I have four dogs and one cat. When my son graduated from college, he got a diploma, and I got his cat. Lucinda chases the cat, so I had a cat highway built a little lower than the ceiling. I have two cat trees indoors. In addition, I turned my carport into a catio equipped with shelves, cat trees, and a lattice enclosure. To keep the peace, I put the dogs out back twice a day so that Rorschach can have run of the house. Rorshach walks me on her leash twice a day. After all this, I can say I have turned into a cat person.I love both cats and dogs. At the moment, I have 2 cats. I don't think they would deal well with a dog in the house. So I'm officially a cat person.
How about you? Which are you?
there are cats brave (or stupid enough) to chase off bears and alligatorsDog person.
Can't sick a cat on a federal employée. You just look stupid.
definitely a cat person.I love both cats and dogs. At the moment, I have 2 cats. I don't think they would deal well with a dog in the house. So I'm officially a cat person.
How about you? Which are you?
I think this is me, too. Although, it's kind of ANY stray or rescue. I have 2 senior dogs, 4 young pugs, 2 cats who adopted me and I've got several raccoons that I've rehabbed that I still feed.... LOLOLI'm a dog lover who has just happened to feel bad for abandoned kittens a few too many times.
Dog.I love both cats and dogs. At the moment, I have 2 cats. I don't think they would deal well with a dog in the house. So I'm officially a cat person.
How about you? Which are you?