Im a bit beyound just smootching in public.
Ive never had any problems with PA.
We used to go cruzing when we were teenager...naturally you'll start making out it the car
at your favorite parking area or at the drive in...ect
Having sex in your room and taking a chance of mommy and daddy catching you????
I have too many stories and too many experince having sex in public places.
It's mostly up to the woman. And when your woman wants it...she wants it.
If you feel ashame of having sex with's really going to **** up the relationship.'s up to the woman and how she FEELS about such matters.
She'll either feel you're not man enough or it's gonna **** up her womanhood.
Of course...I know about public decentcy...Im not in fucken high school anymore.
Of course Im afraid of getting arrested or getting a ticket...All these things crosses my mind.
At the sametime if you have your woman siting in front of you wanting sex....
You're either gonna **** her or get into an argument with her.
An argument with your women might last a lifetime.

So you might as will...give her a good time and have a good time.
Of course there's that factor...of doing the wrong thing which enhances the thrill , excitment and passion....
It's like voodoo. Some women get off on that...
Luckie me...I know how to pick
None of you ever never put your hands in the cookie jar?????