Yeah I was being stupid. Without the hood I find the mask to look plain though, makes the head look tiny, and in terms of a ninja mask, it doesn't seem to sit well on a female compared to a male...I probably got confused since this occurred a long time ago, when I made a female thief to replaced my screwed male thief and got disappointed in her changed thief hood, which admittedly I feel ruins the whole look..especially if you went with a non rogue-like hairstyle. Yeah though, I got the hood and the mask mixed up.
It probably also stems from an irritation I gained when in school, during a section of the overall art class objective thing we did, we were handed lots of outlines of human males and females, and were told to design costumes for characters in a story we could pick the genre of...a lot of people in the class drew the clothes within the boundaries of the actual outline, making it look like their clothes and armour was their actual skin. Same thing applies to the mask, it looks like they've just darkened her lower face, as opposed to making it look worn and such. Naturally form fitting clothing makes sense to keep the profile low, but still, they could of added a fold her or a wrinkle there, or even the shape of her mouth. The same is said of the male thief hood, but the presence of a hood makes it somewhat ignorable. Perhaps turning the mask into a whole over the chest scarf as well would help it...but it'd probably cause problems with clipping in other armour sets, despite being literally drawn onto her skin and such.
I view invaders as dicks in general, since they're not part of any specific covenant besides Darkwraith, and as we both know, obtaining Humanity is an easy task, especially with the additonal content. Invaders in my opinion are generally always out to make someones life miserable - noble invaders would be slapping their summon sign down at the kiln, etc. Don't really want to get into a debate over this, so please don't take my views as complaining and drawing conflict from yours, I'm just expressing a differing opinion in hopefully a "gentle" manner. The Forest Covenant is irritating but I let it slide because it's just one location in the game and the forest is a nice large place, with the potential for interesting fights...but when you get two forest buddies, and an invader, and they decide to gang up on you, it gets tedious.
I don't actively gank, since I mostly stay hollow unless I'm planning on...yeah I guess being a dick covers it, lol. Hiding using the ring of fog, or trying conventional tactics like Undead Rapport trickstering, and so on. Semi-considering making my 99 in all character hit NG+7 and then find a non respawning, hard hitting enemy (I was thinking the armoured hog in Undead Parish, if it works) and just turning it friendly upon being invaded, and such. I've heard at that point, enemies basically one shot you and take seriously reduced damage, to the point where every mini-boss level normal enemy turns into a fully fledged boss. So it could be fun. It's just nice to grab a couple of friends and wipe out invaders from time to time, though. It's also about the only thing worth doing when you are human (and don't really want to throw yourself off a cliff) after you've killed all the bosses in the game, too. I'd never turn down a direct challenge if I got mail after putting an invader down - had someone rocking Paladin try to claim he was a pro and I was a noob for using Havel, I challenged him, and he killed me with Karmic Justice. I don't know if that could be considered professional, or noobish, but I'm leaning on the noobish side, however unconventional the tactic is. Karmic Vengeance nuking is the anti-ganker tool, though, especially with less than 100% physical protection shields.
See, the thing about Dark Souls is there's an insane amount of ways to go about doing the game. I don't actively look at the PLAYER as being a dick when they invade, but I do look at the whole thing with contempt, especially the red ones, because as stated, they're doing it purely for no purpose..except to have fun, I guess. Can be said they're setting out to have fun at someone elses expense. I guess, by ganking, so am I. So balance is restored. Or something. Regardless, you can never really know what to expect with players..I've met overly aggressive ones, I've met friendly, "happy" ones, and even ones who have been more into hilarity and comedy than anything - an invader using a whip with Pharis' hat, in Sen's Fortress. Yeah, he got "ganked" too because I was summoned to some other guys world and naturally we treated him as a hostile etc, but, I took the time to notice he was being comedic.
I can level with those invaders, I guess...there's a use for Darkwraith if you're gunna pull stuff like that, but when you can just tell they're a honed PvP just annoys me. Each to their own though.
I dislike the common response to someone disliking the PvP aspect (which I don't, I just found my own ways of dealing with it) as telling them to play offline - something I do when I wish to be left alone, such as mass bonfire kindling. However I enjoy the messages, seeing the bloodstains, and the little blue ghosts of other players, since it adds a little more to the game itself, and Dark Souls offline just feels empty...similar to playing a MMO on your own or something. Ever played Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker? I completed everything in that game offline solo, and honestly enjoyed it all, and when I finally branched out to get Xbox Live, and tried it, I found that once I had, I couldn't go back to solo just wasn't to be. Same thing with Dark Souls, anyway.
This post is dragging on :x sorry about that.
I just think it's an odd system to disable PvP after a boss dies, but it seems like a form of safety feature put in to coddle and protect people who were moving around...kind of like making safe zones. I know bosses being dead effect other things beyond PvP, like the amount of souls you can get + overkill chance of bonus souls, plus if the enemies can drop or provide free humanity when killed, and so on. For a new player, all the options you mentioned take time to achieve, such as the Red Sign Soapstone being in the Painted World, and the Dried Finger being..somewhere, etc. I'm always skeptical over DLC adding stuff players want...which I guess sounds odd and a little stupid to read...just...meh. Like how the Sims 3 has all that DLC that should be in the main game. That battle arena thing wouldn't of fit in with the story and Lordran gameworld lore as such, but, it still should of been considered before. That's another topic though and isn't really worth discussing now. Yeah Gankers generally ruin the Dragon covenant, and anyone trying to be honorable with the Red Sign Soapstone, but that's a completely different breed of ganker entirely...I'd never SUMMON a guy simply to slaughter him with three people as soon as he came in..I just find enjoyment in standing on Anor Londo bridge and watching red spirits turn up and either crystal out, or die and send hate, I guess. I've always apologised to the blues, but..that's an unfortunate "act of war" or something. I dunno.
Edge, Dark Souls generally has no story to follow, really. It has historical events and "the world as it is now" but generally, most of the lore and story behind it is player guesswork. Though now the developer has made note of what ideas are "possibly canon" and what aren't. If you do gain the patience to go back to Dark Souls, you might end up getting a little depressed on how hard the game can be, but then how easy it suddenly gets once you've passed the learning curve. Even more once you've levelled your character up to the point of making the first playthrough seem pointless. In some ways, it is. Do your THANG in the first game, and then the game will begin to shape you into a specific character build in the second game. Potentially. It always seems to throw-back ACQUIRE INTELLIGENCE ACQUIRE TIN CRYSTALLISATION CATALYST ACQUIRE CRYSTAL SOUL MASS/CRYSTAL SOUL SPEAR and win. Though later, you'll actually have to dodge attacks, lol.