Hey there, wonderful people!
I'm gonna tell you something that happened to me yesterday and I'm gonna ask for your opinion
I was crossing the street the other day, and I dropped my phone, it somehow fell from my pocket. I didn't realize what happened in that exact very moment. But for some reason I checked my pockets a few seconds later, and I couldn't find my phone. So I turned back looking for it and saw there was a young man that had my phone, he said "here you go", I took my phone and I said "thanks". He walked away. And I felt like I wasn't really grateful towards him. I just said "thanks" trying to be polite but I didn't feel any gratitude.
Isn't that wrong?
It happened to me before. People helping me with something and me not feeling any sort of gratitude.
I felt as if he was forced to give me my phone back. Because he knew it was the right thing to do, not because he really wanted to help.
Is there a difference between wanting to help and helping only because it's the right thing?
For example, doctors... Do they help us because it's their job or because they really care about us?
Why do I have these feelings?
I know the outcome is the same. I lose something, someone finds it for me, I get it back. Everything is fine. Regardless of their motives of helping me.
However, it's like I wish I wouldn't receive any help at all rather than receiving it only because they felt obligated to help.
I want people to feel whatever they're doing. I want people to really want to do the things they're doing. If they don't, their actions feel empty to me.
What would you say to someone like me? Am I ungrateful? Am I crazy?
Looking forward to your opinions.
Whatever you feel, say it.

You're the best!
And I love to ask you guys these kind of questions. Your answers are always fabulous and surprising. I've spent quite some time reading threads on this forum. It's an internet goldmine.
I'm gonna tell you something that happened to me yesterday and I'm gonna ask for your opinion

I was crossing the street the other day, and I dropped my phone, it somehow fell from my pocket. I didn't realize what happened in that exact very moment. But for some reason I checked my pockets a few seconds later, and I couldn't find my phone. So I turned back looking for it and saw there was a young man that had my phone, he said "here you go", I took my phone and I said "thanks". He walked away. And I felt like I wasn't really grateful towards him. I just said "thanks" trying to be polite but I didn't feel any gratitude.
Isn't that wrong?
It happened to me before. People helping me with something and me not feeling any sort of gratitude.
I felt as if he was forced to give me my phone back. Because he knew it was the right thing to do, not because he really wanted to help.
Is there a difference between wanting to help and helping only because it's the right thing?
For example, doctors... Do they help us because it's their job or because they really care about us?
Why do I have these feelings?
I know the outcome is the same. I lose something, someone finds it for me, I get it back. Everything is fine. Regardless of their motives of helping me.
However, it's like I wish I wouldn't receive any help at all rather than receiving it only because they felt obligated to help.
I want people to feel whatever they're doing. I want people to really want to do the things they're doing. If they don't, their actions feel empty to me.
What would you say to someone like me? Am I ungrateful? Am I crazy?
Looking forward to your opinions.
Whatever you feel, say it.

You're the best!
And I love to ask you guys these kind of questions. Your answers are always fabulous and surprising. I've spent quite some time reading threads on this forum. It's an internet goldmine.