
Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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is this a sickness? is there a cure or am i just gonna die like this?

you know what?.. nah, forget it, nevermind...
Ah! Well, there are health ramifications, and they'll medicate anything now a days. Still, I'd expect that loneliness for often is a real circumstance.
He obviously knows its not a sickness and you obviously know that. While you were at it though you shouldve described loneliness as a condition or feeling rather than a circumstance.
AaronAgassi said:
Ah! Well, there are health ramifications, and they'll medicate anything now a days. Still, I'd expect that loneliness for often is a real circumstance.
No, lonliness need not be entirely psychological. Indeed, the feeling may be reactive to environment.
lmao death by cryptic posting thats funny.

-But seriously Agassi u shouldn't be such an ass. If that'd been a last distress call, you just loaded a bullet in somebodies gun by treating this lightly.

death is a journey you undertake alone.

you dont have to be lonely till you die though.

A good saying that is short and to the point that i recall when i feel down is:

"This too shall pass."

Basically it means that good times, bad times, loneliness, happiness they all pass by eventually. It's just taking the steps to get through it moment by moment that is difficult.
While loneliness can be caused by a circumstance its still not a circumstance in itself.
Did you also realize that your post contradicts itself? On the 1 hand youre telling me no but on the other hand youre defining loneliness as a feeling.
Im sure you mustve realized that though but if you didnt then Im sure you realize it now.
AaronAgassi said:
No, lonliness need not be entirely psychological. Indeed, the feeling may be reactive to environment.

Guest said:
He obviously knows its not a sickness and you obviously know that. While you were at it though you shouldve described loneliness as a condition or feeling rather than a circumstance.
AaronAgassi said:
Ah! Well, there are health ramifications, and they'll medicate anything now a days. Still, I'd expect that loneliness for often is a real circumstance.
There is no contradiction in the assertion that any feeling may be reactive to environment. In which case it may be said to be circumstance. Because circumstance, in it's entirety, may enfold multiple congruent and interrelating factors, both stimulus and response, which however, do indeed remain distinct. Circumstance, after all, is any condition attending an event and having some bearing there upon; a determining or modifying factor.
New guest,

I hope you and I do not die like this. I agree with Aaron that Loneliness IS the curse of modern humanity. I, personally, do NOT think we live the way human beings were supposed to live. I know it would be NO utopia, but I think humans should live in multiracial clans. (to ensure genetic diversity).

If I were queen of the world, (ha!) I would do that. I would help people create co-ops. Cooperartive clans or communes, where people live on large farms and have large common social and eating grounds, but have their own private sleeping quarters. That way, people could be together when they feel lonely and need community, but yet sleep alone or with a lover when they want privacy.

The women would share work (traditionally, in the past, the women got together to do 'women's work' such as child rearing, cleaning, and cooking. NOW we realize women have the intellectual capacity to do so much more!) Men would hunt and farm and fish together.
Modern life is UNNATURAL! I believe in God, and yet I also believe in evolution, at least on a limited basis. I think that humans, like the great apes and chimpanzees, were NOT meant to fend for themselves in tiny nuclear families, where if one dies or is ill, the whole tiny nuclear family could implode.

Aaron, although it was literally painful to read your last post, perhaps this is just how you talk. You may be too verbose and your vocabulary too erudite for today's vernacular.
In the immortal words of Roy Thomas: What, do not all who span this spinning sphere, ever speak thus?

Who is Roy Thomas.

Aaron, let's discuss politics. The current state of the world, and of America, makes me almost physically ill.

The Patriot Act essentially suspends our Constiutional rights. Have you heard of the NAU?

The coming North American Union in the works? WHY do you think that 70 percent of Americans demand that we physically secure our southern border? We, the nation with the military precision to locate underground bunkers and destroy them, and we don't have the money or resources to send national guard to protect the southern border?

This is no accident, sweetie. This is part of a careful plan.


One world government to rule them all, One ring to find them
One ring to take them all and in the darkness bind them.
I need hardly be persuaded of the dangers of authoritarianism. But I would hope for trade agreements to help bring an end to the quixotic endeavor to close our borders and help resolve the conflict. And it is important to become more competitive with Europe. Of course, that hardly rules out ******* it all up monumentally! The very best of policy is often ruined or perverted in execution, especially in the United States.
By "sickness" and "cure", it doesn't really matter what You mean; there are both practical and mental means of fighting loneliness. But the mental "cures" are just to make You more receptive and understanding about going through with the practical cures, so loneliness itself is something that You must dare to overcome Yourself, sooner or later.
lonelygirl said:

Who is Roy Thomas.

Aaron, let's discuss politics. The current state of the world, and of America, makes me almost physically ill.

The Patriot Act essentially suspends our Constiutional rights. Have you heard of the NAU?

The coming North American Union in the works? WHY do you think that 70 percent of Americans demand that we physically secure our southern border? We, the nation with the military precision to locate underground bunkers and destroy them, and we don't have the money or resources to send national guard to protect the southern border?

This is no accident, sweetie. This is part of a careful plan.


One world government to rule them all, One ring to find them
One ring to take them all and in the darkness bind them.

Can you say "off-topic"?
Can you say: Snarky unnecessary comment? Contribute to the dialogue in a meaninful way, or butt out.

There was never any debate about loneliness being reactive to environment. The disagreement was made by the fact of you saying that loneliness was a circumstance which it still isnt and cant be but Im realizing that you have no desire to explore anything literally or linguistically and that your interest lies more in the psychological and compensating.
Its a shame the way you lock people out but in this world I would be lying if I said I had no idea why. Then again it shouldnt be for me to judge since this is just 1 site and 1 image of you and you could be presenting anything that you wanted to here.
AaronAgassi said:
There is no contradiction in the assertion that any feeling may be reactive to environment. In which case it may be said to be circumstance. Because circumstance, in it's entirety, may enfold multiple congruent and interrelating factors, both stimulus and response, which however, do indeed remain distinct. Circumstance, after all, is any condition attending an event and having some bearing there upon; a determining or modifying factor.

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