Polar said:
Missing said:
I'm bringing this topic back because I just wanted to say that I've found mine.I met him when I was 16.I didn't believe in soulmates at all or even look for one,but when I found mine there was no denying it.I wanted to know what happened so I googled and found stories of other people who met theirs and had the exact same feelings ...so yes,I do believe something like that does exist even though it's pretty rare but really,nothing compares to looking in the eyes of your soulmate.Sorry,I'm a bit romantic today because I've just seen him once again today after a long time and I felt like I've been dead until he looked me in the eyes and and suddenly I was alive ...It's not lust at all...it's nothing like that...it's a deep connection on an emotional level.When anyone meets their soulmate,they'll just know.And it's always mutual.No questions will be asked.
Can I pick on your romantic bubble and ask you how old you are? I'm very happy for you but unless you're years and years away from 16 today, isn't it a bit too soon to talk like that? I've also had those feelings you had, and back then it felt like something that great simply had to last. (You probably have read enough between the lines by now, to know that it didn't). True love needs to ripe over years. And while I very much hope for you that you'll still be able to say you did in fact meet your soulmate in the distant future, I advice caution praising someone like that for now. Best of luck with your relationship either way
I'm 18

Ofcourse true love needs to ripe over years.This is totally different.Many soulmates don't even end up together.It's a different connection.An instant one.Something clicks and then just BOOM you know this person has something to do with you.You could swear you'd known them before even though you didn't.Thing is,if you make this relationship work with all its terrifying intensity it will be a very rewarding one because other people won't even come close to making you feel the same and you'll only realise how dull normal dates are when you experience this.Because you don't actually have to make an effort to pretend you're interested in the other person and like see if it will go smoothly.You connect on every level possible.It's all in the eyes though...you might see the person and not know,You'll only feel this when you both look at each other at the same time.You will be shocked.
Also we discovered we had alot of things in common.Both our fathers died when we were children.Turns out his friends call him the same nickname I call my bestfriend which is weird because it's nothing to do with both their names.A random name.
I don't really know,but I'm saying what I experienced.You don't have to believe it and ofcourse it's unhealthy to live only looking for a soulmate.This is silly.But what I'm saying is,it won't hurt you not to reject the idea.It might happen to you one day. And yes,I've looked into so many pretty eyes and was never moved.Those brown eyes just leave me breathless...
LOL whatever sorry for long post.I'm going to bed