Common Sense

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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2008
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In a forum where there are a good number of people who have a hard time expressing themselves, or have emotional/social it safe to assume that everyone here will have what most of us would consider "common sense"? I mean, in a place where there are no facial expressions and no tone; no way for us to truly tell what someone means, especially if it is a possibly offensive thread...should "common sense" be expected of everyone? I know tons of people in real life that *should* know better, but don't. Some people are just prone to word vomit. Some people just suck at writing.

So my question is...should people (meaning everyone) immediately just jump on them, flame them, make them feel attacked, then wait for a mod to issue a warning? Should we assume the worst out of people? And just what exactly are the "proper" rules here? I don't see any, so how are the people who may be lacking in common sense/social ettiquette/emotional stability to know what's expected of them here? But they should get the hint via warnings though, right? How do you think those people may feel, either way?

Just some food for thought. Feel free to discuss.
There is a difference between posts which are awkwardly stated and posts which are truly offensive. When someone posts openly racist or misogynistic posts, I doubt very much that it's a result of poor social skills.

If you post something hateful - particularly when it's a pattern - expect to get flamed.
Sometimes Estreen, the reason why people are alone is an ugly one.
Should people be required to have their gender, sexuality, ethnicity or religion insulted? Should they be forced to "suck it up" even though they have done no wrong? Should a victim of bigotry be driven from this forum?

The members of this forum are far more tolerant than any others have I been a part of. I have rarely seen a simple, badly expressed comment result in someone being flamed; it is normally someone who has consistently expressed an intolerant attitude for others who invokes members' wrath.
Steel said:
Should people be required to have their gender, sexuality, ethnicity or religion insulted? Should they be forced to "suck it up" even though they have done no wrong? Should a victim of bigotry be driven from this forum?

The members of this forum are far more tolerant than any others have I been a part of. I have rarely seen a simple, badly expressed comment result in someone being flamed; it is normally someone who has consistently expressed an intolerant attitude for others who invokes members' wrath.

geez, what are you? some sort of hate monger!??? :D :D :D
Well now, someone who has a history or a pattern is a whole entirely different matter altogether. Yes, if I see someone continually being a *******, then it's simple; they're a *******. My hypothetical question is regarding anyone who is without a previous pattern. And, also to note, when I had posed the question, I had not meant to imply that I think that all of the members *here* jump on people and flame them for no good reason; this is all a hypothetical. I believe we have some of the most awesome members here on the forum, a lot of whom I'm grateful to know.

I have seen it done elsewhere though, just in life in general, even. It's even been done to me a couple of times for not phrasing something properly (and this is WITH being face to face! o_o). I try to explain myself but it seems as if the judgement's already been passed, and there isn't anything to do to really fix it. I'm actually better at writing than talking, and I know that there are those who are the opposite. Sometimes people get hung up on something smaller within the big picture, and get interrogative with you over it. I used to have a friend that did that to me. I'd be telling a story and there'd be something I'd mention (a small detail in my case, and nothing I initially wanted to elaborate on) but they'd pick up on that little thing and wouldn't let me finish, and instead question me on the smaller thing I said.

With people in real life, it seems as though each has their own set of "rules of conduct" that are set in their mind and are imposed on the person they are talking to, and the only way to learn what's acceptable and not acceptable to that current person, is basically just feeling it out. You get it over time about what makes so-and-so tick, or what they find unacceptable to say/do in front of them, and no one person's the same. However, if someone keeps telling you, "Cut that out, I don't like it" over and over, well...then that's your problem for not getting it beyond that point.

I'm sorry, I might not be getting my point across as best as I'd like to, and I apologize for any word vomit. :x
hahahaaaaa...If I have common sence to begin with. I wouldn't yell fire in the theater to begin with:p
It's difficult to know what people's motives are. I don't try to figure out people anymore...I ma using my common

Everyone has different level of awareness/consiousness. Poeple actaully do the best as they can
at any given moment....whatever thier consiousness or awareness at that given moment..(Wheather I like it or not. Wheather I agree with it or not.)
Common sense would tell me if a person could do different...they would have.

I can't change anyone else...all i can do is change myself. If I repeatedly informed someone of behaviors
that are unacceptiable to me and that person still continue that behavior....
As difficult and painful as it might be. ( i experinced this for years with my ex-gf which is an alcoholic). It's my responsiblity
to remove myself from the other person. That's using common sense and taking control of my own life.

it's as simple as standing in the rain...We have no control over rain..
Wheather we chose to get wet or of our own chioce.
If one wish not to get wet...get out of the rain.
If one chose to play in the rain and get wet...then one is free to do so. This will also increase a person's chance of catching a cold.

