Do You Feel That People Don't Take Your Suffering Seriously?

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
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Island Of Patmos
Hello esteemed members.:D

Do you feel that on this forum and/or in real life that nobody takes you or your particular illness seriously? Perhaps chalking it up to everyday problems without really understanding the gravity your suffering?

Thanks for viewing.:)

I don't really tell people about my illness so people automatically think I'm that silent guy and at times I screw up because of my problem and again people just asume I suck or I'm clumsy etc. As I said in a previous post as long as the things that happen do so because of my problem I couldn't care less to be honest.
I've only told my problems to 3 people who I know they won't make fun/have pitty or anything else because their also damaged in their own way.
How people will react when I tell them about my illness whether its shocking/funny/they start taking pitty on me its their problem , I tell people about it so they know why I act the way I do not for their comfort.
I understand. for the record, I'd never make fun of another person's problems. To me, that's very cruel. People who make fun of other people's problems should be thrown into a cage with 6 rabid starving Pit Bulls.
SophiaGrace said:
This is why i don't tell people about my depression.
Hi Sophia.:)
Not to sound argumentative, and I haven't been here as long as you have, but isn't this forum devoted to helping people with issues such as yours?

LoneKiller said:
SophiaGrace said:
This is why i don't tell people about my depression.
Hi Sophia.:)
Not to sound argumentative, and I haven't been here as long as you have, but isn't this forum devoted to helping people with issues such as yours?

Well I meant like...

When i went to meet the dean of the honors program to get into a class and she asked me why my GPA wasn't very high.

I told her i didn't know.

She raised her eyebrows and said "you don't know?

and then i told her i had issues with depression.

It made me really uncomfortable to say that.
SophiaGrace said:
LoneKiller said:
SophiaGrace said:
This is why i don't tell people about my depression.
Hi Sophia.:)
Not to sound argumentative, and I haven't been here as long as you have, but isn't this forum devoted to helping people with issues such as yours?

Well I meant like...

When i went to meet the dean of the honors program to get into a class and she asked me why my GPA wasn't very high.

I told her i didn't know.

She raised her eyebrows and said "you don't know?

and then i told her i had issues with depression.

It made me really uncomfortable to say that.
OH! I understand what you mean now. I can see that being uncomfortable.

I have feelings of loneliness that come and go. I also have general anxiety disorder, which has caused irritable bowel sydrome, and I have various body aches associated with anxiety and mild depression. It's hard explaining any of this to the "normal" people in my life. I think unless you've experienced any of these conditions, it's hard to imagine what it feels like. So, I limit who I tell about my issues.

LoneKiller said:
Hello esteemed members.:D

Do you feel that on this forum and/or in real life that nobody takes you or your particular illness seriously? Perhaps chalking it up to everyday problems without really understanding the gravity your suffering?

Thanks for viewing.:)
The very same person who I thought would judge me the most has the same thing I do. I was quite shocked, but relieved. I think it made problems worse when I bottled it up and didn't tell close family. I felt like I was hiding a huge secret and it hurt. Sometimes it's good to tell people who care about you, so if they are trying to figure out whats wrong or why you didn't do this or that, they'll understand and not get mad at you. Or at the least...they'll know why and not take guesses.
most people (not on this board) think my situation is humorous as most people don't understand how someone can be lonely.
My parents do. I try to tell them I notice a decrease in my eyesight, I have speach problems, but my Dad says "that's all in your head." His excuse for everything.

All the time.

However, I've learned that most people are too swept into their own lives to give a *blank* about anyone else's. That's why forums like these are indispensable. People who suffer from the same problems will sympathize.

For me that's my problem, I wish I cared less what people think and I'm trying so hard to change that about myself. I wish it didn't matter if people understood my social anxiety. I wish I could just keep reminding myself it's a personal problem and only I can solve it. But for whatever reason, I need that recognition of my misery from others.
Nobody really knows about my suffering since i just deal with it and try to push it out of my mind.
I take it all very seriously and I honestly do care about situations I read...

My main issues are however that despite how I may try, I don't think what I type here really makes anyone feel any better.

Also, there are some I think who don't want to listen, which makes it really difficult and can give the impression that the people talking to them lose interest.

You're all wonderful so remember this and be happy with yourselves and who you are :shy:
I don't think my parents understand why I feel the way I do about my appearance. My mother doesn't understand why I believe that I'm ugly, but then again, she's my mother. In a mothers eyes her son is always handsome and her daughter is always beautiful.

It's hard for me to open up and talk with my father about these things. People have often told me that I look like my father, and he once tried to comfort me by telling me that I looked almost like James Dean in some of my photos, so maybe when he hears me criticize myself it's as though I'm criticizing him.

Most of the time I just struggle through it and try to take it one day at a time. Each day I have to convince myself that I'm at least presentable to others and keep telling myself that throughout the day. I know that I will never find love. I know that I will never know the embrace of a beautiful woman. I also know that things could be a lot worse.
Iceman1978 said:
I don't think my parents understand why I feel the way I do about my appearance. My mother doesn't understand why I believe that I'm ugly, but then again, she's my mother. In a mothers eyes her son is always handsome and her daughter is always beautiful.

It's hard for me to open up and talk with my father about these things. People have often told me that I look like my father, and he once tried to comfort me by telling me that I looked almost like James Dean in some of my photos, so maybe when he hears me criticize myself it's as though I'm criticizing him.

Most of the time I just struggle through it and try to take it one day at a time. Each day I have to convince myself that I'm at least presentable to others and keep telling myself that throughout the day. I know that I will never find love. I know that I will never know the embrace of a beautiful woman. I also know that things could be a lot worse.

If that's you in your profile pic, you honestly do not look ugly. Your not bad looking at all.

In a mothers eyes her son is always handsome Like Mrs. Voorhess thinks her son, Jason is a handsome man, even though is FACE is rotten and falling off! I understand this. You always looks perfect in oyur mother (or fathers) eyes. Which is why they do not notice my problems, and other people do.
Ice, there's nothing wrong with your face! You're better-looking than me... And in any case, appearances aren't everything. When I start to get self-conscious about how I look, I think of people who have serious disfiguring conditions, and the amount of bravery they have to muster, just to face the world. And then I realize I'm lucky to just be average and boring-looking.

I know what you mean though about your parents. I feel that way in terms of being loved. My parents are the only people in the world who love me, and they HAVE to love me! Which makes me feel like I'm probably pretty unlovable otherwise... But hey, I'm lucky I've got them at least! =)
blackdot said:
most people (not on this board) think my situation is humorous as most people don't understand how someone can be lonely.

Well, I don't think it's humorous.

I'd like to give you hugs in fact.


Thomas] said:
I don't think what I type here really makes anyone feel any better.

Someone in the chatroom saved my life once and I will always love them for it even though they no longer come here.

You never know what impact your words have.

You are free to pick and choose who and what you'll repond to.


Iceman1978 said:
In a mothers eyes her son is always handsome and her daughter is always beautiful.

Not true. Parents don't always feel those things about their children. There are awful parents out there.

Parents don't have to do anything. I guess just feel lucky yours love you like they do.

Ashariel said:
I think of people who have serious disfiguring conditions, and the amount of bravery they have to muster, just to face the world. And then I realize I'm lucky to just be average and boring-looking.

Don't compare yourself to others and then belittle your problems. Just be happy for what you have. Appreciate.

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