Covid Vaccine - Why many people won't get it.

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Mar 21, 2020
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In my mind
I keep hearing on the radio that 50% or 55% or 72.3% of the US population doesn't want the Covid vaccine when it becomes available. Tonight I heard that half the firemen in densely populated areas wont be taking it. I wasn't planning on taking it either, at least until there's a few years of proof behind it. However, I totally believe in vaccinations. I have normally stayed up to date with all of them and taken quite a few non-standard ones just to be safe. I planned to get another tetanus vaccination this year because it has been about ten years since my last one. That's on hold though. But, yet, I just don't trust any of the Covid vaccines that are rapidly coming out soon? So why is this? Sometimes it's good to question yourself and things around you.

After a little digging I read that yes firemen aren't going to get the vaccine UNTIL most of the population has already had it. That's a completely different story. The reasons are they want the more vulnerable to receive it first. Also many have been exposed several times and have already built up antibodies to it, which is IMO what the majority of the healthy society should have done. TBH, IMO, I believe many of people that have had multiple exposures already have the necessary antibodies. We could have purposely exposed healthy people to small levels of Covid and let nature handle it as designed by whatever you believe in. Also a small number just don't trust the rushed vaccines. Why is there normally such a long process to make sure they are safe? Some know they will be forced to get one anyway. So, there's push back from being forced to do stuff, which is another reason.

Why are so many people against it? Well, for me it's a trust issue. Quite honestly who can I trust? Honest media is dead. They constantly prove that everyday. It's all about flashy stories spun in various ways and controversy in order to get higher viewer counts in order to get more money (greed), and to push their political agendas in order to get more money (greed). The truth is boring and not very profitable if at all. But, isn't this where most people learn about what's going on? I avoid TV news as they have become just poorly orchestrated entertainment programs. The new casters even have a difficult time spouting out the twisted non-sense on their teleprompters. They are not journalists. They are just parrots read lines. Raaaaa. 

So, I listen to talk radio and try to find non-biased programs. However, that is just about impossible. I listen to both sides and try to figure out what makes the most sense. The BBC is heavily slanted to the right. It's really is quite hard to listen to sometimes. Most of their stories I hear are about the cruel white man bringing everybody down. Then on other stations, Trump can do no wrong. That's hard to listen to as well.

The government is mostly interested in keeping their cushy jobs, high pay, and speaking engagements(under the table high paying gigs), and their campaign contributions (bribes). We've all heard the BS they spout off about. They say whatever they believe they need to say to get elected. Then they actually do whatever the hell serves them and/or their party the most. It's clear both sides have given up on trying to be fiscally responsible. It's now a matter of how can outspend and give away the most "free" money on both sides. Just the US federal debt would require every tax payer to pay $219,704 each in order to pay it off. Yet, the average tax payer is in debt themselves. 

Then photos keep getting released, with various stories, actually showing government leaders, health organizational leaders, and politicians doing exactly what they are telling everybody else not to do. The politicians are forcing businesses closed based on what seems to be their own foolish rules. They are telling everybody to wear masks and stay socially distance in order to save lives yet many of them are not. Now, it's not that they are just ignoring their own rules. They don't believe the science they they safe they are basing their rules on. If they did then they would know they are putting all the people around them in grave danger. So, I sure the hell can't trust the government.  

The experts do what experts do. They make guesses based on the information in front of them at the time. Well, many times there is no proven evidence. But, that doesn't stop them. They spout off crazy numbers and then the media runs with those figures in their headlines. Plus the experts rarely seem to agree. Is their global warming or not? Are we causing it to rapidly increase or not? We are actually in the tail end of an ice age according to how the planets are currently arranged. So, the temps are supposed to be increasing. Or are they? What does that mean in another 2,000 years. I don't really care. But the really bad thing is that the experts give out advice when giving out advice is not their specialty. It's just numbers. Crap numbers give crap results. Crap results with crap advice equals total crap. Ha! ha!

