I'm sorry. I had to deal, fight, with my siblings too. I was the one that took care of my mom, dad, and my dad parents until they died. I moved my grandparents into my house with me because they couldn't be on their own any more. My grandfather's mind was so bad that I needed to put a signs on the walls showing the way to the bathroom, which was actually visible from where his Lazy Boy chair was. Yeah. He was that bad off. He would yell at me and say all kinds of mean nasty things. Five minutes later he wouldn't know he did it. He would constantly confuse me with his son. Taking care of all of them and working full time was torture. Changing my grandmothers dipers and wiping her clean was not fun especially when she would stare at me doing it. It definitely took part of me away. I mean I never wanted kids or to take care of kids. But, I ended up taking care of old people, which I think is way worse.
So, my hats off to you and good luck. Do some research before you end up moving in with your mom. Your life will drastically change. But, nursing homes are way expensive and they don't give a **** about the patients.