different kind of hurting...

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hi guys guess what im back and that means im lonely again haha :p
different kind of hurting have u guys ever experienced having a partner, gf/bf whose a very people person loves to meet people, loves to talk to different kinds of people. and of course that would include meeting the opposite sex, shes so friendly towards them and all... it hurts me because.. shes so friendly and so peeople person... i feel kinda left out and thinking why would she wants to meet more and mre people when she already got me???!!! i dont know can someone enlighten me with this one... i feel stupid feeling this way but i cant help it.. being her is hurting me... and im afraid she might found someone interesting and u know and people might take advantage of her kindness..please help me with this one....
You got to look at it this way. she sounds a very popular girl. So she is popular but yet she chooses to be with you. WOW!!! what a complement. You got to have trust in her that its you shes with and as many friends has she may make its you who has that special boned with her.

You shod inbrae this and learn from her. Not be scared of how she is.
Yes, I agree with bluey, you should trust her, and also because she seems to be outgoing and likes to meet people this could also open the door for you to make some new friends.
Yeah, about the only thing you can do is trust her. My last girlfriend was like that, I didn't really like the fact that she had a lot of guy friends but I got over it after awhile because I trusted her.
dang misterd. is this the same chick from b4???
if it is. then i say dont trust her. i think u already know shes not trustworthy. stop ignoring all the little red flags that keep popping up all over da place dude

if u already got a new chick. then ok nm. u might just not b compatible
Yeah MisterD, if this girl is new and interesting, you should keep being yourself and maybe once you get to know her better, you can tell her how you feel. However, you don't want to be over-bearing and over-protective because you might push her away or scare her. Make sure you're looking out for her best interests, but don't let your fear of lonliness (and/or possible jealousy of her having other friends) get in the way. Embrace her free-spiritedness and spread your wings a little. Maybe you could even get to know some of her friends and make some of your own friends too!