I had very difficult parents. They weren't "parenting" material, in as much they were both suffering from what we now term narcissistic personality disorder. They were, however, exceedingly bright. That made it even more difficult for their offspring, given that they could be highly manipulative, self absorbed and quite often, vicious and unpredictably eruptive. Yet they were glamorous and - for lack of a better term - magnetic to the outside world.What would it be if you could change anything about how you were raised?
My parents would have shown love, not beatings. My parents would say," we hit you because we love you."
You posed a question I've not heard from another, and a question I've asked myself. Would I change it?? the answer is yes. If I could exchange my raising, I would do it without question. The sacrifices I would make for loving parents, however, would probably mean that I would be less introspective and perhaps - although I don't know - less sensitive to the vulnerable and the plight of people who suffered as you did.
My world is very lonely, but as with many, animals are a salvation.
I think the only way to truly change the past is to let go of it. And I'm in the process of doing that as difficult as it is. But for me, that often means allowing those repressed memories to resurface so they can finally be released. I suppose I'm finally grieving for the lost little kid that would shape me. And in doing so, let the loneliness and its despair that has long plagued me to become a vacuum, that can be filled with something better. That is my hope. And I also hope that you find contentment in your life now. Thanks!!