Can "Shock Sites" Be Shut Down?

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Felix said:
I like to see shock sites like documenting reallity once in a while.

Already saw mutilated genitals so few things can affect me now :p

It's important to keep our freedoms, ilegality is not the solution. The goverments could use it to censor what they don't like.

I believe the parents need to take care of their kids. Unfortunatly since they don't know well the internet, they are incapable to do this in some cases.
Hi Felix.:)
If you want, I can send you a link to the most horrendous shock video on the internet. You want to see reality? The link will show you reality like you wouldn't believe.:)

LoneKiller said:
Felix said:
I like to see shock sites like documenting reallity once in a while.

Already saw mutilated genitals so few things can affect me now :p

It's important to keep our freedoms, ilegality is not the solution. The goverments could use it to censor what they don't like.

I believe the parents need to take care of their kids. Unfortunatly since they don't know well the internet, they are incapable to do this in some cases.
Hi Felix.:)
If you want, I can send you a link to the most horrendous shock video on the internet. You want to see reality? The link will show you reality like you wouldn't believe.:)

Don't do that. Personally I find it offensive that you would send these kind of links for any reason (unless you're posting it on a shock site forum)
LoneKiller said:
Felix said:
I like to see shock sites like documenting reallity once in a while.

Already saw mutilated genitals so few things can affect me now :p

It's important to keep our freedoms, ilegality is not the solution. The goverments could use it to censor what they don't like.

I believe the parents need to take care of their kids. Unfortunatly since they don't know well the internet, they are incapable to do this in some cases.
Hi Felix.:)
If you want, I can send you a link to the most horrendous shock video on the internet. You want to see reality? The link will show you reality like you wouldn't believe.:)

Oooh! What is it?
passage said:
LoneKiller said:
Felix said:
I like to see shock sites like documenting reallity once in a while.

Already saw mutilated genitals so few things can affect me now :p

It's important to keep our freedoms, ilegality is not the solution. The goverments could use it to censor what they don't like.

I believe the parents need to take care of their kids. Unfortunatly since they don't know well the internet, they are incapable to do this in some cases.
Hi Felix.:)
If you want, I can send you a link to the most horrendous shock video on the internet. You want to see reality? The link will show you reality like you wouldn't believe.:)

Don't do that. Personally I find it offensive that you would send these kind of links for any reason (unless you're posting it on a shock site forum)
Yeah, you are right Passage. I can't be looking to shut down a site and then turn around and offer links. That makes me look
like a hypocrite and an idiot. Thank you for setting me straight.

I watched many of those, including beheadings, burning children, holocaust horrors etc..

I can say for sure that this effects me in a way, probably even got me in some way to where I am now in a position of not trusting people and getting in less contact with humans as I can.

I don't know why it effected me so bad, guess I am more sensitive than others who watched it and just keep on as it was some cartoons. As been said it's curiousity and stupidity which drives people to watch that, even that it's not healthy for the soul of a normal person.

I remember once I got into a video, I read the comments where members discussed that this is about some two russian guys molesting and killing slowly an innocent old men in the woods, really the WORST thingg ever, one said that after watching that you never will be the same and even the little innocent you had will be gone.
that was the only time I got over the curious and skip it.

However bad, shocking and disturbing those video are I DO think it is important for people to know about it. The world is beautiful, nature is amazing, but life is more than butterflies and rainbows. One must know and be aware to the horrors, dangers and bloodshed on Earth as well.
Hoffy said:
LoneKiller said:
Felix said:
I like to see shock sites like documenting reallity once in a while.

Already saw mutilated genitals so few things can affect me now :p

It's important to keep our freedoms, ilegality is not the solution. The goverments could use it to censor what they don't like.

I believe the parents need to take care of their kids. Unfortunatly since they don't know well the internet, they are incapable to do this in some cases.
Hi Felix.:)
If you want, I can send you a link to the most horrendous shock video on the internet. You want to see reality? The link will show you reality like you wouldn't believe.:)

Oooh! What is it?
Passage is right Hoffy. I can't in good conscience give you a link to something so disturbing. You would never forget what you saw. I don't want to be the one responsible for that. I hope that you understand.
LoneKiller said:
Felix said:
I like to see shock sites like documenting reallity once in a while.

Already saw mutilated genitals so few things can affect me now :p

It's important to keep our freedoms, ilegality is not the solution. The goverments could use it to censor what they don't like.

I believe the parents need to take care of their kids. Unfortunatly since they don't know well the internet, they are incapable to do this in some cases.
Hi Felix.:)
If you want, I can send you a link to the most horrendous shock video on the internet. You want to see reality? The link will show you reality like you wouldn't believe.:)

Hey man

I appreciate the gesture but I politely reject it :D

I have enough with the stuff I run into accidentally.

And like I said I only do it once in a while and mostly to know what something really looks like.
LoneKiller said:
Hoffy said:
LoneKiller said:
Felix said:
I like to see shock sites like documenting reallity once in a while.

Already saw mutilated genitals so few things can affect me now :p

It's important to keep our freedoms, ilegality is not the solution. The goverments could use it to censor what they don't like.

