Does majority really matter here? Are you dating Rob because society tells you he is attractive or because YOU think he is attractive? When it comes to love and commitment, society has no say in the matter, so why would society choose the scale? The scale is irrelevant.
I personally don't believe that you can be an in(fem)cel in high school. You are young and immature, you don't know what you want. People are donkeys.
I had *** in high school, but that was because it was right for me at the time, very few people knew about it, I didn't go spreading it around. Most people shouldn't have *** in high school because they are too immature to understand it.
Yes you will be rejected in high school, but that's the time to learn and figure things out. Find your people, find out who you are, who you want to be. Screw the haters.
It is factual, but it's only factual for each individual person. For example, you find tall blue eyed men VERY attractive and beautiful, while I don't care how tall someone is (most of my exes have actually been shorter than me) or what color their eyes are. I have no problem with black hair, while you detest black hair. So what's factual for you is different than what is factual for me. It's not about the grand scheme of things, it's about individual tastes.
If society said Rob was ugly and unattractive, would you still be with him?