I used to have huge flower beds and I love planting and taking care of them, but now it's down to just a few flower pots. There is a beautiful gardens about two blocks from here and I love going there.
They're called cinemas here in the U.K. and I do like them, but rarely visit them these days. Drive in movies aren't really a thing here, although I'm sure there have been one off events where pop-up drive ins have been set up. I've certainly never attended one though.
Outside! I love being outside and if the weather was nice, I could probably even live outdoors except for the luxuries a home offers, like a bathroom and a shower, etc.
I know people who have eaten alligator, but I don't think I could do it because they creep me out. But I think you really did know what I meant.
No. Playing and teaching New tricks was not my part in pet care. Evidently I don't play well or anyways none of our pets ever thought so. My responsibilities were snuggling and giving them a lot of love and feeding them and cleaning the litter box, etc.