I believe the parents need to take care of their kids. Unfortunatly since they don't know well the internet, they are incapable to do this in some cases.
Hi Felix.:)
If you want, I can send you a link to the most horrendous shock video on the internet. You want to see reality? The link will show you reality like you wouldn't believe.:)

Oooh! What is it?
Passage is right Hoffy. I can't in good conscience give you a link to something so disturbing. You would never forget what you saw. I don't want to be the one responsible for that. I hope that you understand.

:( ok
Felix said:
LoneKiller said:
Felix said:
I like to see shock sites like documenting reallity once in a while.

Already saw mutilated genitals so few things can affect me now :p

It's important to keep our freedoms, ilegality is not the solution. The goverments could use it to censor what they don't like.

I believe the parents need to take care of their kids. Unfortunatly since they don't know well the internet, they are incapable to do this in some cases.
Hi Felix.:)
If you want, I can send you a link to the most horrendous shock video on the internet. You want to see reality? The link will show you reality like you wouldn't believe.:)

Hey man

I appreciate the gesture but I politely reject it :D

I have enough with the stuff I run into accidentally.

And like I said I only do it once in a while and mostly to know what something really looks like.
I'm so embarrassed that I even offered it to you.

I have a very, very strong moral opposition to watching someone in his or her time of dying. I believe that all life is precious and that if I was intended to witness that death I would have been there. What is always shocking about this conversation every time it comes up, and it rattles me to the core, is that no one ever voices the same point-of-view that I have. A lot of people are opposed to watching such videos because they are graphic, or they are disturbing, or they will haunt you. That is not why I oppose viewing such a video. I oppose viewing it because that person who already undoubtedly suffered a horrendous and tragic death was a PERSON. A living and breathing human being who lived and loved. With parents, maybe kids, probably brothers and sisters, and lives that he or she touched. The thought that I would reduce myself to such a level that I could (or would) watch one's time of dying for some sort of entertainment or shock value would rattle me to the core. What would rattle me? What does that say about my humanity? About my respect for human life? My respect for the lives and the sancity of those lives of others? My respect for my fellow man? What if that person whose tragic death was caught on tape was your child? Or brother? Or mother? How would you feel knowing that all over the world people get their jollies by watching your most precious loved one being mutilated? Do we have ANY consideration at all for our fellow humans? I can not stoop to that level and still look at myself in the mirror. I would be terrified of the person looking back at me.

Truth be told, I am not worried about what I would see. I have a decent imagination and just reading about what happened allows me to imagine the rather graphic details of the horrific events captured in such videos. I am, however, terrified about what it would say about me if I chose to entertain/shock/test myself by watching. No, I won't sell my soul or a piece of my humanity to play follow the leader. The question for me is this: What is more valuable: that human being or my entertainment? I don't think I could live with myself if I answered wrong.

I feel repelled from people who would choose to willingly engage in such behavior. I don't trust them. I feel as though they have different fundamental beliefs than me about the sanctity or value of life. I don't want to be near them. It's a physical response.

I actually wrote a very long essay on this topic once.
I can't tell you guys how embarrassed I am right now. All I can do is apologize to those who I offended. I meant no disrespect.
LoneKiller said:
I can't tell you guys how embarrassed I am right now. All I can do is apologize to those who I offended. I meant no disrespect.

I don't think you should be embarrassed or apologize. Although I can't speak for others, you didn't offend me. It seems you realize that what have once done is wrong (by your own internal standards) and you have a concern for others and how they may be negatively impacted by viewing/participating in such activities (shows concern for your fellow man). I hope you didn't take 'my' post as being offended with you.

It seems some are content to justify this simply as "morbid curiosity" (which was the name of my essay, btw). None are innocent. I watched Faces of Death when I was a kid and have seen some horrendous videos (although not murders or mutilations). So I wasn't "born" or immaculately "endowed" with a moral-high-ground. It came to me with time. Through my faith, through my connectedness with what I consider to be a Higher Power.

None are perfect. We all learn as we go.
LoneKiller said:
I can't tell you guys how embarrassed I am right now. All I can do is apologize to those who I offended. I meant no disrespect.

Take it easy LK! It's allright, don't think anyone got offended, we all know it wasn't your intention ;)
What bothers me is how someone develops an interest in this crap, or even those who are pedophiles. Nobody 7yo wakes up in the morning and says that he is going to take an interest in gore or kids when they grow up. It's not like they want those interests, yet they still do. I don't get it.
LoneKiller said:
What bothers me is how someone develops an interest in this crap, or even those who are pedophiles. Nobody 7yo wakes up in the morning and says that he is going to take an interest in gore or kids when they grow up. It's not like they want those interests, yet they still do. I don't get it.

Unfortunatly there was always gore around...

Yes one could make the assumptions you make but could also asume some people will consider enough seeing that gore and that might keep them for doing something in real life to provoke that gore...

It is unpleasant for some, but as long as we humans have that morbid curiosity this kind of thing will always be around, as it is in movies like "saw".

The reasons that generate violence are related to ecomimic injustice, social violence, State terror, war, genetically weirdos like psicopaths.... That's where all this images come from. The web is just another place the end up in.

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