Do you find smoking attractive?

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No. I find it deeply unattractive. I find the smell and taste of someone who smokes horrible.

Looking at girls in the street (as one may happen to do from time to time) I will STOP looking if they're smoking. I'm just not interested.

In answer to the two pictures posted. No, I find neither particularly attractive. They both smoke. I'm not going to enjoy being around them. I'll wheeze and cough. It's not a good feeling or look for me.

I"m strange. I like the smell of tobacco...o_o ever since I had that cigarette. -_-

But I wouldnt like it blowing into my face, tobacco smoke. :S
The-One said:
Badjedidude said:




I like lol. :D

Haz said:
It's a pretty filthy habit, people coughing up their lungs, yellow teeth, phlegm and the smell of it can be a definite turnoff.

I have something for a fetish of watching an attractive girl smoke though, whether it is a cigarette, or through a smoking device of some kind. Something about being relaxed, calm and collected. I like it.

I agree (love).

PsychoBilli said:
I don't find it attractive or unattractive at all, but as an ex-smoker I'd be really conscious of my own reaction to it. I don't ever want to smoke another cigarette again because if I start again I'll have to quit again. Holy hell is it hard.

Tex Is Lost said:
I'm a smoker and I don't find it attractive. Though I try to take others into consideration when I smoke, I know that it bothers people. And it does make things smell.
I am currently in a struggle to quit.

The best advice I can give you is that you have to want it. Nic patches or gum or whatever might help dull the pain, but if you don't want it it's not going to happen.

It's weird cause whenever i've thought about starting to smoke, it's never the idea of eventually having to quit that makes me decide not to.
I haven't started cause . . . i'm not the best lookign guy . . the marjoity of society now a days does not like smoking . . that's just cutting my chances down EVEN SLIMMER for finding a girlfriend. :p
It's such a huge money sink! I more get turned off by the fact that a person would just flush thousands of dollars a year down the toilet like that, lol.
I don't really care either way. Smoke though, find women that smoke weed/ drink pints of beer rather than anything else attractive though.
Limlim said:
It's such a huge money sink! I more get turned off by the fact that a person would just flush thousands of dollars a year down the toilet like that, lol.



It can be.
What anyone puts into their body is really their business, but I can't stand the smoke. Even a whiff of it....

*cough, sneeze, gasp* TOTALLY screws up my airways.
OK, since this thread is generating such interest, I'll ask the ladies a question. How about cigars or pipes, ladies?

Ladies: If a man smokes a pipe or cigars (on a fairly regular basis), does that make him more attractive to you? Does it bother you in any way?


One reason I ask is because I myself smoke cigars and a pipe every now and then, so I'm a bit curious to see how the wimmin feel about it. :p
Yes, I do often find smoking to be attractive.

A girl holding a cigarette holder in manicured hands, lifting it to a painted red mouth...
Whenever I smoke a cigarette I strike a pose and try to make it as sexy as possible, intricate exhalations and slow taps to ash. I do find smoking attractive just not smokers skin....dilemna I suppose.

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