I know a lot about 2012. Here I will give you the facts and the fiction:
0) Some people say Y2K wasn't ****, so I don't have to worry. Well that's because Y2K was never **** to begin with and 2000 was never said to be doomsday. I never worried when 2000 came around. I mean really, computers possibly having the wrong date is nothing to panic over.
1) All planets will align with the center of the galaxy, this only happens once every 630,000 years. It will happen, but that doesn't mean anything good or bad will result from it.
2) Nibiru (Planet X) has a 3,600 year eliptical orbit around the sun. It is believed to have caused the great flood, and pole shifts. It is due to arrive near Earth in 2012, but this doesn't necessarily mean something bad. I remember being a kid in 1991 in a barber shop when I read about them discovering planet X.
3) The Earths poles have shifted before and could do so again. There are already some traces of magnetic shift.
4) The supervolcano beneath Yellowstone could go off and is considered in the red zone, but I am aware of nothing that connects this to 2012.
5) dec 21 2012 is the end of the Mayan calender. The mayans also knew about the galactic alignment and made a ball game where the ball is Earth and they try to kick it into a hole representing the center of the galaxy. This is the only 2012 info most people care to know about.
6) Other cultures such as the Chinese I-ching came up with the same end date as the Mayans. It is not necessarily "the end" though, it may just be the beginning of a new age. Personally I think there might be some destruction, but all of humanity is not going to perish.
7) Prophecies from Prophets with good track records: Nostradamus, Lady Shipton, Merlin, perhaps even Bible prophecy. Also the Hopi indians.
Theres probably more. Theres about a dozen different documentaries from the history channel you can find and download, as well an entire 2012 survival guide member site (you have to pay) The actual 2012 movie didn't cover a lot of what could happen and whats actually out there. Planet X in particular seems to be kept secret from the public, but science knows it is out there. The 2012 survival guide site gives you a free 15 page Ebook which is pretty insightful. It mentions crop circles, the Hopi, as well as a lot of scientific and mathematic stuff. I read the ebook, but didn't waste any money on joining the site.
Do your own search. Don't just assume because your news and government doesn't alert you, everything is necessarily fine. Governments will do anything so people don't riot and panic.
There have been much better ones then the 2012 one.
Name me one other doomsday prophecy (besides y2k) I contend that never has there been such an extensive amount of things to happen in a single date as 2012.