As far as biggotry. i can't change the good old boyz...I just married one of thier duaghters :p
Common sense (actaully fear) ...say, i shouldn't have done that becuase i was ask'in for trouble and rockin boat.
I have a lot of passion and love for Chelle. I'm consiously aware of this. I couldn't help
My other common sense ( Love which is the oposite of fear) also tells me..i shouldn't let anyone or anything stop me from marrying someone I love very much.

BTW..some deem spirituality or a spiritaul awakening as having common sense.
Clearly, the laws of nature and physics we take for granted in reality have no meaning in cyberspace. Depending on who's in control or who is believed the most, down can be up and left can be right.

Common sense is in short supply. If your view is unpopular, you are simply dismissed as not making sense and that is simply that. You don't get a say in the matter regardless of whether you've made a reasonable point or not.

There is no democracy here. My initial mistake was in assuming that there ever was. I do blame myself for that...but nothing else.
I would say that convincing other people to share your beliefs was the very nature of democracy. Everyone gets their say, then people vote for the most convincing.
Twitchy said:
There is no democracy here. My initial mistake was in assuming that there ever was. I do blame myself for that...but nothing else.

Have you been living in a bubble? Unfortunately tis true, there is no democracy, only failed attempts at something resembling it. In cyberspace there is only the one 'mob mentality'
I believe that there's a dominant opinion in just about every forum, including this one. But my experience here, so far, is that this place is relatively fair and civil in this regard. Some of my views don't reflect the popular opinion of this message board, but what I've mainly gotten because of it is honest debate, which is what I want.
Twitchy said:
Clearly, the laws of nature and physics we take for granted in reality have no meaning in cyberspace. Depending on who's in control or who is believed the most, down can be up and left can be right.

Common sense is in short supply. If your view is unpopular, you are simply dismissed as not making sense and that is simply that. You don't get a say in the matter regardless of whether you've made a reasonable point or not.

There is no democracy here. My initial mistake was in assuming that there ever was. I do blame myself for that...but nothing else.

FFS...Twitchy did you have a brain fart moment or what?

You can simply google how to conduct yourself om line..there some basic

yeah i live in a democratic society too...I have enough common sense
to not flip off the fucken cops or get retarded on them when they pull
me over. They'er actaully pretty decent, fair and openminded....
It's real out there as it is here....or the same principles applies or common sense.

You're free to do whatever the **** you're an adult. You know all about the consequence.
You know this. On line is different becuase the consequence arnt as servear...You know this.
So you push and push and push or just disconnect the fucken modem all together.

And stop blaming everyone for your chioces FFS. It's not healthy for ya...
Healthy people don't buy into that **** either. Use some fucken commomsense.
Healthy people don't get held mentally or emotionally Wake the **** up.
Are you consiously aware of this? Yes..yes ignorant is blizt.

actaully this forum is open more than any forum I've been on...

Of course there's always gotta be a ******** in a crowd...wheather
it be at work, play, school, bar, bussiness, support groups or on line. That's onething I've notice in my life time.

Common sense also tells me to aviod those fucken's a waste of my time and life.... Have you Notice my pattern???
I can't be all things to all people....

Steel has balls....:p
hahahaaaa..... he's sitting on the right of god...God be rolling him balls keeping it warm.lmao
I actaully feel for the dude...
But he can't bitch either...he volunteered. So he can't play the fucken victim either...
hahahaaaaa....better him than me.:p
common sense.. from the latin, commonsus sensus. to sense the common and in the commonly sensual be at one with the sensing of that commonness.. yes, sensuality and communion..

it is true
Common sense - Most people need to gain some.
Lonesome Crow said:
FFS...Twitchy did you have a brain fart moment or what?

Possibly. What do you care?

Lonesome Crow said:
You can simply google how to conduct yourself om line..there some basic

Why bother? I'll never be extended the same courtesy.

Lonesome Crow said:
And stop blaming everyone for your chioces FFS. It's not healthy for ya...
Healthy people don't buy into that **** either. Use some fucken commomsense.
Healthy people don't get held mentally or emotionally Wake the **** up.

I would never blame anyone for something I don't get to have. Choices are things for people who aren't bound by so many obligations that they barely have time to piss. The only thing I blame people for is their arrogance, cruelty and insistence on using tapioca pudding for brains.

No one gives two ***** about Twitchy and his problems. Fine, I get it. Just don't tell me about being an emotional hostage when you're not here and witness to what it's like having to be one for three years straight. **** people and their armchair diagnoses. You'd be pissed off too if you were here. :/

Lonesome Crow said:
Have you Notice my pattern???


I told myself I was going to stay away from this place, yet here I am. You're right, I have no common sense left.

Thanks for nothing...
PoWer2tHePeOpLE said:
i've never had tapioca pudding. sounds delicious. i am a big fan of pudding and other 'baby foods'.

It's actually pretty good. Tapioca is a starch extracted from a plant native to the Amazon. :/
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