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I love house plants, but I don't have any since my cats think plants belong to them and they can sleep in them if they want to. Also the fear of some being poisonous to felines.I have plants outdoors though.

Do you like cloudy days?
Omg. Me, too!

Definitely! I like to do a lot of stretching exercises and I also work a bit on balance exercises.

Do you like to go for long speed walks in the morning?
Yes! I have figured out that I can remember up to three things at a time and by the time I hit the fourth, I forget all four so I do have to write things down.

Is it going to get super cold in your area in a few days, too? We will have the coldest Christmas since 1983.
No, I don't enjoy live music in public places anymore because there is always always always at least one ass and I always obsess over that one person's assholery until I realize there is no more music or worse...

Do you like cutting your toenails and fingernails
No. Mine grow fast so it seems like I'm always doing it. Plus I have two ingrown toenails so I have to cut them WAY back and then pull out the side. Ouch!!!!

Do you like to smile?
No, not usually. I have a classic R.B.F. and my smiles tend to feel forced unless they're completely natural.

Do you like surprise parties?

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