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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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They're being difficult.

LMAO lol too many dogs running around :p

Yes I would.

Do you want to swim deeply in oceans to see what it hides? :p
Can't even get grades out of them without a lot of time.

No, the really interesting hidden stuff to deep .

Do you like roller coasters?

do you like waiting for things?

Naw i can wait for paris.

Do you like london?
Yes Germany is great.

Do you like pumpernickel bread?

I guess i don't think of it that way but i guess so.

do you like flies?
Kids look delicious? Oh that is something else.


Do you like water spiders?

do you like axe murders?
Growing nails?

Yes i do.

Do you like playing like a monkey and throwing bananas?
Mhmm and polishing them... With black, white and gray colors (y)

Haha!! Nuuuuu >.<

Do you like hide and seek game????
polishing the monkey or the banana?

Yes it is a good excuse to leave. Claim you were just hiding.

do you like water balloons?


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