Dark Souls anyone?

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ermahgerd derk serls =O

New DLC apparently being released to consoles sometime this winter. I think it will be included in the PC version.

Just an update: I'm still forging ahead with the latest character I made, Bargaloor. I don't have the official guide, but I've read in various forums that the difficulty scaling in this game caps out at new game +7. I'm currently in a new game +5 play through and the enemies are definitely getting more aggressive and harder to kill. My plans for this character are simply to take it as far as I can go. He's a level 190 now. To level again I'll need about 250,000 souls. Oh and I've almost got every trophy in the game now, I think there's only 3 left (goo). I can't wait for the dlc to come out.

My mistake, I need 270,000 souls to level again. Luckily the rewards are scaled up along with difficulty.
Well I got bored again, surprise surprise. I've decided to start from scratch and make a character mainly for pvp. My strategy is simple: max out vitality (hp) and endurance (equipment loading, freedom of movement & stamina), and use small, quick weapons that have the potential to stunlock people, which is when you do enough damage quickly that they stagger back and become paralyzed for an instant. I've never maxed out hp on a character before, so I think it'll be fun to have enough life to stay in the game longer. In other words, I get my ass kicked a lot lol. These days I win about 50% of the time, maybe a little less. I've never been much into the pvp aspect of it, and what experience I have has come from fighting off invaders. I've learned a few good tricks but some of these people are just insane...anyway, let the games begin :D
I've started a brand new build with a brand new strategy, and I learned something new. So far I've used pretty much exclusively fire or lightning weapons, or elemental weapons if you will. I decided that I wanted to make a character with a more classically medieval knight feel to it, so one that uses strictly physical damage based weapons. Hence I started a strength build.

Most weapons in the game, aside from elemental weapons, have some kind of stat scaling. They either scale off strength, dexterity, faith or intelligence. Weapons that stat scale have a letter ranking system for the stat a weapon scales off, where S is the best, A is second best, B is third best etc...For example, the weapon I'm using has a B rank for strength scaling, and an E rank for dexterity. All that means is that I'll get a bigger damage bonus for leveling up my character's strength, and a slightly smaller bonus for leveling up dexterity.

NOW, here's what I learned. I'd noticed before that some people had mentioned diminishing returns where weapon scaling is involved. I'd never put much thought into what this meant, as I'd never made a character that used stat scaling for weapon damage before. However, after having sunk 80 levels into strength for my latest character, and noticing that the damage for my weapon didn't increase at all after 50 levels, it hit me. Damage bonuses almost cease to exist after your stat reaches 50. So in other words I pretty much threw away 30 levels I could have put towards dexterity, or vitality (which would have been good seeing as I was dying a lot more with a lower vitality character xP).

Anyways, after pulling my hair out for a short time from realizing my blunder, I've box glitched this character (started a new game while keeping the old inventory) and am now armed with my new knowledge about how stat scaling actually works in this game. I don't think I'll be taking any stats past 50 this time, except maybe vitality or endurance...

Oh right, I forgot to mention how awesome sheer physical damage is. I think most enemies in the game have higher resistances to fire or lightning, and I'd never noticed before doing this strength build how much damage from my elemental weapons wasn't getting through. For example, the damage on a maxed out fire greatsword is over 600, but that's because it has a base damage (physical damage) of around 300, and then fire damage of around 300. The strength scaling weapon I'm currently using has a comparable total damage to that of the fire sword when you include the stat bonus from a decent amount of strength (40 or above), but it's all physical so the enemies are absorbing more damage per hit. I've been noticing things like one hit kills on enemies that used to take me 2 or 3 hits with maxed out elemental swords. All things considered, I would say that physical damage stat scaling weapons kick the crap out of anything elemental.

Oh and just for the record I am using a maxed out black knight greataxe. Of all the strength scaling weapons it won't deal the highest damage, but I'm pretty sure it has the best damage/speed ratio. For one of the bigger weapons this thing is insanely fast (not including the power attacks, which are actually some of the slowest in the game and are only really effective against very large, slow enemies). No sense in using a weapon that does like 800 damage when each swing is so slow you get torn to shreds before you can get one hit in edgewise.
Sounds so damn cool to make your pvp char and how you calculate. Sorry the game was too tough on me and Diablo had just dropped in my mailbox. Got caught up in that. Yer having a blast as from what I read. Goody!

May the fastest backstabber win eh? just physical and no elemental on elementals. Don't they have like ice monsters have a fire weakness?
Haha, no worries, hope you're having fun playing diablo hops :)  Yes it's true, certain enemies will have certain weaknesses, but overall I think the highest types of resistance you'll find are to fire and lightning. Magic I'm not sure about because I never use it. But it just seems like fire/lightning are generally easier to protect against vs. physical damage, at least when you start getting into the higher numbers. Elemental weapons are definitely better to use as a starting character as you wouldn't have had a chance to build up the stat you want to scale.

Oh I was mistaken about the diminishing returns thing, at least partly. The damage bonus I'm getting for each level of strength hasn't dropped off yet and my strength is at 58, so maybe 60 was the magic number. That's for a B ranked stat though, the E ranked dexterity bonus on this weapon might drop off sooner. After I hit 60 strength I'll boost my dex until I'm not seeing an increase in damage anymore, then maybe some faith, hmm...
I just wanted to make a little note about my strength build and what I was saying before about physical damage being superior to fire or lightning when in the higher numbers. As anyone who's played the game knows, there are armored boars which are notorious for their physical defenses. Most people will tell you that the smart way to kill them is with fire, because not much physical damage will get through their heavy armor. However, using my black knight axe, and with a strength of 64 I was able to kill one of these things in ng++ using only four two-handed swings. When two-handed and at my current stats the axe does 656 physical damage per swing, and about 530 of it was getting through. Of course, you have to be a little more tactful using this method when compared to pyromancy as you'll most likely want to switch back and forth between using a shield and two-handed attacks.
One more thing to clarify, the boar I killed in four hits was one of the two you'll find on your way into the Duke's Archives. I guess these two are higher level enemies than the one you first encounter at Undead Parish, because I just killed that one in ng+3 with 2 hits.
I'm currently making something similar to this build:
Thanks, EpicNameBro :D I don't think I would have ever figured out a build like this on my own, and it just looks so ******* cool.

It's only at level 70 right now, but so far is really effective in regular game. As usual I intend to finish this play through without doing much farming, i.e. only using the souls I get through bosses and enemies I would be fighting anyway as opposed to purposely repeating areas for the sake of gathering more souls/materials. This usually lands my characters at around level 85, then I'll finish leveling (I'm going to cap this one at around 130 for the sake of pvp) in ng+ and THEN when I'm good and ready I'll start doing some pvp. It's just a lot less work to level up in ng+ because you're getting twice the souls you normally would. I pretty much never farm any more (except for rare items I need and can't buy, or for the souls to buy the items I need), I mean who wants to sit there repeating areas when you don't have to? BOOORRRRIINNG.

^I think I'm going to tweak it a little by having less int and more vit/end so I can last a little longer in pvp duels. I disagree with ENB's advice that you should go for faith if you want to use this for pvp. I mean the whole point is to use an enchantment on your weapon to increase damage, but when it comes to miracles (which are governed by the faith stat) there are only 2 per play through for weapon damage, and with only one use each (per fight). If you're using magic you get 3 different weapon damage spells, 1 of them has 2 copies (two different merchants sell a copy of this spell you can equip) so for each play through that's 4 weapon damage spells you can get. The spell you can buy 2 of has 5 uses each, and the other ones have 3 uses each. Seeing as how weapon enchantments only last for 150 seconds at best, I think it would be unwise to rely on this when you only get 2 of them (1 use each) per fight.
Well I finally got the platinum trophy for this game. It took me so long because I kept starting new characters. I finally got the last few trophies with the aforementioned build, brought to you by EpicNameBro. I'm proud to say it was done %100 sans glitches.

As for the pvp with this build I was moderately successful. I'm sure there are other people out there who could have really cleaned up with it, but I'm not the greatest at pvp. I did manage to land one really perfect parry/riposte while wearing the hornet ring and with my crystal magic weapon spell going on. I don't remember the exact numbers, but in total it did about 2200 damage to the invading player, and that was the end of them. That one perfect moment made it all worth it. :D
Well it's time for another build. After watching the movie "Kingdom of Heaven" again recently I've decided to make a classic knight type character that centers around using a sword two-handed and fighting w/out a shield. In place of a shield I'll try a parrying dagger, and using the two-handed sword to block.

I'm having a little trouble deciding if I want to go with 40 strength and 20 dexterity, or vice versa. The sword I'll be upgrading to +15 will be the bastard sword, which has equal scaling (C rank) for str and dex, so I'll get the same damage either way. I'm just not sure if I want to have the opportunity to use more dex or str based weapons later on...but I'll probably end up going with str. I've used the bastard sword a lot in the past, but always made it a fire sword, which limits its sheer damage potential. It's fairly slow when swung one-handed, but has a relatively quick downward/upward slash when two-handing that can have good stunlock potential. So far the most success I've had in pvp has been with using a greatsword like this.

Ironically, my classic knight will be starting out as a wanderer class. This is mostly just because I like the wanderer's light yet resilient armour and high starting poison resistance. It also seemed fitting because the main character in "Kingdom of Heaven" starts out in the movie under the guise of a simple blacksmith and wears peasant's clothes.
Just an update: the parrying dagger is fun but ultimately not practical in some situations. I haven't tried it in pvp yet, but sometimes you really just need a shield. It does seem to have a slightly larger window of opportunity to parry an enemy's swing, which is pretty cool. I'm interested to see how some duels go if I upgrade the dagger to fire +10 and try to get some quick slashes in before parrying a hit. It all sounds so perfect in my mind but in reality I'll probably just die a lot lol...should be interesting though...for me.

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