So the real question is how can people trust the vaccine? It must be based on blind faith in lying, cheating, greedy people. Most people, IMO, simple just say F it and then will either get it or not. The robots, which is a **** ton of the population will just do what they are told while believing it's their choice because they are in control of their own lives. What do you think?
I tend to agree with you. Definitely won't be rushing to get it myself. I'm happy to get vaccinated for something like hepatitis which has years of research behind it, but considering how quickly this is being rushed out, it's definitely a concern what long term consequences could be. Would rather risk getting covid, which my immune system would hopefully fight of pretty well rather than risk possible long term side effects of the vaccine.
Not getting the vaccine too unless I'm forced to.But my mindset is that I will just take the risk and hope that I'm lucky and won't catch the disease.I won't be taking the flu jab either I just like to rely on my fitness and natural supplements to keep it away,like I've done with the flu for the last twenty years.They are pushing the fact that the Queen is taking it so it must be alright. Here it's about forty per cent last time I looked are against it.But I can see it soon that you wont be able to do certain things like fly abroad and we Brits love our holidays so there would be no choice.I just won't go abroad for a couple of years just holiday here so doesn't really bother me.

However I do know someone that is really ill with it so it's coming closer to home within my family, but still don't think I'll take it like alot in their twenties to thirties wont be anyway.
I will wait to get it, if I get it at all.

I never get the flu shot, because they can't even guarantee that the strain that hits will be in the damn shot.
I am hesitant with vaccines because in a lot of cases, the side effects outweigh the benefits. My son was on a delayed schedule for vaccines and just now finished getting them all. There are some he will likely never get and others that he will only get in certain situations. (Obviously he can do whatever he wants after he turns 18).

Anyway, yeah, I will wait until I see what happens and research it fully before I decide anything. Not everyone will be able to get it at first anyway because they won't be able to make enough for everyone up front. I believe I read it will take between 6 and 12 months to get to everyone.
BTW, here's some background on the different Covid-19 Vaccines that are being worked on:

The five basic categories are:

[font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]• Inactivated virus [/font]
[font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]• Vectored viruses[/font]
[font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]• Protein[/font]
[font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]• DNA [/font]
[font=Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]• RNA[/font]

If you're curious you can read more. I find it all quite interesting. The concepts are quite simple. Doing the actual work is the complicated tedious part.

The first Covid vaccines to come to market are based on mRNA. They are new, but not unknown. BTW, There are currently no licensed mRNA vaccines in the United States. Yet they claim they are safe. Hmmmm. Oh okay, sure, no drug companies have ever claimed that something was safe only later to find out it screws up people due to unforeseen complications. Also I can totally see the government saying something about pushing the vaccines out was far safer then the problems that they caused. 

More on mRNA:

For months I've been hearing that herd immunity won't work for Covid-19 even thought that's how nature is setup to function. It's been driving me crazy. The goal of vaccinations is heard immunity. So, yes, heard immunity is what will put Covid into the penalty box. Millions of people have been exposed to Covid-19. Most have gotten small doses as they intermingled with other people. Their body's immune systems have been awoken to the virus already and have varying levels of antibody protection. Some, maybe hundreds of thousands are good to go at this point.

Vaccines are used to trigger our own bodies into making antibodies. They try to mimic the virus or whatever is trying to be irradicated. It's usually done by injecting a piece of the virus into the subject without causing the virus itself to take hold. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. 

There are basically cells smart cells that control the process, cells that identify a foreign object, and cells that fight the object. The identifying cells may look at the vaccines and think that's nothing and ignore it. Or it may respond to it. It may also think there's a difference between part of the foreign object and then entire thing. When it sees the live active virus it says holly ****! I've got to stop this thing and revs up our bodies. That's part of the problem in the severe cases. The persons body is fighting it too aggressively.  

Then the super smart cells decide if it was a one time occurrence or if it's going to be a regular event. Since it's only happened once the fighter cells are no longer needed and they die off. Poor fighter cells! That's not fair! But, the identifier cells stick around just in case it happens again. That's why it takes multiple exposures of either the live virus or the vaccines. Then the smart cells say okay, we'll be keeping the fighter cells around for awhile in small numbers. But, if there are even more exposures then the smart cells keep lots of fighters and puts them at the front of the line so they can quickly kill the invaders. It's very logical and highly effective.

