Does anyone do long term anymore?

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Had another short term hookup this past week, then as per usual I discover some things I wish I hadn't of. Funny how deceiving people can be, but I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is the last person you should ask. At least I didn't take it as far as a "relationship" It was definitely great fun though, I'm addicted to intimacy it seems...having been deprived of it for all of my teen years. Oh well, girls come and go...There will be another coming along hopefully!
Weren't you the one bemoaning how no one does long-term anymore in your original post?

Did you go into this "short term hookup" thinking that it was going to be forever, or did you treat it as a short fling?

My advice to women who complain about guys just using them for sex rather than seeing them as girlfriend material is applicable to young men too: Don't want to be seen as short-term material? Don't ******* give up the booty as soon as you meet someone. When you do that, YOU slap the label "just here for the sex" on your ass. Show people you have more to offer them, and they'll treat you differently.

Ive been with my current GF for almost 2 months..Beats me
where its going to go.

I dont really want to get into her
past I have a past..

She tells me a lot anyway
cuase women gatta put in 50K
per day

Shes very nice. Down to earth
and very pretty. No dramma
We have sex everyday. As she
put it..... a healthy sex life.
She enjoy having sex with me.
Ive been in a realtionship
where there hardy any arguments
and it seems like this is how she is..

The past two years
Ive been on the wild side..again. Dated plenty of wild women.
None of the women I dated were
neieved. They knew what they were doing and wanted. So dont be fooled.

They knew what they were dealing with....they were WOMEN..not giirls.

Yes...more women will come into your life oneway or the other.
At least this is the ccase for mr.

Youre addicted to the HUNTING....
The chasing, catching and the fun of it all.

Yes...sports hunter release their
catches back into the wild again
You cant taim a wild cat....

I attend 12 steps program.or NA lol

I stopped drinking and doing drugs
a long time ago.

Not all women I go out wth are nympho..but a lot of them are.
Its just our body chemistry...
but some people view that as a moral issue.
If my gf surpress her sexaul drives or simply get depress or have depression. The added moral
pressure messes her up even more.
As high as my sexual drive is..I still
cant keep up with some women...
Ive been accused of being a sex addict or told Im addicted to women.lmao

Yes I have addicted personliies...Addictions dosnt entired have to do with drugs or alcohol.

I'm always on the watch for something to turn long-term, but I could tell after about 3 days that she wasn't long term material...nor was she interested. The way she acted around me, and other guys was a dead giveaway.
I was with my ex for 5 years.

So yes, I do long-term.

...until it ends, anyway. (wary)
Nice thread man. I wonder the same thing sometimes. It seems like it's all about "hooking up" these days. I would rather have a really loving relationship. Something to count on and where you're really helping each other in life. Some people have that but I don't know. It doesn't seem so common. Sorry, I don't really have any better advice but I understand what you're saying. Good post.
What an interesting thread. Glad to hear, Mazda, that you overcame your social problems/depression, I think that's great. That means there's hope for all of us! :)
I wouldn't worry, though, about comparing yourself with others and how many they've slept with or that type of thing. Everyone is different. Even someone who's totally mousy looking could have slept with a ton of people, you just never know.
If you're looking for "long term", you'll have to learn to wait a bit before having sex. Going from "hi, what's your name" to jumping into bed a week later isn't conducive to building a long term relationship. But I won't harp on about this, I think you will just have to learn this for yourself. You're still young, there's nothing wrong with dating different women to see what type works for you. There's no rule that you have to sleep with every woman that you date, though.

Oh yes, there's most definitely hope for everyone! I was so deeply depressed and antisocial that I couldn't even hold a conversation with my own family...let alone anyone else! Although being social/dating around with girls definitely has its drawbacks. Every time I try to take a break from dating/hookups etc... Some other girl strolls right in flirting up a storm with me, and I usually don't go looking for them either. And of course I can't bring myself not to go along with it, I'm the type who believes strongly in "You'll never know unless you try!" I never really found myself to be attractive. Maybe I am, who knows.
On a side note, thanks to being single and not going out blowing cash etc...I've bought myself a new motorcycle. I'm happy as a pig in poo right now!
Mazda13bRotary said:
On a side note, thanks to being single and not going out blowing cash etc...I've bought myself a new motorcycle. I'm happy as a pig in poo right now!

is it your happiness which led you to this loneliness forum?
I am a happy guy, but I'm also a lonely guy indeed when it comes to anything to do with relationships. Perhaps I'm not meant to spend my life in a long term relationship with someone.
You said you were a salesman, do you go into every conversation with a girl as though you are selling yourself? If so that might be the problem.
Also what I've noticed, if a woman is interested in a long term relationship she is less likely to approach the guy. The theory that you would have more to lose, especially if you see the guy in a bunch of short term relationships.
I rarely talk about myself when I approach a girl, I simply ask questions to find out what we have in common, or to get an idea about what she is thinking. I only talk about myself if she asks.
Then its probably just the type of girl you approach/attract.
Can't say much else, since I don't know you. :/
A long term relationship might be hard to find, but the good news is once you do you can stop searching.
Mazda13bRotary, the idea in this thread is really the only reason I'm on this board. Ya I don't know about this "hookup" culture and pretty short term dating and flings. Of course I have friends who are married and some people will have a boyfriend/girlfriend for a year or a few years. I don't identify much with either camp. I've never really dated anyone for more than about 6 months (and it wasn't too serious). And I'm not really out hooking up and having cheap sex. I'm trying to change it though. You have any new ideas lately? I did actually just have sex with a new girl a couple nights ago but it's probably not going to lead to anything.

I like this thread Blackhole says:
blackhole said:
we are a plastic, emotionally-stunted, and spiritually-devoid culture.

people fill the emptiness that should be filled with love, now using food, drugs, sex, toys, money, power, blackberries.

I think he's right at least in some places. Maybe I'll just adapt and just try to go straight into sex with a lot of girls. Could be fun. I'm pretty sure I want love and something more longterm though. Anyway keep us posted on how it's been going. :)
You might enjoy the random hookups. I'll do them, but I really don't like just being "another brick in the wall" for some slutty chick. Her bronze vag ain't worth my platinum dick!
On a side note, I discovered the ex-girlfriend who didn't want to be in a relationship at all started dating a guy two days after she left me. I txted him anonymously saying that she's cheating on him and attached some naked pics of her that she sent to me back when we were together as proof. I changed the dates on them so they appeared to be recent.

I quite enjoy giving the **** pot a big ole stir.

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