I'm aware that movies/romance novels/ryan gossling has tainted the minds of many women alike. Love isn't always how it looks on a movie screen or in a Nicholas Sparks novel. Despite knowing this, and spending the majority of my time as a cynic, I still wonder if true love is really out there.
So many people fall in love and think they've found, "the one". Then a few months/years later it all falls apart. I watched My Week With Mariyln the other day, and a line that was said really stuck with me. The guy in the film told her that maybe she just hasn't found the right guy yet. She replies by saying, "They all look right from the start."
That hits home so hard for me. I'm in a relationship now, and I have been in two other serious ones in the past. Each and every time I find myself in states of bliss where I am so sure with every part of me that he is "the one". I fantisize about spending the rest of my life with him. Each time it has fallen apart, and even in my current realtionship now I'm starting to see little cracks that are breaking up my illusion of us as the perfect couple. Sometimes I even think that I could probably be with anyone. These guys that come into my life get there by chance only. Does anything make them special or could I really just be with anyone if I tried hard enough?
Even worse, I miss my exes so much, and have starting fearing ever losing touch with my current boyfriend if we ever end things. It's just not fair to me. Maybe I'm just totally flawed, but while I understand the problems with monogamy, I can't wrap my mind around losing touch with an ex. When you give so much to one person, they become your best friend. Every single say I think about my ex-boyfriends and how I wish so badly we still talked.
Relationships are so messy and leave my heart torn to pieces, but each time I risk it again in the hopes something will turn out differently. Maybe I'm doing it because a small part of me still believes in the fairy tale.
Does anyone still believe in true love?
So many people fall in love and think they've found, "the one". Then a few months/years later it all falls apart. I watched My Week With Mariyln the other day, and a line that was said really stuck with me. The guy in the film told her that maybe she just hasn't found the right guy yet. She replies by saying, "They all look right from the start."
That hits home so hard for me. I'm in a relationship now, and I have been in two other serious ones in the past. Each and every time I find myself in states of bliss where I am so sure with every part of me that he is "the one". I fantisize about spending the rest of my life with him. Each time it has fallen apart, and even in my current realtionship now I'm starting to see little cracks that are breaking up my illusion of us as the perfect couple. Sometimes I even think that I could probably be with anyone. These guys that come into my life get there by chance only. Does anything make them special or could I really just be with anyone if I tried hard enough?
Even worse, I miss my exes so much, and have starting fearing ever losing touch with my current boyfriend if we ever end things. It's just not fair to me. Maybe I'm just totally flawed, but while I understand the problems with monogamy, I can't wrap my mind around losing touch with an ex. When you give so much to one person, they become your best friend. Every single say I think about my ex-boyfriends and how I wish so badly we still talked.
Relationships are so messy and leave my heart torn to pieces, but each time I risk it again in the hopes something will turn out differently. Maybe I'm doing it because a small part of me still believes in the fairy tale.
Does anyone still believe in true love?