But, the people in control believe we are smarter then nature and can control it. Later we realize we were wrong. But, continue to do it anyway. There are many examples of this. When it fact we are just guessing, experimenting, and hoping for the best while artificially causing great harm to our economies, people's lives, their livelihoods, and the future generations just for this one event. I have also been hearing people say that this is our one big problem of our generation. I totally disagree with that. We are going to be seeing more frequent events like this because the population is too huge and growing. We can't keep borrowing and creating fake money to solve our problems. But, I'm sure that's what we will do anyway until we no longer can.
Since all of this started my only fear about this covid thing was that at some point they might force us to get a vaccine. It is not improbable to be forced to get vaccinated. Here there's one vaccine mandatory for children to be admitted to kindergarten/school. So why not make a covid vaccine mandatory too? The things that happen to unmasked people now who are not let into shops and other buildings, kicked off of public transport by police etc., would happen to unvaccinated people and that way they could be forced to get the vaccine.  Our government said it is voluntary and nobody will be forced. Still it makes me uneasy how they are pushing for it.
So as a teacher, I am suppose to be in round two of the essential workers that get it. I haven't decided yet if I will get it or not. My aunt is a nurse that has been told that she will be giving it to people later this month. She herself hasn't decided yet if she wants to do it, but she has a doctor friend who actually worked on the RNA one, and he will be getting it and vaccinating his entire family with it.

I think I had it back in March, and as a teacher, I have been exposed to it several times I am sure. I haven't (knock on wood) been sick since March with anything. But I have been wearing my mask, washing and using hand sanitizer, and taking Elderberry, Zinc, Vitamin C and Vitamin D daily. I also have been traveling to dog shows, which I bet I have been exposed there too.

I think I have built up the antibodies and my immune system through all of this. My typical back to school illnesses have been nonexistent this school year, which I find interesting. I think if even a quarter of the population got the vaccine, and half did it the "chickenpox" party method, we would be in pretty good shape by the end of 2021.
Thank you all for responding. I have always believed that governments believe people are stupid and can be controlled. I agree with that to a point. People fight back when things don't pass the innate common sense smell test. In warring countries it's really obvious. In the "free" countries it's not that way. The general population is much less violent and have become sheepeople. They want to believe things are okay and will get better. After all, isn't it preached that negative thinking is unhealthy? IMO, positive thinking about everything is far worse because it blocks out reality. But, IMO, most people just want to live their lives and do what they need to do to make that happen. Government is far too large and needs a reality check. But, at least in the US, it's going in the opposite direction. Honest politicians that practice what they preach are desperately needed and in very short supply.

As has been brought up, governments say that the vaccinations will not be forced on anybody. However, that doesn't pass the smell test. I have already read about plans to require all people that use public transportation to have documentation proving that have been vaccinated in order to use it. Kids will be required to have their Covid vaccination in order to register for school. Doctor's offices may require patients to be vaccinated before being seen. Since medical records are now digital and stored in databases it will be easy to see who has gotten it and who has not. I can even see a requirement to have a Covid vaccination endorsement on all new driver's licenses. They'll be required to get a government job or a government contract. Eventually people will comply just to be able to live their lives. But, it's just one more freedom being taken away from us. So, yeah, the vaccinations are completely voluntary. Not.
I dunno if I'll get it or not. Don't really care. I suppose I'll have to decide at some point, unless it's made mandatory. I'm not really in a fight the power mood lately. A lot of people claim to be, 'against the system,' in theory, including myself; but, we all make concessions. Millions of tiny little concessions that all add up to a mountain of ******** we are all forced to live in because of it. And every tiny little concession is a small win for small groups of people that wield unimaginable power...

Don't really care too much either way; I'm not eager to line up for it though...

