Those are beautiful. Must have been lovely to be there. Looks so peaceful.Lost Drifter said:I walked up and down these steps every day for four months. I miss them:
And the view at the top was always worth it:
Just another random picture I took:
annik said:
DreamerDeceiver said:Another fascinating scene, annik. I like the sense of superstition and allure you convey in your photos, it's almost eerily haunting. I also like the soft tones and contrast of colour you chose here.
The feathery object on your head reminded me right away of the caps worn by the Queen's guards.
Arsenic Queen said:Really interesting artwork Annik. What's its message? With the pompom around your model's head and the black dress it seems to form an "i", yet with the way the arms are placed the i is broken. "i, broken"? That pompom hides your model's face, eyes, expression, isolating from viewers, keeping a form of intimacy. Like a cloud of blackness between the model, and the rest of the world. It's an interesting concept. Dark, very expressive.
DreamerDeceiver said:This is beautiful.
Lonesome Crow said: