There's an unspoken code of ethics within the Dark Souls PvP community, a certain standard of etiquette to which one is generally expected to adhere. When I first started playing other people I was completely oblivious to it. I didn't understand the hostile message I received one day after defeating an invading player. I suppose I was asking for that kind of reaction when, after feeling a little full of myself post victory, I used an inflammatory gesture, thus adding insult to injury so to speak. My opponent criticized my use of healing items during the fight and wearing a
mask that gave me a slight strategic edge.
My initial response was to get angry and I promptly told this person where they could stick their opinion. I reminded them of the fact that they were playing the role of the aggressor in that situation by invading me and so deserved any treatment they got. Their reaction made me curious though, and I did a little reading on the wikis. I found out that generally the biggest sore spot for your everyday 1 on 1 PvP'er is healing during a fight. So began my learning process on what makes for enjoyable dueling in this unique game.
Ok I admit it: I was an ******* about this in the beginning. I really liked the idea of an honor system, it just spoke to me, and I started to hate anybody making the same faux pas I was deemed guilty of by a certain garrulous past opponent. I got angry at people and sent a number of messages I'm not proud of. With time and experience however, I've become much more relaxed. My understanding of what I feel is proper Dark Souls etiquette has deepened; it has been refined and redefined.
Looking back at my encounter with the invader who questioned my sense of gaming honor, I don't believe I was in the wrong. The subject of honor, and what actually constitutes honorable PvP, is hotly contested within the Dark Souls online community. I now feel that most people preaching honor are, like myself in the early days after being introduced to this concept, simply confused as to the mechanics of, and the distinction between, the different types of PvP.
I don't remember which forum I read this in, but it's stuck with me; someone commented in a thread about this very subject that, "...most people just don't understand the difference between a duel and an invasion." Basically there are two ways to PvP in Dark Souls (not counting the Battle of Stoicism arenas but that's a whole different can of worms I won't open right now): you can invade another person's world and force them to fight you, or you can leave a PvP summon sign and invite them to summon you for a duel. The way I see it, invasions are like a street fight or a battlefield; all bets are off. If you invade then you should be prepared to be met with extreme hostility and anything possible within the mechanics of the game should be considered as fair play. For example, when this whole thing started for me by defeating that verbose invader, I was actually just waiting for a friend's co-op summon sign to appear so I could give him some loot, which can be a lengthy process depending on your internet connection and how the servers feel like behaving that day. If I'd lost the fight I would have had to start all over again, so I was just doing everything in my power to keep that from happening.
It works both ways too of course; don't expect any courtesy from invaders. Some of them might bow to you before starting the fight, which is usually the calling card of a respectful player, but don't bow to them expecting them to wait for the animation to finish before attacking. As a rule of thumb, assume that any invading player is simply going to try to kill you as quickly and efficiently as possible without any regard to etiquette. They probably expect the same from you. On the other hand, if you summon another player for PvP, I feel that this is the time when at least a minimal amount of respect and sportsmanship should be extended by both parties. It's simply the difference between being jumped on the street, and stepping into a boxing arena (though much less risky of course

Basically, what I'm trying to say with this rambling rant is that, entirely dependent on how the fight is initiated, it may or may not be acceptable to throw sand in your opponent's eyes and follow it up with a steel toe kick to the crotch. What's even more important to keep in mind though, is that you're interacting with a large community of people. Some of them will be honorable in their fights, some of them will be complete trolls. It's only a video game after all. The more I forgive behavior I don't approve of, the easier it is to just move on to the next fight, and the more I enjoy myself. In fact just last night I summoned someone for PvP, and they killed me while I was enchanting my weapon (which causes your character to be frozen in place for a few seconds while the animation plays out). At first I was angry, but decided to calm down and sent them a message simply asking why they would choose to leave a summon sign instead of just invading if they were going to play like that. They agreed that it was a bad move on their part and apologized. We ended up having a short discussion and they're now one of my PSN contacts. It just goes to show that a little levelheadedness goes a long way.
To conclude, here's a
hilarious collaborative video about PvP trolling made by two prominent members of the Dark Souls community.