to be able to interact more with the npcs I like dialog and back stories in characters.
Wronged Us pass... I'm not a big fan of horror games or horror anything I have a mental illness I see horror stuff a lot I don't need more of it but if it's something others might be interested in more power to you (power to the gamers.)
Ad Infinitum pass... great another horror game I already kind of explained this
Everspace 2 I may try this one I never played too much sci fi games, but I am willing to give this one a try after I play (Starfield) another game that's up and coming not mentioned on this list I will post that game here as well it looks really good, and I like Bethesda games for the most part
Grave interesting survival theme of the wild west but eh, looks like another horror game, I love survival games it makes me think in different ways and tests my gaming skill sometimes, but I don't like the horror look to this game, so I don't think I'll try it.