Though, 'not trusting the gubbermint,' is unfortunately a dangerous thing for situations like this. Imagine the mortality rate was 10-25% or more and people didn't trust the, 'vaccine.' Humanity needs to evolve a bit more, I think, so we can work together to achieve larger things; either that, or get better and better at taming and controlling humans. Fear, though, despite being a very powerful basal motivator, doesn't seem to me to be the ideal motivator of choice. Do we, as earthlings, want to explore space together being primarily motivated by fear? **** that, I'd rather humanity be a failed experiment, if that's the direction we are heading in...
I dunno could be changing my mind now.Seeing the first two recipients of the vaccine in Britian on TV it was pretty emotional. Even the health minister was close to tears,the strain of this crisis and the relieve to see some light at the end of the tunnel.The two first recipients of the vaccine being in their nineties,and one being William Shakespeare. Maybe if this is the only hope to end the misery of the virus and to help save so many lives ,especially the elderly I'm thinking maybe it is the right thing to do now to protect the older generation more I think will take it and I think alot will be changing their minds.
^ Good! I hope lots of people get the vaccine especially the vulnerable ones. That's how it should be. If I was in the vulnerable group I would be scared not to get it too. It's a risk / reward situation. I have a very low risk of getting a serious infection so I have a very low reward by getting the vaccine. But, there is a risk by taken something unproven, not fully tested, and a completely new type of vaccine. The is no way of knowing the long term complications of the vaccine or the duration of the antibodies in our body. The effectiveness may only last a short amount of time. Remember the vaccine is trying to fool our system into recognizing Covid-19 by only exposing it to a small part of the actual virus in an already dead status. I don't need to be part of a science fair project. Besides by the time it's even available to me a large percentage of the population will have already gotten the vaccine along with the natural herd immunity by a significant portion of the population, which I believe I'm already part of.
From the CBS News Website:
"The experts voted 17 to 4 in favor of recommending the drug for emergency use for people aged 16 years and older, with one of the members withholding. Health care workers and nursing home residents will be among the first to get the vaccine."

From the CNBC News Website
"A key Food and Drug Administration advisory panel voted 17 to 4 with one member abstaining on Thursday to recommend the approval of Pfizer and BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine for emergency use, the last step before the FDA gives the final OK to broadly distribute the first doses throughout the United States."

So, CBS says the experts approved it vs CNBC saying the advisory approved it. CBS loves to just through terms around without using them properly. I guess saying experts sounds more official. CBS hangs their hats on all the experts.

But, it's also kind of interesting 5 of the panel wouldn't vote to approve the emergency use of the vaccine. Hmmm. Why not? Maybe the news media should be asking questions like that and getting them answered for us.

They all like to quote big numbers too, saying Covid has affected 15.4 million people. No it hasn't. Covid hasn't shut down any businesses or kept kids out of school. The governments reactions to it has. Call things as they are and maybe people will start believing the media.
I'm not getting it. Hey I didn't make another covid thread but I CAN bump one up. Lol just kidding I'm having fun.
Do all of you realise how ludicrous your comments are, wanting proof, conspiracies, control, etc.

Most of us here are anywhere between a third and two thirds through our lives. Yet, you are acting as though you will somehow get out of life, alive, by not taking a vaccine.

I won't proclaim to know or understand all the facts or figures. Similarly, I don't side with any particular political group or celebrity views. There is every possibly that the vaccinations could turn us into the Fantastic Four, or Zombies.

But look at yourselves, we are a bunch of misfits on a website for the lonely and depressed, pontificating about escaping the inevitable.

Just go and get the injection, work together, and help towards the prevention of the spread of this virus, for future generations.

And before the rebuttals begin, make damned sure that you know what goes into your food and water. You consume those daily, oblivious to what has been added throughout the years.
yeah steal it i got plenty more where that came from. theyre very easy to make actually.
From the CBS News Website:
"The experts voted 17 to 4 in favor of recommending the drug for emergency use for people aged 16 years and older, with one of the members withholding. Health care workers and nursing home residents will be among the first to get the vaccine."

