Does anyone else struggle to start a new show?

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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2015
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Wolverhampton, UK
I have been re-watching Friends again for what is possibly in the double digits now, same with Entourage and Frasier but this evening I took the bold step to watch something new that being a show called Manifest. It's a Netflix show from 2022 about people who get a little lost on a plane. I know saying it is a "bold step" sounds dramatic and it probably is but I really do struggle to watch new things and choose to always watch something I have seen on multiple occasions. It might be a comfort thing I am not sure. It's not a bad thing I don't think but I do wonder if it is something more than that and I have held back on other things.

Am I alone?
I feel like after a certain point, an epoch has ended. I know objectively, it's not just me, because there is a copious amount of proof..

At least for one: all the reboots and comic book movies, and Star Wars going down the shi*ter.

I do believe good films are probably still being made: just, not as many perhaps. The same goes for shows.

Real dialogue, good plots, good flow, character development... I think a lot has been lost. You can see it in music too. Compare to when the Beatles were topping the charts way back when, and compare that too what's topping the charts now.

Unfortunately, that's all a bit pessimistic, and it is also common, that, as we age, we begin to do that sort of thinking: "It was better back then!" and then shake our fist.

A lot of things were better, 'back then,' though. People used to be able to repair their gadgets. You could go to down to radio shack and buy some parts and build stuff, rather than this 'throw away,' culture that forces you to buy a new phone every two years, if you own a computer phone.

A lot of things were worse back then though too.

As for me? Is it an external thing, or an internal thing that keeps me sticking to the same old shows? A bit of both, I think. I know others though who, for example won't watch new anime, because it just isn't the same. And I don't even consider myself anywhere near old. And I know older folks, who totally have no problem being hip to the new jives of the day.

I think it's a bit of both, and it's circumstantial.

You're not alone. I'm rewatching stuff. I never used to do that. If I watched a show, that was it, never going to watch it again. And I remain like that for most shows. I rewatch star trek though, and star wars, if I can't find anything else to watch. I used to be able to rewatch certain movies over and over, but, I don't watch movies much anymore, though I miss it.
I've always done a combination of both new and old. I'll watch something I've seen a million times, but I'll switch it up with a new show I haven't seen. Some of those shows are stupid and I only watch an episode or two, but I usually try to get older shows that I can binge watch. With older shows, I can get a sense of whether or not it's good. I won't get angry that they cancel the show after one season, etc etc etc.
I mostly watch older stuff for two reasons:

#1. I get sick of looking through movies and shows, trying to settle on something to watch. I find with streaming services these days, there's almost too much to pick from. I find it overwhelming after a while - which brings me to my next point.
#2. Comfort value and nostalgia. I tend to settle on something familiar because I know I'll like it and enjoy watching it, and like I said above, I get overwhelmed with the sheer volume of choice out there. Nostalgia plays into this big time too, as there are generally happy feelings associated with the older shows I rewatch - right now I'm rewatching Seinfeld episodes for the zillionth time. It's funny, makes me laugh and it's not heavy subject matter, but still entertaining. :) I also find that many of the shows they produce these days simply aren't funny - at least in the comedy genre. Maybe I'm from a different generation, but I don't get today's 'comedy'. I find a lot of shows aren't worth watching.
yup, cause i don't find many new shows that good, rather recycled versions of ideas that were successful in old ones and also cause the good ones take forever for a new season to launch. so i rewatch a lot of old shows like criminal minds, supernatural, the bureau of legends (french), the derry girls. yeah comfier rewatching old ones, but still give new ones a chance.
I do find it hard to watch new shows but occasionally i will find something good, but mostly i think i watch shows from times when i was happy and life was going better.

I do the same with computer games, i remember playing them back years ago and for a little while it reminds me of happier times where my life felt like full of possibility's.

Also i think most modern shows are not very good, we seem to be in a cultural dark age at the moment. There is the occasional gem though.

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