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Rosebolt said:Theory:
Smarter people are more prone to depression and anxiety
I am confused on three things.
First, what is smarter people? How do we define intelligence in this context? IQ, is usually a preferred measure for intelligence as it integrates many fundamental skills that show signs of complex reasoning into one comparable measure. However, it also does not take into account a lot of other complex traits. To name a few, as some may have pointed out, the ability to how much external environmental information one can instantly perceive, and the measure for one's ability to reflect the said information. If intelligence in this context refers to that, then this will lead us to:
Second, Does the ability to reflect correspond to depression? I think the ability to reflect does not solely cause depression. We need to factor in the scope of the reflection (what is being reflected about?), and it's limitations (one's reflection is only limited to the logical connections one can make. Someone who perceives life as generally miserable does so because it makes sense to them. Similarly, someone who perceives it positively, opted to choose it the other way around).
If this is the case, then someone who can easily make sense of internal and external scenarios in its environment, will also be likely to make more logical connections surrounding it. The more logical connections are made, the more complex one's belief system becomes. You consider many variables and past experiences in your reflections.
However, since real life offers many scenarios that does not make sense when compared toe-to-toe, internal conflict will also be more likely (i.e. People who are young, attractive, and have a great personality gets laid a lot. I am young, attractive and have a great personality, but my hand is my lover. Therefore, something must be wrong with me). Things that previously make sense to you, tend to be overwritten quickly, and a lot. If this is the case, then the original statement should be more like this:
One sign of Intelligence is the ability to perceive information at a faster rate than everyone else. This may cause a greater amount of time and effort reflecting to rationalize said information, in order to make sense of it. However, an unstable ground of belief systems may also cause reflecting to cause confusion and conflict of beliefs. To reject one's own internal conflicts is to be delusional. To accept it, is to be depressed.
Third, is where I have gotten really confused. I don't know the exact nature of depression. I mean, we all know what it does, that it's a mental condition, and that it is curable. Heck, we have pills for that. Which makes me ask: Is depression just a bio-chemical malfunction in the brain? If so, then... nothing I've said above makes sense. Now I'm depressed