From the CNBC News Website
"A key Food and Drug Administration advisory panel voted 17 to 4 with one member abstaining on Thursday to recommend the approval of Pfizer and BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine for emergency use, the last step before the FDA gives the final OK to broadly distribute the first doses throughout the United States."

So, CBS says the experts approved it vs CNBC saying the advisory approved it. CBS loves to just through terms around without using them properly. I guess saying experts sounds more official. CBS hangs their hats on all the experts.

But, it's also kind of interesting 5 of the panel wouldn't vote to approve the emergency use of the vaccine. Hmmm. Why not? Maybe the news media should be asking questions like that and getting them answered for us.

They all like to quote big numbers too, saying Covid has affected 15.4 million people. No it hasn't. Covid hasn't shut down any businesses or kept kids out of school. The governments reactions to it has. Call things as they are and maybe people will start believing the media.
Really? Just now several restaurants closed due to employee covid, Cruise ship not allowed to dock, I belive 42 crew got sick. Mini Trump doing great job banning all mandates in FL, 31k newly infected. Hospitals in the North are full, so all non covid issues are out of luck. Looks to me as if everyone judges covid based on their area, and disbelieves what is happening elsewhere. As for meds, it will take long time before you can get a script and you must take them asap after testing + News desperately needs dumbing down, get to the level where people are. Saw yesterday that some don’t even want to get tested, good lord, it will never end! Hoping this wave will get us close to herd
Do all of you realise how ludicrous your comments are, wanting proof, conspiracies, control, etc.

Most of us here are anywhere between a third and two thirds through our lives. Yet, you are acting as though you will somehow get out of life, alive, by not taking a vaccine.

I won't proclaim to know or understand all the facts or figures. Similarly, I don't side with any particular political group or celebrity views. There is every possibly that the vaccinations could turn us into the Fantastic Four, or Zombies.

But look at yourselves, we are a bunch of misfits on a website for the lonely and depressed, pontificating about escaping the inevitable.

Just go and get the injection, work together, and help towards the prevention of the spread of this virus, for future generations.

And before the rebuttals begin, make damned sure that you know what goes into your food and water. You consume those daily, oblivious to what has been added throughout the years.
When it all started, I saw an expert say eventually everyone will be infected. I was like “nah…” Now I am like wtf? DOD, is testing their vaccine they started developing, suppose to be super effective on all mutants. If approve, I will bet all I have it will be snubbed even more.
From the CBS News Website:
"The experts voted 17 to 4 in favor of recommending the drug for emergency use for people aged 16 years and older, with one of the members withholding. Health care workers and nursing home residents will be among the first to get the vaccine."

From the CNBC News Website
"A key Food and Drug Administration advisory panel voted 17 to 4 with one member abstaining on Thursday to recommend the approval of Pfizer and BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine for emergency use, the last step before the FDA gives the final OK to broadly distribute the first doses throughout the United States."

So, CBS says the experts approved it vs CNBC saying the advisory approved it. CBS loves to just through terms around without using them properly. I guess saying experts sounds more official. CBS hangs their hats on all the experts.

But, it's also kind of interesting 5 of the panel wouldn't vote to approve the emergency use of the vaccine. Hmmm. Why not? Maybe the news media should be asking questions like that and getting them answered for us.

They all like to quote big numbers too, saying Covid has affected 15.4 million people. No it hasn't. Covid hasn't shut down any businesses or kept kids out of school. The governments reactions to it has. Call things as they are and maybe people will start believing the media.

I know a **** ton of schools that were shut down due to COVID. I'm on the damn school board for a school that had to shut down for a week to clean the school because so many kids got COVID. So YES, well as businesses, like MeMyself said....HAVE shut down because of COVID.

Seriously, it's not really all that difficult to do a bit of research to fact check yourself before you post this inaccurate information.

And the FDA is supposed to be experts, that's how they got the damn job, so I fail to see how saying "experts" is so horrible. Also, there will rarely EVER be a time when every single person votes yes (or no, for that matter) on ANYTHING. Not really all that strange. But hey, perhaps the lizard people told them to vote no. :rolleyes:

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